I sell time in the world

Chapter 79 Are you going to sell your time?

in the room.

Zhang Weibin struggled to get up from the ground and looked at Zhang Xiaofeng standing opposite.

He gasped.

"Xiaofeng, are you okay?"

Zhang Xiaofeng didn't say anything, just looked straight in the direction of the door.

Seeing that his son ignored him, Zhang Weibin shook his head helplessly.

Just as he was about to stand up, he realized that Zhang Xiaofeng was still looking towards the door.

Zhang Weibin turned his eyes, and a dark figure broke into his eyes.

He was shocked and asked quickly.

"Who are you?"

There was no sound, no footsteps.

It was like appearing out of thin air, how could Zhang Weibin not be frightened!

The dark figure did not reply to him, but stepped into the room.

Arriving next to Zhang Weibin, Lin Feng looked down at him and said.

"You want to sell your time?"

Listening to the calm words in the darkness, Zhang Weibin's face was stunned.

After a while, he understood.

The dark figure in front of him is the time merchant he contacted!

Zhang Weibin said quickly.

"Yes, I want to sell my time!"

"Excuse me, how long do I have?"

Lin Feng's thoughts moved, and a string of words appeared instantly.

Zhang Weibin: Thirty-three years old, remaining time: 40 years, 6 hours and 21 minutes.

Cause of death: Unable to repay the debt, he jumped off the building and died.

Lin Feng said calmly.

"Forty years!"

When Zhang Weibin heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up and he said without any hesitation.

"I'm selling it for twenty years!"

"According to your rules, 20,000 per year, in twenty years it will be 400,000!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Weibin's voice became cautious.

"Look, can you?"

Lin Feng responded.


Hearing Lin Feng's words, Zhang Weibin was pleasantly surprised.

Four hundred thousand!

He had enough to pay back all the money he owed!

Then the remaining money can be used to set up a stall, even if it doesn't make much.

As long as you and your son can live a normal life, that's enough.

In Zhang Weibin's eyes, a tawny parchment scroll appeared out of thin air in the hands of the man in front of him.

Zhang Weibin's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Sign your name on this time selling contract."

Zhang Weibin took the parchment scroll from Lin Feng's hand without any hesitation.

His eyes searched for a while, and finally the three characters "four hundred thousand" came into his eyes.

Zhang Weibin was very satisfied. He picked up his son's pencil on the table and signed his name.

He handed the parchment to Lin Feng again and said respectfully.

"Hello, the contract has been signed!"

"The above is my bank card number, just transfer it directly to it!"

Lin Feng reached out to take it and started to transfer the money.

Two seconds later.

A payment notification sound appeared on Zhang Weibin's mobile phone.

Zhang Weibin didn't hesitate at all, took out his phone and took a look.

There was already a six-figure sum in his bank account.

Zhang Weibin looked at Lin Feng with gratitude on his face and said.

"thank you."

Lin Feng said calmly.

"Transaction successful!"

As Lin Feng finished speaking, the time selling contract in his hand instantly turned into ashes.


An inexplicable feeling of powerlessness and weakness appeared in Zhang Weibin's body.

It was as if something had been hollowed out.

Lin Feng was just about to leave when he found the little boy not far away looking at him with wide eyes.

Those eyes were full of indifference and numbness

Under the gazes of Zhang Weibin and Zhang Xiaofeng, the dark figure disappeared instantly.

Zhang Weibin's eyes widened instantly, and his heart was full of panic.

He understood that the time selling he was doing must be real.

However, Zhang Weibin didn't care.

As long as he has this money, he is willing to live less than twenty years!

Putting away the mobile phone in his hand, Zhang Weibin looked not far away.

Although his face was covered with scars, he still couldn't help but smile.

"Xiaofeng, what do you want to eat tonight? Dad is going to buy it now!"

Only then did Zhang Xiaofeng speak.

"I want to eat meat!"

Listening to his son's words, Zhang Weibin's body trembled suddenly, and he responded quickly.

"Okay, Dad, go buy it now!"

Walking on the street, Zhang Weibin had a smile on his face.

Even though he had just been beaten violently by Black Snake and the others, and bursts of pain were felt in his body, he still could not suppress the relaxation and satisfaction in his heart.

When walking through the chess and card street, Zhang Weibin walked in.

Looking at his three poker friends just now, Zhang Weibin said proudly.

"Come on, come on, show me the code!"

"I said I won't owe you money, so I won't."

After listening to Zhang Weibin's words, the man wearing the big gold chain said in surprise.

"Is Boss Zhang getting rich?"

"Didn't you just run away from a debt collector?"

The middle-aged woman also opened the payment code with a smile on her face and said.

"Boss Zhang, is he grand?"

"It's still early, why don't you touch it a few more times?"

Zhang Weibin's chapped lips rose and he said.

"No more touching, no more touching"

"From today on, I'll quit all of them!"

After paying off all three debts, Zhang Weibin walked out of the chess and card room with a confident step.

In Zhang Weibin's mind, he was already thinking about what stall he should set up.

A black car suddenly drove out from the other side of the corner.

This sudden change directly frightened Zhang Weibin's feet and he fell to the ground.

The eyes of passers-by around him instantly fell on Zhang Weibin.

An inexplicable sense of embarrassment appeared in Zhang Weibin's heart.

Although there was a three-pointed star logo on the side of the car, he still couldn't help shouting angrily.

"How do you drive?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a piercing horn sounded.


Listening to the urgent horn sound, Zhang Weibin was even more furious.

Standing up, he walked towards the driver's seat.

Zhang Weibin was about to knock on the car window, but the window was lowered first.

Looking at the middle-aged man in the driver's seat, Zhang Weibin shouted.

"How do you drive?"

"I hit someone, do you know that?"

The middle-aged man just glanced at Zhang Weibin, moved his hand, and took out a wad of money from the LV bag on the passenger seat.

Under Zhang Weibin's gaze, the middle-aged man casually took out a few bills and threw them to Zhang Weibin.

At the same time, a cold voice sounded.

"Is that enough?"

Seeing the middle-aged man's attitude, Zhang Weibin was even more angry.

"What do you mean?"

"Am I asking you for money?"

The middle-aged man raised the corner of his mouth, stepped on the remaining money in his hand, and threw it directly to Zhang Weibin.

Feeling the wad of money falling on his face, Zhang Weibin subconsciously reached out to hold it.

The middle-aged man glanced at Zhang Weibin and said.

"Can I leave now?"

Zhang Weibin didn't say anything, and looked down at the big red bill on his arm.

Seeing that Zhang Weibin didn't say anything, the middle-aged man closed the car window directly and stepped on the accelerator.

Under Zhang Weibin's gaze, he left the vegetable market.

At this time, a series of discussions sounded.

"Oh my god, did you get rich? Just fell down and picked up so much money for nothing?"

"That stack of money is 10,000 yuan!"

"I would have fallen down if I had known"


Listening to the voices of passers-by around him, Zhang Weibin finally came back to his senses.

After a glance, he put the money into his pocket without hesitation and walked into the vegetable market.

Until more than ten minutes later.

Zhang Weibin walked on the sidewalk beside the road.

In his mind, he kept replaying the look of the middle-aged man in the Mercedes-Benz car.

Especially the raised corner of the middle-aged man's mouth.



He even threw 10,000 yuan in his face without caring!

That was the disdain of the rich for ordinary people.

A strong sense of inferiority appeared in Zhang Weibin's heart.

"Even if I have 400,000 yuan, what can I do?"

"At most, I can just pay off all the debts!"

"Even if I can open a roadside stall with the remaining money, what money can I make?"

"I go out early and come back late every day, just for a hundred or two hundred yuan?"

"My son is still young now, so he doesn't need much money."

"But what about a few years later?"

"I have to spend money to prepare for the transition from primary school to junior high school?"

"For better development in the future, I have to sign up for a training class, right?"

"Training classes are so expensive now, and it costs thousands of yuan at any time."

"My son will go to college, buy a car and a house in the future."

While Zhang Weibin was talking to himself, he had already walked to the chess and card street.

Looking at the familiar shouts in the chess and card room, Zhang Weibin took a step unconsciously.

It felt like something in the chess and card room was calling him.

The next second.

Zhang Weibin woke up in his mind and slapped himself hard.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I said I would quit!"

Then, Zhang Weibin turned around and was about to go home.

But just after taking two steps, Zhang Weibin resolutely turned his head back.

He said to himself.

"For the last time!"

"Use this money to win back all the money I lost before, and I will quit completely!"

"My son will need a lot of money in the future."

"Yes, for my son!"

When Zhang Weibin walked to a trash can, he threw the vegetables he bought into the trash can without hesitation.

Time was slowly passing.

The chess and card room was surrounded by thick smoke, and even the disgusting smell of sweat was covered by the smoke.

The sky had already been shrouded in darkness.


Zhang Weibin, with sweat on his face, pushed down the mahjong that had just been arranged in front of him, and shouted.

"No more playing!"

After the words were finished.

Zhang Weibin stood up and walked out of the chess and card room.

The middle-aged woman's face changed, and she was about to call Zhang Weibin.

But he was held down by the man with the big gold chain next to him, who shook his head.

The cool breeze at night blew on Zhang Weibin's cheeks, but it still couldn't wipe away the cold sweat on his face.

Looking at the three-digit balance left in his bank account, Zhang Weibin's eyes were full of despair.

"It's over, it's all over!"

In just a few hours, the balance in his bank account was almost emptied.

How should he pay back the money to Black Snake?


Zhang Weibin has returned to his home.

Looking at Zhang Xiaofeng who has fallen asleep on the sofa.

A strong sense of regret appeared in Zhang Weibin's heart.

It seems that because of Zhang Weibin's footsteps, Zhang Xiaofeng opened his eyes a little hazily.

He looked at Zhang Weibin and asked.

"Dad, did you buy meat?"

Zhang Weibin's face froze, and he said bitterly.

"Dad has something to do and forgot to buy it."

"Can I buy it tomorrow?"

Zhang Xiaofeng said calmly.


These words fell into Zhang Weibin's ears, like needles.

No anger, no loss, and no expectations.

That feeling, it's like he's already used to it.

Zhang Weibin gently patted Zhang Xiaofeng's back and said.

"Don't worry, Dad will definitely buy it tomorrow!"

"You go to sleep first."

Seeing Zhang Xiaofeng fall asleep again, Zhang Weibin walked out of the room.

Coming to the corridor, Zhang Weibin took a deep puff of cigarette and let the cigarette roll in his lungs.

With a move of his hand, Zhang Weibin took out his mobile phone and started looking for it.

When he found the number, he dialed it without hesitation.

A few seconds later, the phone was connected.

Zhang Weibin's words were trembling.

"Hello, I want to sell time!"

"Right now, the sooner the better!"

On the corridor.

Zhang Weibin sat on a bamboo chair at the door.

Under his feet, a pile of cigarette butts had already piled up.

His eyes looked at the stairs not far away from time to time, full of expectation and anxiety.

Zhang Weibin glanced at the watch on his wrist. It was already more than 7:50 in the evening.

At this moment, footsteps sounded.

Zhang Weibin's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly ran to the stairs.

When he looked at the five figures in front of him, his eyes shrank instantly.

Black Snake was also startled by the sudden appearance of Zhang Weibin.

Because of the strange disappearance of the figure before, Black Snake had an inexplicable fear in his heart.


When Black Snake saw that it was Zhang Weibin, he was a little surprised.

"It seems that you have really prepared the money?"

"You all came to greet me?"

Zhang Weibin's face froze, and he stammered.

"Brother Snake."

"I had prepared the money."

"But... but there was a little accident."

Black Snake's brows frowned instantly, and he stared at Zhang Weibin and said.

"Little accident?"

"Hehe, you are not playing tricks on me, are you?"

While speaking.

Black Snake's right hand was placed on Zhang Weibin's shoulder.

Feeling the power on his shoulder, Zhang Weibin hurriedly shook his head and said.

"Brother Snake, how dare I play tricks on you?"

"I really have prepared the money."

"I wanted to make a comeback, but I lost it all in the afternoon."

Black Snake said with an understanding expression.

"So that's how it is."

"That means you don't have money to pay us back now?"

Zhang Weibin answered hesitantly.

"I really don't have money now."

"But don't worry, Brother Snake!"

"The money is on the way, I will pay it back to you right away."

Black Snake's face changed, and he shouted.

"The money is on the way again?"

"How many times are you going to say the same excuse?"

"Do you really think I, Black Snake, am stupid?"

Then, Black Snake looked at the minions beside him and said.

"Go and bring his son over."

A minion next to him immediately walked towards Zhang Weibin's home.

Zhang Weibin's face changed, and he said hurriedly.

"Brother Snake, I really didn't lie to you!"

"Wait another half an hour."

"The time merchant will come in half an hour!"

Black Snake frowned, and asked doubtfully,

"Time merchant?"

Zhang Weibin nodded, and was about to explain.

A cold voice sounded behind them.

"Are you selling time?"

Hearing this, the Black Snakes were startled and looked behind them.

The hooded cloak figure they had seen before was standing there.

The figure was covered in a hooded cloak, and it was elusive like a ghost.

The Black Snakes subconsciously took a few steps back.

"Who are you?"

Looking at the familiar black figure in front of him, Zhang Weibin's face was full of surprise.

He quickly replied.

"Hello, I want to sell time!"

"Same as in the afternoon, I want to sell twenty years!"

Hearing the inexplicable words from Zhang Weibin's mouth, the Black Snakes' face was full of doubts.

Selling time?

Selling twenty years?

What the hell does this mean?

Lin Feng nodded and said.

"Selling twenty years, earning 400,000."

"Have you thought about it?"

Zhang Weibin said without any hesitation.

"If I have thought about it, I can sign the contract now."

Sorry, it's been revised

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