I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 256 Copying soul bones shocked many titled Douluo

On the other side, the Wuhun Palace.

It belongs exclusively to the meeting hall where each elder is a member. Snake Spear, Ghost Leopard, Demon Bear, Chrysanthemum Douluo, Ghost Douluo and other elders gathered together. They all looked at Ghost Leopard Douluo as if they were precious animals.

no way. Externally attached soul bones are so rare that even considering their identity, status, and strength, they have never been seen before.

At this moment, a guard wearing armor walked in.

"What's the matter?"

Demon Bear Douluo frowned and asked in a deep voice.

The guard did not dare to hesitate and said quickly: "Reporting to the elder, the dean of Tianshui College wants to see Elder Guibao."


Everyone was surprised and looked at Ghost Leopard Douluo.

Everyone is secretly guessing, is this old boy hiding something from us?

"What are you all thinking?"

Ghost Leopard Douluo was looked at directly by everyone and felt a little uncomfortable: "Things are not what you think."

Ghost Leopard Douluo felt that this was probably related to opening the jar.

After thinking for a while, he looked at the guard and said, "Let her in."

The guard nodded solemnly and left in response.

Not long after.

Dean Tianshui and Shui Binger arrived in front of the hall.

"So many strong men."

Dean Tianshui's eyes suddenly condensed.

Even she thinks that Titled Douluo is a well-deserved existence on the Douluo Continent.

Ordinary people, it is difficult to see one in their lifetime!

However, there is more than one such peak powerhouse in the hall now?

Shui Bing'er behind her couldn't help but tremble slightly, feeling terrified in her heart.

"You're looking for me?"

At this moment, Ghost Leopard Douluo walked out of the hall and asked calmly.


Dean Tianshui nodded slightly, "I have a favor to ask of you."

beg me?

Ghost Leopard Douluo was startled.

Swish swish swish.

Ghost Leopard Douluo suddenly felt waves of eyes that seemed to be focused on him.

That was the gaze from Demon Bear Douluo, Ju, Ghost Douluo and others.

"Let's talk about what's going on first."

Ghost Leopard Douluo asked with a frown.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the relationship between the four major element academies and Wuhun Palace cannot be said to be good or bad.

However, you shouldn’t come to beg him.

"We want to take a look at the soul bones that seniors obtained before. Have you refined them?"

At this moment, Shui Binger mustered up her courage and walked out from behind Dean Tianshui and said to Ghost Leopard Douluo.

"Want to see my soul bone?"

Ghost Leopard Douluo was startled. It could be said that this answer really exceeded his expectations.

why is that?

Behind him, Demon Bear Douluo and others also looked stunned. I didn’t expect this to be the case at all!

In their opinion, if Dean Tianshui brought the girl behind him to recognize his relatives, he would believe it even more!

"It's like this. We found a magical treasure in Boss Lin's shop. Boss Lin said that soul bones can be copied, so we wanted to give it a try."

"Don't worry, it will definitely not have any impact on your original soul bones."

Shui Bing'er saw everyone frowning in confusion and continued.

"Elder Ghost Leopard, don't worry, we won't see your treasure in vain. I can pay for it."

Dean Tianshui said in a deep voice.


Spend money to see the baby?

Everyone looked at each other for a while, then showed a strange expression.

But, it has to be said that they are curious about the new products that come out of the jar. Everyone wants to see what the treasure that can replicate soul bones is?

"Ahem, so that's it."

Ghost Leopard Douluo coughed lightly and waved his hand: "If it's just for a look, there's no need to do this."

As he spoke, light flashed in his hand, and a cold soul bone appeared in his hand.

"that's it!"

Shui Bing'er's eyes flashed with surprise.

You must know that this Kuaihun bone is more than ten thousand years old, and its attributes are extremely consistent with hers. If she had this soul bone, her strength would at least increase to a higher level!

"Bing'er, don't hesitate, don't let down Elder Guibao's kindness."

Dean Tianshui urged at this time.

She didn't even notice that her voice was trembling when she said this.

Can you not be excited?

You have spent ten thousand years of prostitution for nothing, and your nose will be so fragrant!

The next moment, under the astonished gazes of everyone, Shui Bing'er took out the replica little hen.

"Ah this?"

"What the hell?"

"Didn't you say that this little hen can be copied?"

Not to mention Ghost Leopard Douluo, the Demon Bear and others behind him couldn't hold back any longer.

This little hen with red head and yellow body is so cute and cute.

"Are you sure you're not joking?"

Ghost Leopard Douluo also frowned.

"Bing'er, give it a try."

Dean Tianshui looked at Shui Binger with determination and said seriously.

Shui Bing'er nodded, stepped forward, and came to Ghost Leopard Douluo. She excitedly pointed the little hen at the soul bone in Ghost Leopard Douluo's hand.


The next moment, an egg fell.

‘? ? ? ’

Everyone was confused. Are you serious about laying eggs?

"Bing'er, is this right?"

Dean Tianshui frowned and asked.

Shui Bing'er nodded heavily: "That's right, that's it."

With that said, she put away the replica pullet and cracked the egg in front of everyone.

A 'click' sound.

A piece of crystal bone fell down.


Everyone looked left and right, and finally decided.

The soul bone in Shui Bing'er's hand cannot be said to be very similar to the one in Ghost Leopard Douluo's hand, it can only be said that they are exactly the same.


"It's really crazy! The little hen stopped laying eggs and actually started laying soul bones!"

Witnessing all this, everyone was stunned.

"Since Boss Lin's shop appeared, more and more outrageous things have happened. What's happening now is even more outrageous."

Behind Ghost Leopard Douluo, Demon Bear Douluo spoke harshly.

"Thank you, senior!"

Shui Bing'er had already put away her soul bones at this time and said gratefully to Ghost Leopard Douluo.

"It's just a little effort."

Ghost Leopard Douluo waved his hand and asked: "Little girl, how many times can you use this little hen?"

In fact, he wasn't the only one curious. The others were also curious and secretly pricked up their ears.

"It was originally six times, but now it has been copied once, and the little hen can still use it five times!"

Shui Bing'er pondered for a moment and whispered.


As soon as these words came out, everyone took a breath of air.

"Although it didn't reach the soul bone, it is better than the soul bone."

Ghost Leopard Douluo praised.

But fortunately, I still have an attached soul bone.

"Good guy, doesn't this mean you got a set of soul bones for nothing?"

"It's amazing. It's not easy for others to do it for free, but you can actually do it for free."

Snake Spear Douluo was envious.

"How much does this cost? We have tens of millions of gold soul coins, maybe even more!"

Demon Bear Douluo was also filled with admiration.

Speaking of this, he felt like he had eaten a basket of lemons.

But don't worry, count the days and the jar will be refreshed soon. Maybe the next lucky person will be me?

the other side.

Shui Yue'er's delicate face was already wrinkled.

"Boss, you really didn't mean to play with me, did you?"

She looked unhappy.

Now I have opened seven or eight cans, and the results are so-so.

As for the rare items that my sister opened, none of them appeared.


Lin Xiao's expression suddenly changed when he heard this, and he said sternly: "This is what you and I want to do. How can you say that I am playing with you?"

"Before opening the jar, I explained to you the powerful relationship."

Ah this

Seeing Lin Xiao's face turn serious, Shui Yue'er panicked and didn't dare to cause trouble.

She shrank her neck and whispered: "Well, the Lun family is joking with you. Don't take it seriously, hee, hee hee."

She bared her teeth and smiled softly.

But any outsider present could tell that she was smiling very carefully.

I even said it was a bit embarrassing.

Da da da.

At this moment, there were bursts of footsteps outside the shop.

It was very urgent, obviously not from one person.

Hearing the sound, Shui Yue'er subconsciously looked outside the store and suddenly smiled.

"It's my sister and the dean who are back!"

In fact, this is indeed the case. From far to near, there are two slim figures, one young and one sexy. Who else could it be if they weren't Shui Bing'er and Dean Tianshui.

"Dean, sister, how did you gain from this trip?"

She hurriedly rushed forward and asked eagerly.

"It's worth it."

Dean Tianshui whispered four words.

Shui Bing'er on the side even took out the soul bone from the space soul guide.

Looking at the cold soul bone, Shui Yue'er's big eyes were filled with light.

"Very good!"

she exclaimed in surprise.

At this moment, Shui Bing'er looked at Lin Xiao and nodded slightly: "It's thanks to Boss Lin's guidance that we can receive such a large amount of goods."

Lin Xiao just smiled and didn't take any credit.

"Yue'er, have you finished opening the jar? How was the harvest?"

Suddenly, Dean Tianshu remembered something and asked Shui Yue'er.

"Hey, Mr. Dean, if I didn't know that you didn't see me open the jar, I would have thought that you were deliberately mocking me."

After Shui Yue'er sighed helplessly, he took out what he had opened from the jar.

"What are these?"

Everyone was startled.

"That numb thing is the fruit of the Sky Tree, it will explode, so be careful!"

"The little blue bottle is magic juice. After drinking it, people can recover their consumed soul power."

"And that coin, don't play it. It's called the Coin of Destiny, and it has the ability to bring people back to life. Of course, the premise is that you don't do anything bad, otherwise it will trigger its ability of divine punishment, and you will be blasted to pieces in an instant!"

Shui Yue'er explained the items he had opened one after another.

Gradually, Dean Tianshui and Shui Bing'er gradually frowned.

Although there are many good things that can be used, they are still far inferior to the items that Shui Bing'er opened.

"Stop frowning, that's how you open a can. Temporary gains and losses don't matter, you have to think about it in the long term."

Seeing the weird expressions on the faces of the three women, Lin Xiao spoke in a deep voice.

It’s okay not to speak.

After all, Shui Yue'er is miserable. What if she feels conflicted in the future?

Lin Xiao still expects everyone to make a fortune by opening jars!

"Look at the length? How long can you tell? Do you think the remaining two jars are long enough?"

Shui Yue'er pouted, pointed at the remaining two jars, and muttered.

"Yue'er, why are you talking to Boss Lin?"

Shui Binger was not happy when she heard this.

"Have you forgotten what Ghost Leopard Douluo said before? The boss is talking about the long term, not the immediate future. Next time you come to open the jar, you will definitely have a chance to get something good."

It's hard for others to say anything. As a sister, she has nothing wrong with taking care of her own sister.

"Sister, if you see so many good things, don't say anything. If you don't say anything else, I won't say anything even if I see the nap sticker."

Shui Yue'er waved her hands, but still stepped forward to open the can.


Finally, this time, there was something different in Shui Yue'er's eyes.


And when she saw the contents of the jar clearly, she even cried out excitedly: "Oh my God! Sister, tell me, tell me what's in the jar!"

While jumping, she grabbed Shui Bing'er's shoulders and said excitedly.

"Congratulations, you got your wish, it's a snooze sticker!"

Shui Bing'er was startled for a moment, then shook her head helplessly.

Of course, in her heart, she was more happy that Shui Yue'er got what she wanted.

However, she knew that with her sister's personality, she might have to wear sleepy stickers all day long.


Shui Yue'er cried out in surprise, then looked at Lin Xiao and said excitedly: "Boss, you must be the one who took action, right? Do you also feel sorry for me?"

What does it have to do with me?

In fact, I thought that was all for you, so I didn’t expect to have a killer shot in the penultimate jar!

Lin Xiao cursed in his heart, but he smiled enigmatically and said, "I told you before you opened the jar, it's your luck to open whatever you want. It's lucky for you that you got what you wanted."

"Yeah, I got what I wanted! Boss, you really understand me. Although this sleepy sticker is only rare, I won't change it even if my sister gives me that artifact-grade little hen."

"What's the use of six soul bones? Is it comparable to practicing incense while sleeping?"

"Of course, I'll be satisfied if there's an egg-laying pullet in the next jar."

Shui Yue'er said with a smile.

"Satisfied? I think you are dissatisfied."

After hearing Shui Yue'er's words, Dean Tianshui snorted angrily and gave the latter a huge blow.


Shui Yue'er hugged her head and cried.

Lin Xiao could tell from the way Shui Yue'er grinned that Dean Tianshui's hands must be quite strong.

After a while, Shui Yue'er finally broke the last jar.

In the jar, there are two fruits of the sky tree.

"Hey, this is over"

"But I haven't had enough yet."

Shui Yue'er wasn't too frustrated, but just a little unfinished.

The excitement and pleasure of opening a can made her addicted and somewhat unable to extricate herself.

"Just step back when you're done."

Dean Tianshui's voice rang in everyone's ears.

Shui Yue'er said "Oh", stepped back obediently, and said: "Come on, Dean." ’

Dean Tianshui nodded lightly, came to the counter, and said to Lin Xiao: "Boss, please enlighten me."

Give me some advice? What teaching do you want to give?

I'm not fighting with you!

Lin Xiao smiled helplessly. He could see that Dean Tianshui was calm on the surface, but actually he was panicking in his heart.

He comforted and said: "Don't be nervous, life and death are determined by fate and wealth. You are only responsible for Dali and leave the rest to Miracle."

"Besides, if you can't produce something good, it's useless even if you're nervous to death. That's your life."

Um? Is there anything so comforting?

Dean Tianshui raised his beautiful eyes slightly.

She now understood why Lin Xiao rarely spoke.

This little mouth is like honey. Just a few words will make people's blood pressure soar.

(The previous article has been modified. The items copied by the little hen can only be lower than its own level. And the copied items can also only be used by yourself.)

Good night.

In addition, they said they won’t give me a monthly ticket. Can you give me some free recommendation tickets?

Otherwise it wouldn’t make sense.

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