I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 241 Qian Daoliu’s goal is to conquer the sea!

"What are you resisting?" Lin Xiao asked in a low voice.

"Shouldn't I resist? I don't want to be your maid."

Xiao Wu said angrily: "Don't worry, Lord Ditian will come to take me back in less than a day."

"Haha, that's impossible."

After listening to Xiao Wu's words, Lin Xiao shook his head slightly: "I think you should work peacefully and pay off your debts."

"Although the debt can only get bigger and bigger."

In Lin Xiao's opinion, under normal circumstances, Di Tian might be able to run errands to pick up Xiao Wu.

But now Gu Yuena has several important treasures on her body. Some can restore injuries, and some can improve strength.

Based on Gu Yuena's current situation, it is inevitable to use these things.

She will also be at an unprecedented critical moment. How could Ditian leave Gu Yuena's side?

It is even said that Zi Ji, Brigitte, Xiong Jun and other overlords in the Star Forest cannot leave.

After all, compared with Gu Yuena, a soul beast that transformed into a human is really insignificant.

"Probably not"

At this moment, Xiao Wu also thought of something and felt in a daze.

"Is it possible that you don't know it yourself?" Lin Xiao said this and said no more.


Xiao Wu snorted and said, "Then I'll have to rely on myself. Didn't you say that there is a kind of jar in the jar, and you can get a lot of gold soul coins after opening it?"

"Yes! That's right, but do you really think it's possible for you to open it?"

"And even if you open Yunmi's bonding jar, can you get more than two million gold soul coins?"

Lin Xiao couldn't help but roll his eyes at Xiao Wu. Isn't this a little whimsical?

Not to mention Xiao Wu, even Lin Xiao himself can't say that he can drive whatever he wants.

"How will you know if you don't try? What if, I'm lucky!"

Xiao Wu said unwillingly.

"Okay, come up."

Lin Xiao said, motioning Xiao Wu to go up to the counter and choose a jar.

"Come on, come on!"

Xiao Wu said, taking three steps at a time and arriving at the counter.

And he reached out his hand and chose the jar he wanted.

It’s quite straightforward!

On the other hand, Lin Xiao was not to be outdone. As long as Xiao Wu pointed out a jar, he would put a jar on the counter.

Another moment passed.

Xiao Wu said: "Look, I'm going to open the jar."

"How come you can still bloom?"

Lin Xiao smiled disdainfully.

However, after Xiao Wu smashed the jar, Lin Xiao exclaimed: "The flowers really bloomed."

What I saw in the jar was a flower with two emerald green leaves and ice blue petals and stamens.

It looks very magnificent.

Item: [Magic Flower]

Level: [Normal]

Type: [Tradable]

Description: [A magical prop taken from the dungeon world. MP recovery changed to soul power recovery. 】

Effect: [After use, 10% of soul power can be restored. 】

"Sure enough, it looks like it is useless, but the actual effect is not as good as magic juice."

Lin Xiao saw this and secretly shook his head.

"This flower? Isn't it unusual?"

Xiao Wu carefully held the magic flower in her hands and asked in a low voice.

"It is indeed extraordinary. After using it, it can restore one tenth of your own soul power."

Lin Xiao nodded slightly.

It doesn't matter who scores the points.

A magic flower is infinitely better than a rusty katana.

"That's it!"

Xiao Wu's eyes lit up and she asked, "How many gold soul coins can it be worth?"

Her intention is obvious, she just wants to pay off her debt.

However, Lin Xiao shook his head slightly: "Our store has rules. Items produced from jars cannot be recycled directly. However, a magic flower is a tradable item. You can trade it with people outside the store. Then give the money Take back."


Hearing the sound, Xiao Wu looked down at the magic flower in her hand and said nothing.

If nothing else, this shouldn’t be worth much, right?

"It would be great if we could prescribe the 'healing potion of heaven' prescribed by the Lord. If that thing could be sold to those in need, it would be of immeasurable value."

Xiao Wu couldn't help but sigh secretly in her heart.

"Don't think so much, just open the can quickly. This is just one can, and there are nine more unopened cans.

If you are lucky, maybe the last jar can open two gold coin jars. "

Lin Xiao said in a deep voice.

"Really? Do you also believe that I can get what I want?"

Xiao Wu's eyes lit up.

She suddenly felt that Lin Xiao also had a cute side!

"I'm overthinking it. I just want you to finish opening the jar quickly and work peacefully."

Lin Xiao shook his head.

Xiao Wu:''

"Then we'll see!"

Xiao Wu said angrily.

However, Lin Xiao ignored her and looked outside the door.

"Boss Lin, long time no see."

It was Qian Daoliu who walked in with a smile on his face.

"It seems that you have only been away for two days." Lin Xiao answered seriously.


The smile on Qian Daoliu's face froze, and he didn't know how to answer.

He discovered that Lin Xiao was the kind of person who could finish a conversation in just three and a half sentences.

However, Qian Daoliu didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

After all, this is in line with Boss Lin’s strong persona.

What happened to the Great Enshrinement of your Spirit Hall?

I don’t want to offend you, but I still don’t want to offend you.

"Boss Lin, when Jin Crocodile came to your store before, it was very offensive. Please don't worry about it."

Qian Daoliu did not forget the purpose of his coming.

Apologizing for the unfortunate golden crocodile is one of them.

"He has also been punished accordingly, and this matter is considered to be in the past."

Lin Xiao waved his hand, indicating that it didn't matter.


Hearing the sound, Qian Daoliu secretly breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

He himself had never thought that as the supreme being of Wuhun Palace, one day he would be so afraid of someone.

"By the way, I saw you chasing Tang Chen. I wonder what the result was?"

Lin Xiao remembered the battle between the two and asked curiously.

He wanted to know if Qian Daoliu had changed history.

"Tang Chen."

Qian Daoliu sighed: "Although my strength has improved by leaps and bounds, Tang Chen is not simple. In the end, he escaped to Poseidon Island and joined forces with Bo Saixi, the great priest of Poseidon Island, to force me back."

Lin Xiao noticed that Qian Daoliu's expression became darker and darker as he spoke, and couldn't help but murmur in a low voice: "But she clearly said at the beginning that whoever becomes a god first will be with him."

Hearing the sound, Lin Xiao smiled unkindly.

He remembered Bo Saixi's so-called conditions in the original work. In fact, it is completely aimed at Qian Daoliu.

Because at that time, Qian Daoliu was already a great worshiper of the angel god, cutting off the possibility of becoming a god.

Tang Chen had unlimited possibilities.

"Sure enough, the IQ of people who are in love is almost zero, no matter how old they are."

Lin Xiao could see that Bo Saixi's direct statement of his position was a big blow to Qian Daoliu.

"Don't be discouraged, as long as you are alive there is hope." Lin Xiao encouraged.

"No, I have given up. I have stopped thinking about Bo Saixi."

Qian Daoliu shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Now that I think about it, I am really stupid. Bo Saixi has never liked me from the beginning to the end. She only likes Tang Chen."

"But he shouldn't have lied to me for decades."

Well? It seems that Qian Daoliu was greatly stimulated! Lin Xiao was startled when he saw this, and asked in a low voice: "What do you want?"

"Hate will never come out of love. I, Qian Daoliu, am not a stingy person."

"But Tang Chen and I are mortal enemies, and Poseidon Island must hand him over! If Poseidon Island insists on protecting Tang Chen, then it will be my enemy!"

Qian Daoliu said in a deep voice: "I hope you can help me and give me the power to conquer the sea!"


Qian Daoliu is extremely thirsty for power!

He knew that without enough power, Poseidon Island would not bow its head and hand over Tang Chen.


Lin Xiao thought for a while, and there was only one way: "Open the can. If you are lucky enough, it is really possible to achieve this."

This is not Lin Xiao's trick on Qian Daoliu.

Don’t forget that the items in the jar now unlock the world of Pirates.

In this world, various marine props are quite powerful.

Before Qian Daoliu gained the strength to become a god, he could only rely on props produced in various jars if he wanted to conquer the sea.

"I knew there must be the answer I wanted in the jar."

Qian Daoliu was excitedly gearing up, his eyes full of desire.

"Well, everything has to come first, right?"

At this time, Xiao Wu said weakly.

After Qian Daoliu entered the store, she realized how extraordinary Qian Daoliu was.

It can be said that this is the strongest person he has ever seen in the human world.

Even the Sword Douluo of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect was much inferior.

What, you mean Lin Xiao?

Sorry, after seeing how respectful Gu Yuena was to Lin Xiao, Xiao Wu had already classified Lin Xiao as outside the human category.

"It turned out to be a hundred thousand year old soul beast in its form!"

Looking at Qian Daoliu again, his eyes were fixed.

At this time, Xiao Wu, without Gu Yuena's protection, could no longer hide her identity.

"Then you should hurry up and finish your process. I have some old bowls in the backyard pool waiting for you to clean them."

Lin Xiao looked at Xiao Wu and said.


Xiao Wu nodded, but quickly woke up and bared her teeth at Lin Xiao and said, "I don't want to wash the dishes for you."

Lin Xiao shook his head: "It's not up to you."

Qian Daoliu was a little confused and asked subconsciously: "Boss, what is your relationship?"

"She is my maid."

Lin Xiao pointed at Xiao Wu and added: "But he is still being trained."

On the other side, deep in the Star Forest, is the Lake of Life.


A powerful aura came, and the soul beasts by the lake couldn't help but kneel on the ground and tremble.

This is the same picture even in some places farther away.

"Welcome back, Lord!"

At this moment, Di Tian, ​​who transformed into a man in black robe, shouted excitedly,

He clearly felt that after the master went out for a circle, his aura became stronger.

This is a good thing!

"Welcome back, Lord!"

"Welcome back, Lord!"

Di Tian's voice fell, and one voice after another sounded.

And at this time.

Gu Yuena's figure has descended on the lake.

At the same time, her indifferent voice conveyed: "No need to be polite."

These four simple words convey all the majesty.

It seems even more superior.

However, the soul beast overlords including Di Tian did not feel anything was abnormal, and instead became more respectful.

"Ditian, I have benefited a lot from this trip. It is not impossible to return to the top if I need to retreat for some time. I will leave the soul beast clan to you for the time being."

Gu Yuena looked at Di Tian and said slowly.

"Emperor Tian will obey the Lord's holy will!"

Di Tian quickly lowered his head and responded.

His expression was full of excitement.

If the Lord returns to the top, will the rise of the soul beast clan be far behind?

"By the way, there is one more thing you need to do. Xiao Wu was left by me in a small shop called the Lucky Magic Jar in Wuhun City. You can redeem it with two million gold soul coins. "

Gu Yuena said in a commanding tone.

"But you" Di Tian was a little anxious.


Suddenly, Gu Yuena snorted softly, and the temperature in the venue suddenly dropped by several points.

"Are you questioning me?"

Her voice was so cold that even Di Tian couldn't bear it and felt a panic.

"Di Tian doesn't dare."

Suddenly, big drops of sweat fell on the ground.

"It won't happen again."

Gu Yuena said, and her tone became a little more serious: "This matter needs to be done as soon as possible."


Di Tian responded in a deep voice.

Gu Yuena nodded gently and disappeared in an instant.

"Beast God."

"The Lord has left."

After a while, Brigitte spoke softly.

"I know."

Di Tian said, slowly standing up straight.

"Lord Ditian, do you want to go to Wuhun City?"

"Nowadays, the strong people of the human race cannot be underestimated. I will go with you."

At this moment, another voice sounded behind Di Tian.

Di Tian turned around and looked over. It was a figure covered in purple-black scales.

She has a slender figure, with round breasts and straight and slender thighs. Her long purple-black hair was spread behind her, rippling gently in the calm wind.

At this time, on her alluring face, her purple eyes were staring at Ditian, and a dark black scale on her forehead flashed luster from time to time.

It is none other than the king of the Hell Demonic Dragon Tribe, Zi Ji.

"No, Zi Ji."

Di Tian slowly shook his head: "I will not go anywhere until the Lord recovers again."

"Not only me, but you, Brigitte, Mr. Xiong, etc. cannot leave. We must stay by the Lord's side."

Di Tian's voice was low, but it had an unmistakable flavor.

"Ditian, are you going to disobey the Lord's order?"

"Have you ever thought about the consequences of violating the Lord's will?"

At this moment, Mr. Xiong spoke in a low voice.

as a result of?

After Mr. Xiong's reminder, Ditian subconsciously remembered how terrifying the Silver Dragon King was.

His body trembled even more imperceptibly.

But he still gritted his teeth and said firmly: "If the Lord comes out of seclusion and takes the blame, I, Ditian, will bear all the blame."

He flicked his sleeves and said: "Xiao Wu, a transformed soul beast, can only be regarded as half of the soul beast clan at most. How can it be compared with the safety of the Lord?"

"Besides, she was only mortgaged with two million gold soul coins. When I go back to redeem Xiao Wu's life, it's just to spend more money. Is three million enough? Is four million enough?"

"That's enough!"

Ditian said, looking confident.

Hearing the sound, Zi Ji, Bi Ji and even Xiong Jun stopped talking.

Because they felt that what Di Tian said was reasonable.

The sky is huge and the earth is huge, the Lord is the biggest, Xiao Wu, the rabbit, can only stand back.

at the same time.

Gu Yuena has arrived at the bottom of the Lake of Life.

Surprisingly, there is not a drop of lake water here. It's like arriving in a space outside Douluo Continent.

And the space is quite large.

At least Gu Yuena still didn't look cramped after showing the huge body of the Silver Dragon King, which was a kilometer long.

In the mysterious space, there is even more mysterious power that envelopes her, preventing the aura from her from spreading. Being able to sleep here for ages without being discovered is the key!


The light flashed, and two enhancers and a bottle of heaven's healing potion appeared in front of Gu Yuena.

Looking at the items in front of her, Gu Yuena's silver eyes were filled with thoughts.

Improve your strength first?

Or should we recover first?

Asking for some free tickets.

Good night.

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