I Sell Devil Fruits At American Comics

Chapter 128 Nick Fury Cracked: S.H.I.E.L.D Has Hydra Undercover!


Darkness enveloped the land, causing the entire city to fall into a deep sleep. Except for a few occasions that were open at night, there was no more hustle and bustle.

The same goes for the Claus Technology Building.

Except for some security personnel on night shifts, the thousands of workers who went in and out of offices on various floors on weekdays have long since disappeared.

However, there were more than double the number of security personnel than usual.

There is no other reason. After the Hornets battle suit was stolen, Darren Krause has realized that his usual confident security system is not enough.

Hank Pym and the others can sneak in once, and they can sneak in a second time!

Although the Hornets battle suit is gone, Darren Krause will not allow such a thing to happen a second time.

He does not allow such loopholes!

"Everyone's eyes are wide open to me, don't allow any slack! Even if a fly flies in, I want you to report it as soon as possible!"

"In addition, the patrol personnel must report the situation to me after each shift!"

"Boss is already angry, I won't allow any more mistakes, understand!"

Inside the central control, the security supervisor held a walkie-talkie and gave deep instructions to all the security personnel on duty.


The security director nodded, and then put down the walkie-talkie.

Then, without blinking, he stared at the surveillance screen in front of him.

Definitely, there are already six people in the central control room doing this, and it is not necessary for the security director to do such a small matter in person.

But there is no way.

Now that Darren Krauss is in a very bad state, the security director dare not relax in the slightest!



But at this moment, a few "cans" were thrown in from somewhere.

Chi Chi Chi!

Then, a large amount of yellow smoke was ejected from the can.

"Cough cough cough!"

"Cough cough cough!"

Coughing sounded one after another, and all the security personnel felt their throats burning, as if they had been corroded by drinking sulfuric acid.

Not only that, but their eyes were crying crazily, which was also painful.

This is only secondary, and more importantly, there are very obvious red spots on their bodies, which are very painful!

"not good!"

"It's poisonous gas!"

Everyone was taken aback.

At this moment, they couldn't care less about other things, and they rushed out immediately.



But this kind of metal collision sound kept ringing one after another. The person behind the scenes seemed to come and go without a trace. Ghost, almost without disturbing anyone, threw the "gas canister" full. the whole building.

The entire Klaus technology, in just a few minutes, has been completely filled with this poisonous gas.

Cough cough cough!

Cough cough cough!

Amidst the painful coughing, everyone in Clausco rushed out of the Claus Technology Building as fast as they could.

That is poisonous gas, who is not afraid?

that's all.

It went very smoothly, and the entire building was emptied just like that.


Not long after the building was emptied, there was a thunderous explosion.

The terrifying Shockwave spread instantly, covering the entire Klaus Technology Building.

Even the ground trembled from the impact, as if an earthquake was coming.

But then something weird happened.

After the terrible explosion, an inexplicable "suction force" suddenly burst out from inside the Klaus Technology Building, like an invisible black hole, devouring everything around it.

Just like that, the entire Claus Technology Building was swallowed up.

Devoured cleanly.

In the blink of an eye, the originally majestic and majestic Klaus Technology Building completely disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

The security personnel of Klausko who had withdrawn from around were all dumbfounded, as if they had seen a ghost.

Staring blankly at the scene in front of him, he couldn't believe it at all.

Klaus technology was actually wiped from the ground by human beings!

And at this time, the various uncomfortable symptoms that they thought they had been poisoned quickly disappeared.

Why can't everyone understand?

That's not poisonous gas at all!

Someone is deliberately driving them away, and the purpose is to erase Klaus technology!

Ruthless, it is too ruthless!

What the hell did Darren Cross offend?

"Hank, get it done!"

Among the crowd, a "hornet" flew out with fluttering wings, without attracting anyone's attention.

She looked at the empty ground, and said to Hank Pym very satisfied.

"I saw it, Hope, retreat!"

Hank Pym's voice immediately sounded in the communication channel.


"Huang Feng" continued to fly away with fluttering wings and disappeared into the night sky.

That's right.

This is Hank Pym and Hope's plan to destroy everything Darren Cross!

The reason why Darren Krause has so much energy is because of the huge value it originally possessed, which is the core and root of everything.

And what if Hank Pym destroys it all?

Now with the operation of Hank Pym, those world-leading laboratories in Claus Technology, those various research results, everything that Darren Claus has worked hard for so many years...

All burned.

Darren Cross would be a worthless person!

So who cares about Darren Krause?

Hank Pym put it in prison, who will lend a helping hand?


Three Curved Wing Building.


Three "agent cars" stopped in the parking lot domineeringly.

The car door opened, and a team of heavily armed agents got out of the car one after another.

"Okay, the task has been completed, everyone disbanded in place!"

Rumlow, captain of the Quick Reaction Force, better known as Crossbones, spoke to his team.

The team members looked relieved, then greeted Crossbones, talked and laughed and left.

"Rumlow, want a drink at the bar tonight?"

A very tough-looking man with a back comb, who looks familiar to Crossbones, extended an invitation to Crossbones.

"No, I have other plans for the evening."

Crossbones shook his head, refusing.

"Well, what a boring guy." The man shook his head and complained helplessly.

But after saying this, the man suddenly turned his face straight, and uttered this sentence from his mouth facing Crossbones: "HYDRA Hail!"

"HYDRA Hail!"

Crossbones also responded sternly.

The two sides nodded each other and separated.

"HYDRA Hail?"

"They actually belong to HYDRA!"

In the director's office, Lu Dan was stunned, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

A while ago, after Bitten accidentally discovered something wrong with Crossbones, he used his Ability to monitor Crossbones.

For a suspicious person like Braised Egg, after discovering obvious doubts, it is naturally impossible to ignore them.

I have to say that this Ability is really against the sky. People don’t have to do anything while sitting in the office. They just need to make a slightly shameful gesture, and they can perfectly read other people’s inner thoughts.

It is simply an artifact used to monitor others.

What Crossbones did these days, who they met, and even what they said, were all under the control of the marinated egg.

However, the marinated egg has not received any useful information all the time, but it is true that Crossbones has no awe for S.H.I.E.L.D.

This also makes Braised Egg more certain that there is a problem with Crossbones.

But even so, Bitten couldn't believe that Crossbones would be from HYDRA!

What a joke!

Braised Egg really felt that his whole body was about to split apart.

HYDRA has been eradicated long ago, it doesn't exist anymore!

Before actually reading the words "HYDRA Hail" in Crossbones' heart, Braised Egg actually had various guesses.

But no matter how he guessed, he never guessed that there would be such an answer.

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