I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 199 The second pet capsule, the meeting in front of Tiandou Palace

"Xiao Wu, what are you doing?"

"You can say such things!"

After listening to Xiao Wu's words, Daming's eyes were filled with an unnatural look.

"What's going on? There's nothing we can't say."

Xiao Wu acted matter-of-factly, "I asked Er Ming to cooperate just to get rid of that hateful person and ask about the origin of Douzi.

Da Ming, you don’t know, that person is very evil. I watched his cultivation improve slowly. He just hunted the underground demon spider as a soul ring, and he was already at level 50, and he hunted again. Fire Cloud Rhinoceros is regarded as the fifth soul ring. "

"I have been in the human world for so many years, but I have never seen such a person."


This is so!

After listening to Xiao Wu's words, Daming's eyes were filled with disbelief.


"It seems that there is something strange behind this matter that is beyond our understanding."

"Now, immediately, immediately, set off to retrieve that idiot Er Ming!"

Daming made a decision in an instant.

"Okay, let's go." Xiao Wu's eyes lit up. Of course she would not refuse Daming's proposal.


But she saw that Daming didn't move for a long time after he finished speaking.

"Da Ming, what's wrong with you?"

Xiao Wu asked in confusion, already having a bad premonition in her heart.

She felt that something might have happened.


Daming's next answer did not disappoint Xiao Wu: "Now there is no more Er Ming's aura in the Star Forest."

"That means they probably left."

Daming's voice gradually became a little difficult.


"We're leaving now, what should we do?"

A trace of panic flashed in Xiao Wu's eyes.

This time, he didn't get the beans, and Er Ming became someone else's pet. He really lost his wife and lost his troops.

"Didn't you just say that that person is just the Soul King? And his strength is improving as quickly as you said. It may not take long for his cultivation to reach level 60. At that time, he will definitely come to the Star Dou Forest to hunt for soul rings. "

"You mean to say that if we sit back and wait, we are waiting for others?"

Xiao Wu's eyes lit up and she guessed Daming's intention.

I have to say that there is no other way.

"Phew, finally back."

In Wuhun City, Lin Xiao's figure appeared out of thin air in a small shop.

He rode Er Ming and circled twice in the Star Forest. Suddenly he remembered that there were still sixty unopened jars in the shop.

Immediately, he chose to return to the store.

As for Er Ming, he took him into the pet space.

In the pet space, its strength actually increases much faster than the outside world.


Lin Xiao took out ten jars and opened them one by one.

Turns out there are only two high-level items.

Looking at the results of the battle, Lin Xiao suddenly slapped his forehead, "It must be because he didn't wash his hands."

Thinking like this.

He dove into the backyard.

When I came back, I felt completely refreshed.

"Are you sincere this time?"

Lin Xiao thought and took out ten jars again.

Click click click.

A series of jars shattered, but Lin Xiao's face became darker and darker, "Is it because I am not sincere enough?"

These ten jars are slightly better than the previous ten jars.

Among the ten jars, at least one rare upgrade scroll was opened.


For Lin Xiao now, an upgrade coupon can no longer satisfy him.

After waving his hand and putting away all the items, Lin Xiao dove into the backyard again.

When he came back again, he was all wet.

"Is sincerity enough this time?"

Lin Xiao muttered.

Keep opening the jar.

Not to mention, it seems that he was really fooled! ?

"Powder comes out again?" Lin Xiao found a jar shining with dazzling light, which instantly attracted all his attention.

However, after seeing the contents of the jar clearly, Lin Xiao was slightly stunned.

He is familiar with this stuff.

Just used it

"I just used a pet capsule, and now I've been prescribed another one?"

Lin Xiao picked up the items and wondered: "Does the system want me to kill all the soul beast overlords in the Star Dou Forest?"

"Isn't this a bit too ruthless? But"

"It's quite interesting."

After all, wouldn’t it be a pity not to do something when traveling through Douluo Continent?

Lin Xiao will not deliberately target anyone, but he will do whatever he wants in his heart without hesitation.

Accepting a few hundred thousand year soul beasts as pets is quite a cool thing.

Not counting overseas, at least no one on Douluo Continent can do it.

As for whether it will cause any trouble?

Does he care?

Anyway, he is invincible in a small shop, so what is he afraid of?

Even if he develops further, he will not only be invincible in small shops.

"We'll take advantage of this period, if we're lucky enough, to finish opening the remaining cans."

Lin Xiao calmed down and took out jars one after another and opened them.

The final result was quite acceptable.

Artifact-level item: a pet capsule.

Rare items: three upgrade scrolls and two enhancers.

High-end items, very weird, not a single one.

Among the ordinary items, there are ten experience capsules and fifteen proficiency capsules worth mentioning, and the rest are miscellaneous items of little value.

Immediately, Lin Xiao used the experience capsule and proficiency capsule.

His cultivation level increased from fifty-first level to fifty-second level.

The Sacred Heart Art is still some distance from the peak of the sixth level.

Immediately afterwards, three more upgrade scrolls were used, and Lin Xiao's cultivation level was once again improved to level 55.

"It's almost here, we're not far from the Soul Emperor."

Lin Xiao was quite satisfied with the improvement of his cultivation.

After all, others rely on talent and time to improve their strength, but this is different for me.

Just rely on your face.

"It's a pity that not a single awakening paper has been released. Although being unable to awaken can improve your strength, you can't obtain skills."

Lin Xiao thought with some regret.

However, he also understands that the probability of legendary items appearing is not high, and they are completely rare.

Once the sword soul awakens and becomes a sword master, its strength will be greatly improved compared to before.

"Forget it, you can't force this. As long as you keep opening the jar, sooner or later you will get the upgrade papers together."

Lin Xiao thought and started to pack his belongings.

After getting the enhancer, he suddenly remembered that there was an equipment enhancement protection scroll in the system space, and a +10 equipment enhancement scroll.

"How about strengthening one hand?"

Lin Xiao was a little moved. But reason tells him that impulse is the devil.


After thinking about it, Lin Xiao still resisted the urge to strengthen the first three soul rings. He directly took out the strengthening scroll and used it on the fifth soul ring.

Suddenly, the age of the soul ring began to skyrocket.

In the blink of an eye, it increased from about 11,000 years to about 30,000 years.

"The fifth ring of thirty thousand years is pretty good."

"At least I have a 30,000-year-old soul ring, and my strength has been truly improved."

"If you fail to strengthen other soul rings, your strength will be negatively improved."

Lin Xiao still felt very satisfied.

As for the two enhancers that arrived this time and the four remaining enhancers from the last time, they were put away by Lin Xiao and put into the system warehouse to eat dust.

In the early morning, the front hall of Tiandou Imperial Palace was already overcrowded.

Ministers, nobles, and powerful people in Tiandou City all came.

But everyone was obviously worried.

You must know that since Emperor Xueye became seriously ill, he rarely summoned officials from all over the court to meet him. They had a premonition that something big was going to happen today.

Da da da.

At this time, there were heavy footsteps.

Everyone looked and saw a heroic figure wearing battle armor appearing in front of the hall.

"Oh my god, it's actually Marshal Ge Long. He has also returned to Tiandou City."

Someone in the field recognized the identity of this figure. This figure was a big shot in charge of the empire's military power.

"Look, it seems that Prince Snow Star is here too."

Suddenly someone exclaimed, and another extremely rare figure was spotted.

This person's popularity is extraordinary, and at first glance, he looks like a high-ranking person who has been in a high position for a long time.

Unlike the appearance of Imperial Marshal Ge Long, many people came up to greet Xuexing when they saw him.

Obviously, Prince Snow Star's popularity is not weak among the empire.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince."

"I have met His Highness the Crown Prince."

However, another burst of sound sounded, and everyone's attention was attracted again.

Isn't it the Xueqing River in the distance facing His Royal Highness the Crown Prince?

Beside him was an elegant middle-aged man.

Ning Fengzhi!

Among the upper-class nobles of the Tiandou Empire, there were very few who did not know Ning Fengzhi.

As for the person following Ning Fengzhi with a smile on his face, needless to say, he must be Bone Douluo.

Unexpectedly, they also came.

I'm afraid, Your Majesty, he has a big problem!

Many people had suspicions before, but now they are sure.


Everyone's attention was attracted by a burst of sound.

At this moment, the closed door of the underground palace was opened.

Needless to say, everyone filed in.

In the main hall.

Emperor Xueye sat high on the throne and watched quietly as everyone walked into the hall.

Everyone also remained silent and stood in an orderly manner.

"You must be curious as to why I asked you to come."

Emperor Xueye glanced at everyone and said calmly.

Hearing this, everyone was startled. They didn't expect that Emperor Xueye would go straight to the point so directly.

In the main hall, everyone held their breath, waiting for Emperor Xueye to speak.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. You all know that I have been ill for a long time. But a few days ago, I found a method that can hopefully help people regain their health. I want to try it."

As soon as Emperor Xue Ye said this, everyone's expressions suddenly changed, and then they showed expressions of surprise.

"Your Majesty, this is a good thing!"

"Congratulations, Your Majesty! Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

"God bless me, Tiandou!"

For a moment, the officials in the field were excited.

However, although some people's faces were excited, their hands in their sleeves were clenched tightly unconsciously.

At this time, Emperor Xue Ye waved his hand to signal everyone to calm down, "Everything has its pros and cons. This method is not perfect, and there is a possibility of failure."

Everyone was startled.

Looking at Emperor Xue Ye again, I couldn't help but murmur in my heart, even if it failed, could it be worse than it is now?

However, Emperor Xue Ye's answer was affirmative: "This method can only be tried once. If it fails, you will really die."

3000 big chapters.

It's over today.

Good night.

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