I Secretly Got Married To a Super Boss

Chapter 2415: Chapter 2417 Did Shen do this on purpose?

  Chapter 2415 Chapter 2417 Did Shen do this on purpose?

Mo Yesi raised his lips and whispered a few words into her ear.

Qiao Mianmian's eyes suddenly opened wide, she raised her head and looked at him in surprise.

 “Are you kidding me?”

Mo Yesi looked at her with his dark and deep eyes: "It's not a joke. Honey, I'm serious. This is the most useful method I think."

"Of course, there is no other way. Unless it is a last resort, there is certainly no need to do this."

“I think it doesn’t matter what the process is like, as long as the result is good.”

"You told me this and asked me to help you find a way. Don't you just want to see them get together in the end?"

 “Yes, but...”

"So." Mo Yesi gently stroked her fair cheek, and gently scraped the delicate skin on her face with his long, jade-like fingers, "I think it's feasible. If you think about eldest brother and Jiang Luoli, they are almost the same. "

 Qiao Mianmian said nothing.

All right.

 She had to admit that there was some truth in what Mo Yesi said.

 And his method is indeed more effective.

 The reason why she felt it was not appropriate was because she felt that it would wrong the woman.

 But if Shen Xin is willing, there seems to be no problem.

"Okay, I don't think you need to worry about this matter now. Isn't it still early?" The fingers on her cheek slowly slid to her ears, and gently pinched her small earlobe, "They all They are still young, and for them, academics are the most important thing now.”

“Even if we can get to the day when we can start a family, it will still take several years.”

"In the past few years, they have not been in the same place. Time is the best thing that can dilute feelings."

“So it’s not certain whether they can really get together. It’s not necessary for you to prepare for a rainy day so early.”

After hearing what Mo Yesi said, Qiao Mianmian felt that she had worried too early.

 Qiao Chen is only eighteen years old now.

 There are still four years left before the legal age for marriage.

In the past four years, he and Shen Xin went to college in different places.

  Mo Yesi just said it right, time is the best thing that can dilute feelings.

Most long-distance relationships don’t end well in the end.

 She seemed like there was really no need to worry too much.

 “Okay, then I don’t want to think about these things.”


 After Qiao Chen successfully completed the operation, Qiao Mianmian became busy again in the following period.

Mo's jewelry store officially announced that their company's jewelry spokesperson for the next season will be Qiao Mianmian.

This official announcement was posted on Weibo, and netizens commented one after another.

"Hahaha, the spokesperson for Mo's jewelry for the next season will be Qiao Mianmian? Is this because the wealth does not go to outsiders? I want to know how much endorsement fee Mr. Mo offers his fiancée, or is Qiao Mianmian giving it to his fiance for free? Jewelry endorsement?”

"Wow. Mianmian's look is so pretty and fairy-like. Mo's jewelry has always been simple and elegant, and Mianmian's temperament fits it perfectly. I don't think it's okay to endorse jewelry from my fiancé's company. Of course I have good resources. Give it to your own people. Besides, with our current popularity and status, she can afford to give her this endorsement."

"Shen's jewelry store has just announced the spokesperson for the new season, and it is actually Xiao Xiao. I remember that Xiao Xiao and Qiao Mianmian had a feud, right? Is this intentional by Shen? At the same time, he posted on Weibo's official blog, But it’s Xiao Xiao who is chosen as the spokesperson.”

 (End of this chapter)

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