I Sell Devil Fruits At American Comics

021 Bruce Banner's Hope

The personal relationship between Helen Zhao and Bruce Banner is actually quite good. Even Helen Zhao asked Bruce Banner a lot of academic questions when she was researching the cradle of regeneration.

After all, Bruce Banner is a leading expert in the entire field of organic biology.

Definitely, Bruce Banner has a total of eight doctorates. He is not only an expert in organic biology, but also an expert in seven other fields.

What a hanging word.

Helen Zhao is very arrogant, this is also a common problem of some top genius scientists, she doesn't even think much of Tony Stark, but she is convinced by Bruce Banner from the bottom of her heart.

In Zhao Hailun's view, Bruce Banner is much stronger than Tony Stark.

What's more difficult is that Bruce Banner is also very humble and polite, and his quality is very high. He is exactly the perfect image of a scientist in Zhao Hailun's mind.

It's just that for some unknown reason, seven months ago, Bruce Banner suddenly started disappearing.

He no longer attended any activities in the circle, no longer contacted anyone, Helen Zhao inquired, and Bruce Banner didn't even go to work!

Helen Zhao also asked Bruce Banner's fiancée, Betty Ross, about Bruce, but even Betty didn't know where Bruce Banner had gone.

This made Helen Zhao very worried.

Definitely, it's purely the kind of worry among friends.

Helen Zhao also contacted Bruce Banner during the period, but never got in touch.

However, three months ago, Bruce Banner contacted Helen Zhao through some anonymous emails, and asked Helen Zhao some questions about the genetic repair of nanobiology.

He also asked Zhao Hailun whether the improved cradle of regeneration can achieve genetic repair.

Although the situation is still not completely clear, but Helen Zhao is not clear, Bruce Banner must be sick.

And it's a very rare genetic disease.

In the past, Zhao Hailun was really helpless. The regeneration cradle is still just a prototype, and it can only affect the cell level.

It's simply not possible at the genetic level.

She can't help Bruce Banner at all.

But now...

But it is completely different!



Hearing the busy voice in the receiver, Zhao Hailun couldn't help praying in her heart.

Bruce, answer the phone!

Answer the phone!

This time I may be able to help you!

"Sorry, the number you dialed is temporarily unanswered, please try again later..."

But as always, there was no way to get through the phone.

Helen Zhao shook her head helplessly, so she had no choice but to put away her phone, turn on her computer, and send an email to Bruce Banner.

"Bruce, I have now mastered a new Ability. It is not easy to explain the specifics, but I can now solve some difficult problems that are beyond the scope of conventional medicine."

"If it's convenient for you, contact me!"




In a very dirty and cramped rental house, Bruce Banner was clapping his hands on the keyboard quickly.

On his computer screen, some very esoteric and obscure papers flashed across, and they were in German, which only a top student like Bruce Banner could understand.

But suddenly.

Email alerts arrive.

Helen Zhao called Bruce Banner or something, but Bruce Banner never received it.

Because he didn't use that number a long time ago, and threw away his mobile phone a long time ago!

Who told the old man to chase him so closely?

Bruce Banner had long since abandoned his previous identity, and the person who could still send him an email at this time must be someone he had secretly contacted before.

So Bruce Banner didn't have any hesitation, and immediately clicked on the email, and his spirit couldn't help but lift up.

Dr. Zhao has made a breakthrough!

Bruce Banner knows Helen Zhao, she is not the kind of pompous and fake scholar, but a very pragmatic genius with real materials.

Since the other party said that, it means that the other party has considerable confidence!

Bruce Banner was instantly moved.

But Bruce Banner did not dare to reply to the email easily, because he knew that any trace would be caught by the old man.

He needs to see Zhao Hailun, but not now!


"Bruce, please!"

After Zhao Hailun sent the email, she waited eagerly in front of the computer, hoping to get a reply from the other party.

However, five minutes passed, ten minutes passed, there was silence on the computer screen, and there was no response.

Zhao Hailun could only shake her head, got up and left.

I hope this time it will not be the same as the previous few times. After sending it out, it will disappear and there will be no news, right?

"I'm sorry sir, Dr. Zhao is inconvenient now, you can't go in."

"Sir, you are trespassing on other people's territory, which is against the law!"

"Sir, if you do this again, I will call security!"

At this moment, there was a commotion in the hall outside, but he saw his little assistant desperately stopping a man wearing glasses and looking gentle.

"Sorry, I'm so sorry, but I really have something very urgent."

"I apologize for the inconvenience caused to you, but if it is not impossible, I will not take the liberty to bother."

The man also looked very polite, and he wasn't some rogue villain or doctor troublemaker in Zhao Hailun's subconscious imagination.

Looks like a man of culture.

Maybe, there is really something urgent.

"Jennifer, it's okay, leave it to me here."

Zhao Hailun walked out, called her assistant down, and came in front of that gentle man.

"Dr. Zhao, I'm sorry to appear in front of you in such a way, but my boss really needs your help with something very urgent."

"Please forgive me for disturbing you!"

The gentle man apologized to Hailun Zhao humbly.


It was only then that Helen Zhao realized that there was another bald man with an exaggerated build, who looked like a titan, standing at the door.

Zhao Hailun couldn't help being stunned for a moment, she had never seen such a huge person before.

Even Zhao Hailun had an illusion that that person would trample on his building and collapse it.

"Dr. Zhao, I'm Wilson Faith. I take the liberty to disturb you. It's really something I have to do."

Jin Bin also spoke politely, in stark contrast to his rogue-like appearance, "I'm very sorry for offending you!"

"Mr. Faith, please come in and speak."

Zhao Hailun also saw that Jin Bing was indeed in a hurry, so he invited the two of them into the reception room without further delay.

"Dr. Zhao, please forgive my rudeness, but the emergency makes me have to save those greetings and pleasantries. My fiancée is ill and it is very urgent. I need your help!"

"I did some research and found that Dr. Zhao, you have created many miracles in the past half a month. I think that if anyone can save her, it is only you."

Jin Bin said to Zhao Hailun very anxiously.

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