Xu Feng didn't know about Lin Qingxue's side, and the girls who lived in the city, Xu Feng was not very worried. As long as they are not in the wild and encounter mutant beasts, they will not be very dangerous.

Today is the time when the Adventurers' Union is officially put into operation, although Xu Feng does not have to worry about these things, but the role of this union in the later stage is very large, so he still came to the scene.

The adventurers' union became the former, but the publicity was long and all the survivor bases in the vicinity received the news. When Xu Feng came to the Adventurers Union Building with a mask, there were already many people here.

The feeling of the scene is very lively, like the scene before the end of the world. One by one, the survivors wore their cleanest and most handsome clothes, chatting in pairs and threes in the square.

Some lamented the establishment of unions, while others discussed the rewards that unions said. However, most of it was talking about building an adventure team.

Because the guild can not only post tasks, but also get rewards for completing tasks, and provide a lot of help in the early stage of adventurer establishment.

For example, with the signatures of all members of the adventurers' union, you can receive various weapons, although they are leased, and you need to pay rent later. But for ordinary people, this is already a good help.

"I heard that weapons are divided into many types, what is ordinary, black iron grade, bronze, and it is said that there are silver ones."

"Silver, that's not what we can think, it is said that among so many bases, it seems that there is only the captain of the base who came from Shushan, and Xiao Jun has one in his hand."

"What about the bronze one?"

"The bronze one is not something you can give if you want, then you have to have the relevant mortgage, or the people who can call the shots in the base to guarantee it."

"Alas~, then we can only lease black iron grade or ordinary ones?"

"It is also said that many base bosses are discussing, perhaps first guarantee the adventurer teams in each base, so that they can all get some bronze weapons. However, it seems that there will be some fees, but that is also good.

"I'm focusing on the kind of skill awakening potion now, didn't someone say before that crystal nuclei can also have a chance of awakening?" But in the end, it seems that many people died to come up with a data, only a third of the possibility. "

A third? That's too low, who dares to take that risk.

"Yes, aren't many people who can't live happily doing this?"


In the last days, only with strong strength can you have a better chance to live. Moreover, the most important thing in the last days is desperate people, so when the news that the crystal nucleus can awaken the power, a lot of supernatural people instantly appeared.

But those who understand know how many people died in exchange for these new powers.

Xu Feng kept wandering around the square, listening to their conversation. The best channel for obtaining information is that in places with many people, all kinds of information will be spit out through their small talk.

For example, which captain was kicked out of bed by his little wife today, and which one dueled with people for a girl yesterday. In Xu Feng's opinion, those people are too full to make trouble with others for these things.

If they can't even solve the problem of food and clothing, then will they care about those things? The so-called full of warmth and lust is this truth.

"It seems that the Adventurers' Guild was established at this time, and it is really time."

Various entertainment venues have opened, so these idle people can go out to earn crystal nuclei and then come back to consume. It can not only alleviate the riots caused by too many male survivors, but also drive the gears of the city to turn slowly.

"You know what? I heard that there is also an invitation service, which seems to be the ladies of the Peace Base. "

Oh? What news, let's hear it. "

I heard that it seems that in order to allow the adventurers to proceed in an orderly manner, the adventurers' union proposed the 'strong invitation' service. That is, when there are no supernatural talents in an adventurer, you can invite those strong girls, but they will not participate in the battle of the adventurer team, but only help when the adventurers are in danger. And you also charge half of your daily income, which is half of all the income of the entire adventurer out of town at once. "

Shhh~, half the income? Is this black? "

Black? Remember, people are putting a lock on your life, you don't have a life, why do you want so many crystal nuclei?

"It's also said that in this way, many people who dare not go out of the city can invite those girls." Although half of the income is paid, but safety is the most important?

"But isn't it a disadvantage for them to do this?"

"I don't know about this, maybe people have other ways to get rich."

Xu Feng pouted, will they suffer a loss? The answer is definitely no, the girl who goes out with the adventurer first, although it will not help them fight, but the girl can't use the knife herself to earn crystal nuclei from elsewhere?

The second is to be able to earn half of the team's income, and as the team of adventurers in the later stage gets bigger, their income will get higher and higher.

Even if one day these adventurer teams can be on their own, and they no longer need to invite girls, then the crystal nuclei they get every day are not used to buy things?

Weapons, equipment, or food supplies are only available in the nearby mall. Therefore, the higher the income of the adventurer, the more Xu Feng's income will be, and he still understands the truth of snowballing.

"Is that all the girls an invitation price?"

"Are you thinking about fart eating, can the fifth-order and sixth-order be the same price?"

"That is, I heard that someone is going to invite a sixth-order girl to attack a shopping mall. I heard that there are high-level zombies there, and guess what? "

Say it quickly, hang people's appetites."

"I heard that the sixth-order girl said that you are late, and they have already exploded there, hahaha~

" "Really exploded?"

"Isn't it? The group didn't believe it at first, but then sent someone to take a look, and there was really nothing. "

Lying groove~, it's really fierce, alas, if I want to say, ask a sixth-order girl to attack that kind of mall, is it also half?"

As soon as these words came out, the people around them also gathered around, after all, if this is the case, it is definitely a very good business. After all, to break through a shopping mall, how many materials and crystal nuclei must be obtained.

"Why do you always like to fart? People have a clear distribution method, first of all, look at your lineup, the lineup is not good, people are not fools, will you pick up cheap for nothing?

Secondly, it seems to be divided into the situation of the breached place, for example, there is a sixth-order zombie there, then the income must be divided among the others, and the five fifth-order zombies are counted as one percent. However, if there are more sixth-order zombies, then this adventurer team will guarantee two percent of the income.

"What, only two percent income?"

"Huh, what do you call it? So many crystal nuclei, so many materials, are there very few two layers? You know, high-level zombies are all killed by others, and without those girls, I'm afraid you can't touch Mao.

"yes, hehe~"

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