I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 215 Tang Xiao’s request, Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus’ decision (3 updates)

"Tang came here uninvited. Please ask Master Jade not to blame him."

Tang Xiao cupped his fists and smiled.

"Sect Master Tang is a rare visitor, please come in quickly."

Yu Yuanzhen said, leading Tang Xiao towards the sect.

In the sect's main hall.

Yu Yuanzhen sat high on the main seat.

At the bottom of the left and right sides were Tang Xiao and a middle-aged man.

This person, whom Tang Xiao also knew, was Yu Luo Mian, the younger brother of Yu Yuan Zhen, the second head of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family.

In the empty hall, except for the three of them, there was no one else.

"We said goodbye in the past, but I can't believe more than ten years have passed."

Yu Yuanzhen mentioned the past when he opened his mouth, his voice full of sighs.

"Yes, the Wuhun Palace was too powerful back then, and we, the Haotian Sect, had to avoid its edge."

Tang Xiao also had a look of reminiscence in his eyes.

But he felt more sad.

He originally thought that if the Haotian Sect closed the mountain and retired, everything would be fine.

After more than ten years of development in secret, the sect finally gave birth to several titled Douluo and many powerful Soul Douluo Soul Saints.

I thought it was not far away from the Haotian Sect's return to the mountain, but what I didn't expect was disaster!

The sect was destroyed.

They have also become lonely ghosts.

"Yes, Wuhun Palace was too strong back then. Even if I discussed with my eldest brother to help him, it would be powerless."

At this moment, the second head Yu Luo Mian spoke.

The voice was full of regret.

It seems that he feels guilty for not having contributed to what happened back then.

"If I didn't know that you are all good at acting, I would really believe it!" Tang Xiao secretly cursed in his heart.

A smile appeared on his face: "Sect Master, Second Master, there is no need to worry about what happened back then. It was a wise move for the three sects to choose to preserve their strength!"

Hearing this, Yu Luo Mian smiled, "Hahaha, Sect Master Tang is still sensible!"

Yu Yuanzhen twitched the corner of his mouth slightly and showed a smile, but he quickly suppressed it.

Immediately, he looked at Tang Xiao and asked, "I think there must be something important for Sect Master Tang to come here today, right?"

He decided to get straight to the point. Everyone was understanding, so pretending to be confused was pointless.

"Haha, Master Jade has a sharp eye. Mr. Tang's single thoughts cannot escape your eyes."

Tang Xiao smiled at first, but soon his smile faded and he said seriously: "Actually, Mr. Tang came here today to seek cooperation."


Yu Yuan Zhen, Yu Luo Mian, and the two brothers looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

"Does Sect Master Tang mean that Haotian Sect will come out?" Yu Luomian finally asked tentatively.


Tang Xiao nodded heavily, "The Wuhundian family has been the dominant one for so many years. Let's go to the three sects and some soul master families. The sects have been marginalized and miserable. I think it's time to fight back and challenge the entire Doufu family. Luo Dalu makes our voices heard."


Yu Yuanzhen and Yu Luo Mian's expressions suddenly changed.

I have to say that the news brought by Tang Xiao really shocked them.

For a moment, they didn't speak again.

When Tang Xiao saw this, he didn't rush and waited quietly.

He had thought about it before he came. Instead of begging and giving alms in a humble way, it would be better to make the matter bigger and directly oppose the Shangsan Sect and Wuhun Palace.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

What's more, we are all friends, right?

You won’t even object!

And at this time.

Yu Yuanzhen and Yu Luomian have already started secret communication.

"Second brother, what do you think about this matter?"

"Haotian Sect has been silent for many years, but its strength cannot be underestimated. Several elders of the sect have the appearance of titled Douluo. This time they came to visit, they must have greatly increased their strength and want to seek revenge from Wuhun Palace. Brother, Wuhun Palace has been pressing down on the sect for so many years, I think this is an opportunity to overthrow Wuhun Palace."

"Then what you mean is that you agree to respond to the Haotian Sect's call?"

"Brother, the conflicts between us and Wuhun Palace are gradually increasing. There will be a battle sooner or later. Since Haotian Sect is the leader, why not do it?"

After another moment, Yu Yuanzhen finally spoke, his voice full of seriousness: "What Sect Leader Tang said is true. The strong bullying of the weak in Wuhun Palace has made countless soul masters suffer terribly. Even our upper three sects have suffered deeply." The harm is that they are simply a cancer in the soul master world!"

There's drama!

After hearing what Yu Yuanzhen said, Tang Xiao felt happy, but asked calmly: "What do you mean by the meaning of Sect Master Yu and the Second Master?"

"The three sects are connected by the same spirit. We should support this matter!"

"What's more, the Haotian Sect is the No. 1 sect in the world. If you call from a high position, there will be hundreds of responses, and there will be support from all parties!"

Tang Xiao looked slightly sideways, because the person speaking was Yuluo Mian,

At this time, Yu Luo Mian had already stood up and made an impassioned speech: "My Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Family has a share in overthrowing the Spirit Hall!"

"Ha ha, alright!"

"I know that the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family is definitely the most sensible, far beyond the comparison of the group of philistine businessmen from the Qibao Glazed Sect."

Tang Xiao became excited.

So far, half of the purpose of this trip has been accomplished.

"May I ask Sect Master Tang, how many powerful men can Haotian Sect be able to dispatch now?"

For safety reasons, Yu Luo Mian wanted to find out the details of Haotian Sect.

Dare to ask?

You guys really dare to ask!

Tang Xiao's face changed slightly, but at this time he could only bite the bullet and said: "Our Haotian Sect can now dispatch two powerful Titled Douluo warriors, as well as hundreds of powerful warriors below Soul Saint."


Why are there just so many people?

And isn’t the strength a bit low?

Hearing this, both brothers Yu Yuanzhen frowned again.

Yu Luo Mian also noticed something was wrong in his elder brother's gaze, and immediately understood what he meant, and quickly asked: "Sect Master Tang, for such a big matter, I think it is better to take action with all our strength. As far as I know, the Haotian Sect's There are more than two sect elders, right? But they all have the appearance of titled Douluo."

Hearing this, Tang Xiao smiled bitterly and said: "It seems that the strength of our Haotian Sect cannot escape your eyes."

"Indeed, the five elders of Haotian Sect have all reached the realm of titled Douluo"

Sure enough!

Yu Yuanzhen and Yu Luo Mian's hearts were shocked.

Not to mention anything else, the number of titled Douluo alone has made the Haotian Sect the number one sect in the world.

However, at this moment, Tang Xiao's voice came again: "But, this is already in the past, and now the Haotian Sect, not counting Brother Hao who is living outside, there are only two titled Douluo, the Seventh Elder and me. "


"How could this be?"

Undoubtedly, Tang Xiao's words shocked the Yu Yuanzhen brothers again.

"It's a long story."

"Then let's make a long story short, um. Just focus on the important things!"

Seeing the solemn looks on the two brothers' faces, Tang Xiao knew that the most difficult level was coming.

"In fact, just a few days ago, the gate of the Haotian Sect was destroyed. Now only I, the seventh elder, and hundreds of remaining disciples of the Haotian Sect are left in the Haotian Sect!"

"And the person who took action was none other than Wuhun Palace. It was Qian Daoliu, the father of the former pope, who led many titled Douluo from Wuhun Palace!"

Although Tang Xiao's words were simple, they contained a lot of knowledge.

In an instant, Yu Yuanzhen and Yu Luomian caught the key points.

have to say.

They were really shocked,

There are so many powerful people in the Haotian Sect, such as the powerful Douluo people, but they are destroyed just because they say they will be destroyed?

Is Wuhundian's current strength so terrifying?

"Tang Xiao has thanked Sect Master Jade here for the second master's support!"

Tang Xiao saw hesitation in the eyes of the two brothers, and secretly said something bad in his heart, so he quickly thanked them.

I hope this will stop the two of them.

Finally, Yu Yuanzhen stood up, waved his hand, and said sternly: "Sect Master Tang, there is no need to be polite, Wuhun Palace is acting arrogantly, we absolutely firmly support Haotian Sect and severely condemn Wuhun Palace's bad behavior! "

"Thank you so much, Master Yu, for your support!"

Tang Xiao was so excited that tears filled his eyes.

He was really moved.

When he came, he had already made countless assumptions, but he did not expect that after learning the truth, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family would still firmly support him and condemn Wuhun Palace.


Doesn't condemning change from taking action to talking?

Tang Xiao noticed something was wrong and thought he had heard wrongly. He quickly looked at Yu Yuanzhen to confirm: "Master Yu, did I hear wrongly just now? You are not talking about condemning Wuhun Palace, are you?"

"Sect Master Tang, you heard me right."

"The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family will always stand firmly by your side, Haotian Sect, and condemn the Spirit Hall!"

Seeing what Tang Xiao wanted to say, Yu Yuanzhen waved his big hand again and said: "There is no need to say more words of thanks to Sect Leader Tang. The three sects are connected with the same spirit. No matter how powerful the Wuhun Palace is, I, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus, can't Will speak up!"


Thank you grandma for your legs!

Tang Xiao was about to explode with anger. He immediately looked at Yu Luo Mian and asked, "Just now, the second master said that he would fully support our Haotian Sect against Wuhun Palace. Master Yu, don't you want to go back on your promise? "

Hearing the sound, Yu Yuanzhen frowned slightly, pointed at Yu Luomian and asked Tang Xiao: "What did you call him?"

"Second Master!" Tang Xiao was startled. Is there anything wrong with this title?

"Hmph, my sect master is not dead yet!" Yu Yuanzhen suddenly snorted: "Sect Master Tang, you have called him the second master, how can you count on what you said?"

"What? It can still be like this!"

Tang Hao was dumbfounded.

It can be said that they were completely impressed by the operations of brothers Yu Luo Mian and Yu Yuan Zhen.

Thinking about it now, it seems that Yu Yuanzhen only asked some questions from the moment he entered the door.

Some of the affirmative replies came from Yu Luomian's mouth.

"If I, the second brother, said something that Sect Leader Tang misinterpreted, I, the older brother, will apologize for him."

"Please also ask Sect Leader Tang to treat him like a child."

Yu Yuanzhen's voice floated into Tang Xiao's ears again.

Children's words are unbridled! ?

Tang Xiao felt like his head was buzzing as he kept echoing this word.

Subconsciously, he looked at Yu Luo Mian, feeling very uncomfortable.

Is a person who is several decades old related to the word "child"?

Sensing Tang Xiao's gaze, Yu Luo Mian also clasped his fists at Tang Xiao: "Please forgive me, Master Tang. It's all because I'm impulsive and I don't know what to say. I said some things that I shouldn't have said."

Just a word of forgiveness and that's all?

You have deceived my feelings!

Tang Xiao's mentality collapsed.

Totally broken.

He felt like he was being manipulated by someone!

"The Haotian Sect is full of waste and waiting to be revitalized. Sect Leader Tang also has a heavy responsibility and must have many important things to do. I won't stay any longer."

Tang Xiao was speechless for a long time, and Yu Yuanzhen tactfully issued the eviction order.

Drive me away? Tang Xiao couldn't bear it any longer: "Master Jade, don't you think it's a bit excessive to do this? What do you think of the previous covenant?"


Sorry, I forgot all about it!

Yu Yuanzhen shook his head slightly and said nothing.

Seeing this, Tang Xiao's face turned a little pale: "You have treated the Haotian Sect like this. When the ancestor of our clan, Tang Chen, returns, you will definitely come to seek justice!"

"Tang Chen!?"

Hearing this name, brothers Yu Yuanzhen and Yu Luomian were both in a trance.

The memories that had been buried in their hearts resurfaced again.

This is synonymous with an invincible strong man. Even the strong man in Wuhun Palace was once crushed!

It can be said that Tang Chen's existence truly created the true glory of Haotian Sect.

If Tang Chen really existed, how could the Haotian Sect be forced to retire by the Spirit Hall?

"There has been no news about him for many years. Tang Chen should have been dead long ago, right?"

Yu Luomian secretly sent a message to Yu Yuanzhen and expressed his opinion.

On the other hand, Yu Yuan shook his head in shock and responded: "Those strong men have surpassed the limits of human beings and can be called peerless strong men. They may have many magical abilities that we can imagine or cannot understand."

"What about us?"

Yuluo Mian was also a little wavering.

On one side are the powerful men from the Wuhun Palace, and on the other are the powerful men from the Haotian Sect. Both sides are untouchable by the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Family.


If someone really wanted to take action against the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, they would not lack the courage to live in pieces rather than live in ruins.

"Since the Tang Sect Master"

Yu Yuanzhen was just about to open his mouth to smooth things over, when suddenly a voice came from outside the hall.

"Sect Master, urgent report!"

"Don't you know I'm recruiting distinguished guests?" Yu Yuanzhen's frowning and displeased voice came out.

But the people outside the hall still persisted: "Sect Master, we are in urgent need!"

Hearing the sound, Yu Yuanzhen stopped talking.

Yu Luomian had already stood up and came outside the hall to take back the urgent secret letter and handed it to Yu Yuanzhen respectfully.

Unfolding the letter, Yu Yuanzhen frowned more and more, and finally connected them directly to form a word!

"Brother, what happened?"

Yu Luo Mian asked cautiously.

"You should read it first, and then give it to Sect Master Tang so that he can take a look at it."

Yu Yuanzhen said and handed the secret letter to Yu Luo Mian.


Yu Luomian took the letter, and when he became familiar with the contents of the letter, he also had a look of emotion on his face.

Afterwards, he handed the letter to Tang Xiao according to Yu Yuanzhen's instructions.

What's written on it? Tang Xiao took the letter suspiciously.

He found that there were not many words on the letter, so he read it softly and subconsciously:

"Tang Chen, the ancestor of the Haotian Sect, and Tang Hao, the abandoned disciple of the Haotian Sect, showed up in Wuhun City to fight against Qiandaoliu. However, they were defeated by Qiandaoliu and eventually fled overseas."

A 4,000-word chapter.

More than 10,000 updates have been made.

But, it’s not over today.

There is one more chapter before twelve o'clock.

Thank you all for giving me so many votes and rewards.

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