I Sell Devil Fruits At American Comics

Chapter 233 Black Panther T'challa Comes To Buy Fruits

Devil Fruit House.

"Manager, this is thirty kilograms of gold, please count it."

"No need, Mr. Smith, this is the mole fruit you want, please keep it."

"Thank you manager!"

The middle-aged man in front of him took the mole fruit from Luo Xia's hand with great joy, and couldn't wait to bite it down.

Feeling his state at the moment, the feeling of strength all over his body, and the full mental state of Awakening made Smith feel very satisfied.

Although the mole is not that good on the table, and the mole's hole-drilling skills are quite weak, but Smith is an ordinary rich man, and people don't have so many requirements.

In Smith's view, the mole fruit can greatly improve his physical fitness, as if he was 20 years younger, which is already worth the money.

"It's incredible!"

Smith let out such exclamations one after another, full of praise.

After a few more polite words, Smith greeted Luo Xia and left the Devil Fruit House.

"Yes, another order has been completed."

Luo Xia is quite satisfied with this.

Since the explosion of devil fruit, the business can be said to be getting better and better.

"Boss, the company is packed, do you want to come over and have a look?"

As soon as Smith was sent away, her housekeeper Yin Lisabeth contacted Luo Xia and told Luo Xia the good news.

Luo Xia was very excited about this.

The store in the most central part of Manhattan, oh, now it is not called a store so low, but a company, so how can this small place be compared?

Anyway, I don't have to worry about business now, even if it's really okay to delay one or two orders, Luo Xia can't hold back anymore.

"By the way, boss, Mr. Stark is also here."

Yin Lisabeth added another sentence for Luo Xia.

The Shi Stark building is also in the heart of Manhattan, not far from Luo Xia's company, so Tony Shi Stark will go there every now and then to check out his presence after he knows that Luo Xia is renovating a new store.

Luo Xia is no stranger to this.

"Shop Manager, the overall decoration of your company is pretty good, but there is one thing that I think can be improved a bit, that is, it is a bit too conservative."

At this time, Tony Stark's voice came from the receiver, and it was obvious that the other party had taken the call from Yin Lisabeth.

However, Luo Xia still has reservations about Tony Stark's opinion, that guy is a bit too ostentatious.

"Yin Lisabeth, I'll go and have a look now."

After chatting with Tony Stark for a few words, the other party returned the phone to Yin Lisabeth, and Luo Xia said to Yin Lisabeth.

In any case, it was his own company, and Luo Xia couldn't wait.

He greeted his clerk and asked him to receive some customers on his behalf. Luo Xia didn't have any nonsense, walked to the door, and suddenly turned into a ray of light and disappeared.

The people who came and went around saw this scene, and they were already familiar with it, they just looked at Luo Xia with envious eyes, that's all.


next moment.

The golden light hit the 23rd floor of the Vanderbilt Building, and this entire floor has been covered by Luo Xia.

His figure appeared immediately.


Seeing this, Yin Lisabai, who had been waiting at the door for a long time, immediately greeted her respectfully.

"Everyone says I'm high-profile and showy, and I think they should see you before saying that."

Tony Stark also walked over with an angry expression on his face.

Unless there is something wrong, when he usually travels, he will not summon the armor to fly.

Luo Xia greeted Tony Shi Stark, and the two chatted and smiled as they visited their new store.

It has to be said that Luo Xia is still very satisfied with this. The division of various areas inside, the decoration style, etc., are very much in line with Luo Xia's wishes.

"The manpower has also been recruited, and they can be ready at any time. If you want to, boss, you can move in a few days."

While showing Luo Xia around, Yin Lishabai generally introduced some relevant information to Luo Xia.

What else is there to say?

Luo Xia didn't have any nonsense, and immediately started a series of relocation.

In fact, it is a relocation. For Luo Xia, it means changing his office, that's all. He just needs to bring his devil fruit and "check in with his bag".

It's just that there are other ritual things, which are more troublesome.

People from the military, political circles, and other classes all came, making it a grand occasion.

After tossing back and forth for almost a week, it finally stopped.

Luo Xia was able to sit safely in her new office and continue selling fruit.

"Mr. T'Challa, the store manager is inside, please come in!"

A voice caught Luo Xia's attention, and he saw the clerk leading a black man into his office.

Luo Xia glanced up, and found that the person who came was indeed the familiar face in his memory.

He didn't expect that the first customer he received after moving to the new store was actually Black Panther T'Challa.

"Hello store manager!"

"Hi T'Challa."

Both parties greeted each other politely, and then Luo Xia called T'Challa to sit down.

"Shop Manager Luo Xia, the devil fruit launched by your store is really eye-opening, I have never seen such a magical thing."

T'Challa is also not stingy about his praise of devil fruit.

And unlike most people like Doctor Strange, T'Challa didn't have any doubts about the devil fruit at the moment, but believed it completely.

Even T'Challa came straight with gold.

After all, T'Challa's status is unusual. He holds a high position in Wakanda and possesses extremely huge energy.

Before he really decided to come to the Devil Fruit House, he had already gone through a detailed investigation.

So you can be sure that devil fruits are real.

"It seems that Mr. T'Challa has a certain understanding of devil fruits, so I wonder if Mr. T'Challa has any favorite fruit?"

Although Luo Xia sounded suspicious, she still had a guess in her heart about which fruit T'Challa would choose.

After all, Black Panther is the totem of Wakanda, and even the goddess Black Panther really exists, and now T'Challa has inherited the title of Black Panther.

So no matter how you look at it, it is most likely that he will choose the form of the animal cat cat fruit · leopard.


This is just Luo Xia's guess. What fruit T'Challa will choose is ultimately his own decision.

"Shop Manager, there is a fruit that I think is destined to belong to me." T'Challa laughed at this moment.

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