I seized the Demon Emperor

Chapter 48 48. Cheating (Please recommend! Please collect!)

Ying Qingqing's glory disappeared.

She opened her eyes and said, "Why are you gentlemen so shocked?"

The sixth prince Li Tai's face twitched.

It is known to the whole world that the disciples of the Sword Emperor's sect all studied the Heavenly Sword Book under his guidance, and each created their own unique swordsmanship. No one passed down the Haotian Divine Sword.

Therefore, those who knew about it, including the five brothers Shi Jing and Nie Hua, were all curious about why Ying Qingqing knew the Sword Emperor's unique skill.

Unfortunately, the Sword Emperor is not here right now, and Ying Qingqing himself has lost his memory, so there is still no answer.

At the moment, Ying Qingqing took the initiative to cultivate the Haotian Divine Sword and dispelled it for herself.

Although the sixth prince Li Tai was deep in thought, he also lost his composure in an instant.

However, just for a moment, his expression returned to normal.

There are only two people in the vast land of China who are proficient in the Haotian Divine Sword. Needless to say, the Sword Emperor, Ying Qingqing directly spreads his skills.

As a result, if the Demon Emperor wanted to use the Haotian Sword Qi to heal his wounds, his plan was doomed to fail.

Regardless, this is good news.

Li Tai looked up to the sky and laughed: "Miss Qingqing has sacrificed too much."

"Since it has become a shackle that binds me, why don't we just cut it off instead of sacrificing it?" Ying Qingqing shook her head: "Apart from the Haotian Divine Sword, I still have other martial arts and a little bit of skill. Although my strength has declined, But in most cases, you can protect yourself.”

It is self-explanatory as to what the few special cases outside the majority of cases are.

Li Tai said without changing his expression: "Miss Qingqing, you are too impulsive, there is no need to make such a fuss.

Although I have a suggestion of a frightening pill, it doesn’t matter if the antidote is given directly to you.

I don't dare to really hurt the guests of Jiange. All arrangements are just to deal with the Demon Emperor.

Miss Qingqing, you have a kind heart and care about all the people in the world. You probably don’t want the demon sect to bloodbath China and cause the world to suffer, right?

You say that the Demon Emperor is kind to you, but how can personal grudges compare to the welfare of the common people? "

"I believe what Your Highness said." Ying Qingqing nodded.

Not to mention that Li Tai hopes to win over Jiange to help him fight for the throne.

Even if this didn't happen, he would not offend Jiange.

"I believe that the two gentlemen and His Highness the Sixth Prince have no intention of hurting me, but instead of worrying about me helping Master Chen, wouldn't it be settled now?" Ying Qingqing said.

Li Tai said cheerfully: "But Miss Qingqing, your move may offend the Demon Emperor, and Mr. Fourth will be in trouble."

Ying Qingqing looked at Shi Jing and Nie Hua who were silent on the side: "When I was in Jiange, thanks to the care of several gentlemen, the fourth gentleman was cold-faced and warm-hearted, and valued justice over life. I admire him very much. I am still willing to go to Master Chen's place. I hope Can persuade him to show mercy."

When the sixth prince Li Tai heard this, he smiled but said nothing.

He didn't comment on what would happen to Chen Luoyang.

But if he, Li Tai, were in the position of the leader of the Demon Cult, Ying Qingqing would be worthless without the Haotian Divine Sword.

There are many beauties in the world.

However, the relationship between Ying Qingqing and Jiange is still very concerning.

Maybe her value as a person is not only reflected in the Haotian Divine Sword... Li Tai thought in his mind.

"It's because we and others have made things difficult for others and were rude in the first place. Miss Ying is still willing to help. My senior brother is very grateful."

Nie Hua looked ashamed and said solemnly: "Of course we hope to rescue the fourth junior brother, but the overall situation is more important. If the Demon Emperor is allowed to receive the Haotian Sword Qi for healing because of saving people, it would be better not to save him!

Mr. Nie admired Miss Ying for her clear ambition, but at the same time she felt guilty. Now she really didn't dare to ask Miss Ying to go deep into the tiger's den and take risks.

You must know that without the Haotian Divine Sword, if you plead for the fourth junior brother again, it will easily anger the big devil, and even you will be in danger. "

"Perhaps, it's not an opportunity, it's even better than the Sixth Prince's Shocking Pill idea." Shi Jing suddenly said at this time.

He looked at Ying Qingqing and said, "I just need to ask Miss Ying to cooperate on one thing to ensure your safety."

Ying Qingqing looked at him calmly.

Shi Jing continued: "When facing the Demon Emperor, Miss Ying, please remember not to say that it was you who lost your strength. Just say that it was my senior brother who did it, and there is a way to recover."

Ying Qingqing frowned slightly.

Li Tai then put his hands on his hands and smiled and said: "What Mr. Wu said is true. You can still use the previous methods. You just need to replace the poisoning with San Gong."

Shi Jing said: "At that time, instead of having your people explain the situation to His Highness Sixth Prince, Miss Ying can just acquiesce."

Ying Qingqing asked: "Are you sure this method is feasible?"

"According to his past behavior, the Demon Emperor is arrogant and has always been domineering. He will never tolerate us, the insignificant little kings of martial arts, playing tricks with him in his eyes." Nie Hua said: "The fourth junior brother alone is no longer enough to bear him. His anger needs to be wiped out by us all to let him out of his chest, but this is our chance to divert the tiger away from the mountain. "

"This is also the time when Fourth Senior Brother is most in danger." Shi Jing said softly: "We need a glimmer of hope to hold back the Demon Emperor's sanity so that he will not commit murder on the spot. The most likely result is to seriously injure Fourth Senior Brother and then arrest him. If we stay together and clean it up together, the fourth brother may suffer some hardships or even encounter accidents... But the Demon King is powerful and we are unable to defeat him. This may be the only chance to bring you all back."

Ying Qingqing asked: "Us?"

Shi Jing nodded: "I understand Miss Ying's intentions. We were ashamed of you for restricting your freedom before, but at least this time, I can't watch myself sending you into the devil's cave with my own hands, and I will definitely rescue you back.

Even if you still plan to return to the Demon Sect, we will never interfere.

Besides, this trip may allow you to see the true face of the Demon Emperor. "

"I understand." Ying Qingqing nodded slightly.

The sixth prince Li Tai smiled and said: "Then Miss Qingqing, go to bed early."


In the palace on the top of the mountain, Chen Luoyang was immersed in his mind and communicated with the black pot.

He carefully read the lines of blood words that appeared above the mouth of the pot.

There were several densely packed articles.

Chen Luoyang thought that he had chosen the right person.

The amount of blood-red nectar in the black pot was limited.

He could only choose one target.

For this person, he finally chose the young disciple of the Sword Emperor, Huijian Shijing.

Although Nie Hua was the third disciple of the Sword Emperor, judging from his previous performance, he relied on experience and quick wit to respond to situations most of the time.

According to the news circulating in the vast land of Shenzhou, the youngest of the five heroes of the Sword Pavilion, Mr. Wu Shijing, was The man who gave advice to his fellow disciples when they were out walking.

This time, he was most likely the connecting point between the different groups on the opposite side.

Chen Luoyang quietly read his life experience.

He could only see what Shi Jing had done and who he had met.

He could not know his thoughts, the specific steps of his plan, and the content of his conversations with others.

However, through these contents, Chen Luoyang has been able to summarize a lot of valuable information.

Am I too shameless?

This is cheating.


It's fun to keep cheating...

Chen Luoyang was thinking wildly while reading.

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