I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 281 Yu Xiaogang: It’s time to show off


A stream of light fell from the sky like a meteorite and struck heavily on the top of Wuhun City.

Visible to the naked eye, the thick city wall was overwhelmed, with circles of cracks appearing, as dense as a spider web.

A person has been embedded in the city wall.

"It's Sword Douluo!"

"It's really Sword Douluo!"

After a brief silence, people recognized Sword Douluo's identity and exclaimed.


Everyone in Wuhun Hall let out a sigh of relief.

They don't know how they would feel if Qian Dao was defeated. They can accept the current results.

On the other hand, Bone Douluo and Ning Fengzhi's hearts were lifted.


Bone Douluo turned to look at Ning Fengzhi, only to see that Ning Fengzhi had already dragged the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda in his hand, and the light in his complexion had begun to flash continuously. His eyes were fixed on Sword Douluo, and he might take action at any time.

call out..

Suddenly there was a sound breaking through the air, followed by a figure falling from the sky.

He was suspended in the air, but was level with Sword Douluo's position.

Qian Daoliu!

Everyone recognized each other's identity and kept silent, not daring to say anything.

"Chen Xin, you are very good, you are stronger than I thought, today."

He stared at Sword Douluo tightly and said slowly.

However, before he finished speaking, seven rays of light of different colors fell on Sword Douluo.

Suddenly, a powerful aura burst out from Sword Douluo's body.

As if he had gained strength, he supported the city wall with both hands and broke free from the shackles of the city wall.

After that, he stood in the air and looked at Qiandaoliu.

Qian Daoliu glanced at this moment and discovered Ning Fengzhi among the crowd.

Upon seeing this, Bone Douluo immediately summoned his martial spirit and stood in front of Ning Fengzhi.

Protect him tightly behind you.


Qian Daoliu was slightly surprised, then smiled: "Don't be nervous, let me finish."

"I want to say that I lost today. I broke my promise before and used the ninth soul skill."


Qian Daoliu actually said that he lost?

There was an uproar in the field.

No one expected this situation.

More people's eyes were wandering around Sword Douluo and Qian Daoliu, trying to see something.

"Sect Master, Old Bones, don't be nervous."

At this moment, Sword Douluo spoke first to comfort Ning Fengzhi and Bone Douluo.

Seeing that both of them had relaxed, he looked at Qian Daoliu and said in a deep voice: "Why should I let someone give up a soul skill? If I lose, I will lose, but I have gained a little understanding from this battle, otherwise How long will it take, I will come back for advice."

Qian Daoliu's eyes flashed with admiration, "You are always welcome."

Sword Douluo just nodded lightly when he heard this, then passed Qian Daoliu and flew straight in front of Ning Fengzhi and Bone Douluo.

"Dad, are you going to let them go just like that?"

Qian Daoliu's ears suddenly heard such a voice.

He turned his head slightly and realized that it was Qianjun Douluo who was asking.

"Although Wuhun Palace and Qibao Glazed Sect have some conflicts of interest, there is no reason to quarrel with each other."

"Let him be."

Qian Daoliu also responded by means of sound transmission.

Qianjun Douluo's eyes narrowed slightly, but he said nothing more.

In fact, what Qian Daoliu didn't say was that after Sword Douluo got help from Ning Fengzhi, he felt a sense of crisis.

He remembered the sword that Chen Xin's father once slashed in front of him. Its power should not be underestimated.

Of course, it was also because of that sword that Chen Xin's father died.

If Sword Douluo's strength were to be used in conjunction with the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda to use that life-or-death sword, he might also be seriously injured.


The crowd dispersed.

And this battle is also talked about. Speaking of Qiandaoliu, countless soul masters have even whispered that he is the number one person in Douluo Continent. When talking about Sword Douluo, everyone unconsciously gave a thumbs up.

It's very simple. A person who can compete with the number one soul master in the mainland, isn't he awesome?

Near noon, two people finally arrived in Lin Xiao's shop.

"Yu Xiaogang?"

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly, not expecting that he would come.

Lin Xiao also saw that next to Yu Xiaogang there was another person whose face was similar to his.

Is this person from the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family?

"Hello, Boss Lin. Let me introduce myself. I am Yu Luo Mian from the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family."

Next to Yu Xiaogang, Yu Luo Mian cupped his fists and saluted.

When he came, Yu Xiaogang had simply told him that if he wanted to awaken the bloodline power of the Holy Dragon of Light, a small shop was the key. The second boss, who is extremely smooth in dealing with people, naturally knows what to do.

"Yu Luomian, the second head of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family?"

Lin Xiao was startled, but he didn't expect this person to come.

"Boss Lin, you are serious. The so-called second master is just a false name. There is only one real leader of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family, and that is my eldest brother Yu Yuanzhen."

Yuluo Mian was smiling and talking.

I have to say that his approachable appearance made people like him a lot. Far from being comparable to Yu Xiaogang, a bitter and resentful person.

"Okay, since you are here to buy food, you are probably not here to buy food. One hundred thousand gold soul coins are in a jar, and each person is limited to ten. Who comes first?"

After finishing his polite words, Lin Xiao chose to get straight to the point.

"Second uncle."

Yu Xiaogang glanced at Yu Luo Mian, looking a little nervous.

"You have made great contributions to the sect, and this million gold soul coins are your reward."

Yu Luomian nodded, took out millions of gold soul coins from the space soul guide, and placed them on the counter.

After that, he looked at Lin Xiao and said, "Boss, I'm busy. Let's get him ten jars first."

Lin Xiao put away the money, then looked at Yu Xiaogang, "Come forward and choose the jar you like."

Take this step again! Yu Xiaogang took a deep breath and stepped forward step by step.

Finally, I stood in front of the counter.

Yu Xiaogang, Yu Xiaogang, this opportunity is given to you, you must seize it. Whether you can soar into the sky depends on your choice.

Thoughts flashed through Yu Xiaogang's mind.

I have to say, I was very panicked.

He thought for a long time before making a firm decision.

Ten jars were pointed out one by one.

"A bit interesting?" Lin Xiao's eyes lit up.

Because the jars Yu Xiaogang chooses are very particular.

"I don't have any strong points, the only one I have is my good memory."

"The last time I watched Flanders and Liu Erlong open jars, I had already written down the order and location of the jars they shipped. Now the ten jars I have chosen can be opened at worst. Produce high-end items.”

Yu Xiaogang said with great confidence.

There was some pride in his voice.

In his opinion, Lin Xiao was trying to hide the truth by putting so many jars on the shelves. A jar that can really produce good things must have traces to follow.

The saying that whatever can be given is fate, this is a joke to him.

Because he, Yu Xiaogang, believes in everything except fate!

Otherwise, isn't it just to accept the fact that you are a waste?

Therefore, we must not believe in fate!

"Well, so you think so."

Lin Xiao was a little stunned.

Then he smiled helplessly. It has to be said that Yu Xiaogang's thinking is indeed a bit strange. Others rely on metaphysics to open the jar, but this guy actually tried to use scientific methods to decipher the mystery of the jar. He was completely going in the opposite direction.

One word, show!


Lin Xiao clapped his hands gently, and jars flew off the counter.

It was exactly the ten jars Yu Xiaogang needed.

"Is it enough to just turn it on?"

Yu Luomian looked at the ten jars neatly placed on the counter, with an inexplicable light flashing in his eyes.

Curiosity, doubt, confusion and other emotions are numerous.

He really wanted to see what was in the jar that could make the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus rex evolve.

"Well, I'm going to start, you all should be mentally prepared."

Yu Xiaogang looked left and right and said aloud.

"Are you nervous?" Yu Luo Mian frowned.

"What a joke, how could I be nervous?"

Yu Xiaogang said, taking out a towel and wiping the sweat on his face. I twisted the towel hard, and there was a "splash" sound, and the water stains soaked a large area on the ground.

Lin Xiao: "."

Jade Luo Mian: "."

On the other hand, after Yu Xiaogang put away the towel, he opened the jar as if nothing had happened.


The first jar shattered and a fiery red fruit fell out.

"Is this a treasure that can evolve a martial spirit?"

Yuluo Mian's pupils shrank and she asked hurriedly.

It's not that he doesn't want to be reserved, it's just that awakening the bloodline of the Holy Dragon of Light is too important to the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

"Second uncle, please don't be so excited. This thing is called a mutant strawberry, and it can restore physical injuries."

Yu Xiaogang said and quickly stuffed the mutant strawberry into his mouth.

Suddenly, his complexion improved at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The injuries caused by Flanders and the Wuhun Palace guards have improved a lot.

"It's nothing more than a soul skill of a healing soul master."

"One hundred thousand gold soul coins are not worth it."

Yuluo Mian saw this and whispered.

Lin Xiao frowned slightly when he heard the sound. Just as he was about to say something, Yu Xiaogang spoke before him.

"Second Uncle, this is wrong. Can a healing soul master carry it with him? Can a healing soul master treat people regardless of their soul power level?"

"This thing can totally save lives!"

Yu Xiaogang said to Yu Luo Mian.


You talk a lot and you are reasonable.

If you think it’s not a loss, then don’t lose it.

Yu Luo Mian was rendered speechless by Yu Xiaogang for a moment.

"Boss, it seems that my guess is correct. The first jar has already contained high-end items."

Yu Xiaogang looked at Lin Xiao again, with a bit of pride in his voice.

So what if the strength is not strong?

I have a brain!

I have cracked the secret of your jar.

"Haha, a very good beginning, let's continue."

Lin Xiao smiled and said nothing more.

You know, when Qian Renxue got five rare items in succession, she was not as arrogant and proud as him.

Those who don’t know may think that Yu Xiaogang started out as an artifact-level item.

"This is just the beginning, and it will get better and better."

With a confident smile on his lips, Yu Xiaogang smashed the next jar.


A burst of white light.


Yu Xiaogang's eyes suddenly widened, and he suddenly felt a little speechless.

Just now, I was bragging that I had mastered the rules of opening cans, but now I am opening an ordinary item. What is this?

Isn't this a slap in the face?

"Don't be nervous. Ordinary-level items are not all rubbish. It can't be said that they are experience capsules or proficiency capsules. If it were an experience capsule, everyone would be happy."

After thinking about it, hope appeared in Yu Xiaogang's heart again.

It took about a breath.

Everyone saw clearly what was in the jar.

Lin Xiao's expression remained as usual.

Yu Xiaogang's pupils shrank suddenly, and the expressions on his face changed one after another. In the end it turned purple like pork liver.

Yuluo Mian had a curious look on his face and couldn't help but ask: "How is it? How about this? Is it a treasure that can evolve the bloodline?"


"This is a wild strawberry, a fruit with a very good taste."

Yu Xiaogang put away the wild strawberries with a dark face and tried to return to normal. He turned to Yu Luomian and said, "Second uncle, the purpose of opening this jar is to tell you that not all the items in the jar are valuable. Just like what happened just now, you should have seen it."

Yu Luomian nodded thoughtfully, "If you see it, continue."

"By the way, you don't have to cover up for me. After all, a jar of one hundred thousand gold soul coins is quite expensive. The sect's money is not blown by the strong wind." He explained to Yu Xiaogang in a serious tone.


Do you think I want to drive into this garbage?

Yu Xiaogang cursed in his heart, but nodded calmly on his face.

"Just take a look, there is definitely something good in this jar." He said firmly.

After the voice fell, his eyes skipped Lin Xiao and placed them on the jar again. The lucky magic hammer fell from his hand.

Click, white light.

A bunch of Xiti Mountain grapes.

"This is."

Yu Luomian frowned, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Yu Xiaogang.

"Second uncle, don't ask. This is an accident. This thing has nothing to do with improving bloodline."

After Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, he broke another jar.

Click, another white light.

"This is also an accident"

Yu Xiaogang said with a dark face: "I don't believe it. Can there be ordinary items in the next jar?"

Gritting his teeth, Yu Xiaogang smashed a jar again.


Yuluo Mian's eyelids jumped because this was another white light.

"You don't need to say this. I know it was an accident, and I also know it has nothing to do with awakening the bloodline." He took the lead in saying Yu Xiaogang's lines.

On the other hand, Yu Xiaogang was already confused.

"That's not right!"

"I clearly remembered that these jars come from good things, how could I be wrong!"

He whispered to himself, somewhat unable to accept this result.

"Is there a possibility that I messed up the order of the jars. How about rearranged them?"

Lin Xiao's voice sounded at this time.

"Is it necessary?" Yu Xiaogang was startled, looked at Lin Xiao and asked with some uncertainty.

"I can't say for sure. If someone as smart as you sees through the secret in the jar, wouldn't I be in trouble?"

"To put it another way, could it be that I deliberately let you discover the pattern?"

Lin Xiao blinked and smiled slightly.

In fact, he said this deliberately just to hit Yu Xiaogang.

After all, that domineering look is really too flattering.


Yu Xiaogang was even more shocked.

Then the expression on his face changed again, from shock to bitterness.

He felt that what Lin Xiao said was really possible.

"It's so careless."

Yu Xiaogang felt heartache.

After all, according to what Lin Xiao said, the opponent completely defeated him at what he was best at.

At this moment, Yu Xiaogang felt that the most difficult path in the world was Lin Xiao's routine.

There is still true love in the world. Boss Lin, can you use less tricks and show more love?

Surprised or not, unexpected or not. After struggling until now, I updated today’s content in advance because I have something to do tonight.

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