I Sell Devil Fruits At American Comics

090 I, The Laser Man Who Ate The Laser Fruit

The first one to go online was Deadpool, the king of water groups for thousands of years.

Wade Wilson: "Xunhuan Li? Wow, it seems that this is a friend from Huaxia, just like the store manager! Xunhuan? I think new friends should be able to chat with me, because I can talk to you in this regard. Very good advice given."

Wade Wilson: "Forget it, let's not mention this point, but brother Xun Huan, since you are from China, I am very interested. Do all of you Chinese people know kung fu? Like Bruce Lee's kung fu!"

Vanessa: "Mr. Li, hello, I'm Vanessa, you are very welcome to join, and by the way, the one upstairs who talks a lot is my husband."

Hailun Zhao: "Welcome Mr. Li Xunhuan to join. I don't know which country Mr. Li is from? I am Zhao Hailun from Bang Country."

Li Xunhuan: "Thank you for your enthusiasm. Wade is right. I am indeed from China, but I don't know kung fu."

Charles Xavier: "Huaxia is a country with a long history and profound cultural heritage. Mr. Li, you are welcome to join. I am Charles Xavier, and I am a teacher."

Michael Morbius: "Charles is humble. In fact, he is a well-known authoritative expert in genetic variation. Hello, Mr. Li, I am Michael Morbius. You can call me Michael or Morbius. "

Charles Xavier: "Dr. Morbius is being modest, and by the way, Dr. Morbius is an outstanding scientist who won the Nobel Prize!"

Wade Wilson: "And me! Mr. Li, I just realized that I forgot to introduce myself just now? Actually, I am also a scientist, and I am one of the few experts in the field of human death!"

Wade Wilson: "Shot in the head, smashed into a hornet's nest by random guns, thrown from a high place and smashed into meat, blown to pieces by bombs, burned to death by fire, and smashed to death with an ax... …I can tell you which is the most painful way to die, and which is the most poetic way to die..."

Vanessa: "Wade, shut up!"

Vanessa: "I'm sorry, Mr. Li, Wade's brain is a bit abnormal, so don't take it too seriously."

Li Xunhuan: "It's okay, I've seen people with even more abnormal brains."

Li Xunhuan: "In addition, everyone, I just came to New York from Huaxia. I am not familiar with the place. I hope everyone will take care of me in the future."

Li Xunhuan: "By the way, I am a laser man who ate the laser fruit. If you need anything about me, please feel free to let me know!"

Definitely, the laser fruit and so on are all random nonsense by Luo Xia, the purpose is just to increase the weight of her trumpet, Li Xunhuan, that's all.

After all, the laser fruit, it sounds like a very remarkable fruit.

Looking at all the devil fruits sold in the group and comparing them, the potential of this fruit is very, very huge amounts of.


As soon as Luo Xia burst out her own fruits, scientists like Zhao Hailun, Professor X, and Mobias were all right, but like Deadpool, and Jin Bing, who didn't talk much, all of a sudden paid close attention to Li Xunhuan.

In their eyes, Li Xun Huan's value suddenly increased.

Wade Wilson: "Wow! Laser fruit! Pleasure Lee, is it the kind that shoots lasers out of the eyes? Like Cyclops in X-Men?"

Li Xunhuan: "Not only that, besides the eyes, I can also shoot lasers from any other part of the body."

Li Xunhuan: "If anyone in the group needs my Ability, please let me know at any time, I am happy to contribute to this big family."

Vanessa: "Cool! This is so cool!"

Vanessa: "Wait a minute, laser man? Isn't the manager the Shining man who ate the Shining fruit? Li Xunhuan, your fruit is very similar to the manager's fruit!"

Can they be similar? They are exactly the same thing.

It's just that Luo Xia changed the usage a little bit, changing the emission of photon bullets to emission of photon rays, and it's over.

In addition, pay attention to changing the frequency of photons, that is to say, changing the color of photons, you can realize the gorgeous camouflage from flash man to laser man.

And this laser man wearing Li Xunhuan's vest will be Luo Xia's main vest for dealing with these people in the group in the future.

The store manager: "That's right, Vanessa, the fruit that Li Xunhuan ate is very similar to the fruit that I ate. In fact, the Shining fruit is the superior fruit of the Laser fruit."

Zhao Hailun: "High-ranking fruit? I probably understand what you mean. Manager, laser light is indeed a kind of light wave."

Hope Vanessa: "I'm sorry, I just went online. Is there a newcomer in the group? Welcome! I'm Hope Vanessa! Mr. Li, please give me your advice."

Hope Vanessa: "Wait a minute, laser fruit? Manager, I seem to remember that there doesn't seem to be any laser fruit in the illustrated book, right?"

Charles Xavier: "That's right. When I went to buy the fruit, there was indeed no laser fruit in the illustrated book. Could it be that the illustrated book was updated later?"

Store Manager: "Yes, Professor Xavier, a new laser fruit was added to the store, and it was bought by Li Xunhuan."

Isn't this kind of thing that Luo Xia can make up as he wants?

Anyway, it is impossible for others to know the truth.

Wilson Faith: "Hi Mr. Li, I'm Wilson Faith, welcome to join us!"

Jin Bin, who has been diving all the time, also started to bubble at this time.

Recently, he has been holding back his big moves to prepare to deal with the Hand. Li Xunhuan's appearance can be said to be at the right time, and it will be a useful boost for him.

Wilson Faith: "Did Mr. Li just come to New York? I don't know how to settle in. I have been in New York for many years and I can't say how successful I am, but some small things can still be dealt with."

Wilson Faith: "If Mr. Li needs help, please don't hesitate to ask me."

Luo Xia's eyes couldn't help but light up, what he was waiting for was Jin Bing's words.

Li Xunhuan: "Actually, there is one thing that I want to trouble everyone in the group."

Li Xunhuan: "Last night, I was attacked by a gunman. I want to know the identity of the gunman. I wonder if everyone can help me find out who this person is."

Wilson Faith: "Mr. Li, this matter should be on my shoulders. I don't think anyone is more suitable than me to do this matter."

Jin didn't have any hesitation, so he took over the matter all at once.

As he himself said, in terms of his influence in New York, no one is more suitable than him for finding someone.

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