Agent CP looked up.

What appeared in front of him was a huge ship!

This ship was as big as an island!

“This is… the terrifying three-masted sailing ship?!” Agent CP said in shock.

Although I have heard in the past that Gekko Moriah owns the largest pirate ship in the world.

But I didn’t expect that it would be the scene in front of me.

Rather than saying that this is a big ship, it is better to say that this is a small island!

Although according to this description, it seems to be changing from big to small.

But one is a ship and the other is an island.

The magnitude of these two items is completely different!

Such a shocking scene in front of him.

Not only Agent CP was stunned.

Even the man next to him couldn’t help but praise softly:

“That’s great, Gekko Moriah, it’s really a big deal!”

“You actually thought of transforming an island into your own ship.”

“You are really good.”

“What a pity, these are all the property of the world’s nobles.”

“Soon, none of these will belong to you.”

The man had a smile on his face.

But the words he said were extremely uncomfortable.

“Go to the island, no, board the ship.”


CP agent responded subconsciously.

But then he hesitated, the owner of such a ship.

Can they really handle it with just these people?

But then he subconsciously glanced at the man next to him.

He quickly retracted his gaze.

Although he didn’t know where this adult came from, he was a person trusted by Admiral Akainu.

He should be strong.

A group of people quickly boarded the terrifying three-masted ship.

“Hey, where is this?”

“Why did we appear here?”

“Is this a ship? My God, how can it be so big!”

“It’s just like an island!”

“Is this the terrifying three-masted ship of Gekko Moria!?”


The moment they boarded the ship.

The people who were originally confused seemed to have penetrated the fog.

Suddenly woke up.

Seeing the sudden change in the surrounding environment, they couldn’t help but talk about it.

The leading man had no intention of clearing up the confusion for everyone.

He just looked at the signal source in his hand.

The pointer pointed directly to the direction of the castle not far away.

The man nodded slightly:

“Well, we are not wrong. The target should be inside the castle.”

“The mission target is very close to us. Let’s go.”

The moment the man spoke, everyone involuntarily quieted down.

Hearing the man’s order, they subconsciously followed.

But while walking, they still couldn’t help looking at each other.

But no one continued to speak.


The group came to the castle.

The man walking in front suddenly stopped.

The man waved to the CP agents behind him:


Everyone was stunned.

But they soon reacted.

This was asking them to explore the way first.

At first, the CP agent in charge of driving the boat hesitated for a moment, then quickly came to the man and said:

“Sir, should we take a look at the surrounding terrain first…”

He suggested this according to the rules of their CP agent organization.

This will not only prevent the enemy from escaping.

It will also increase the safety of everyone.

The man just glanced at him casually:

“Divide into batches and go straight!”

The CP agent immediately understood that the other party was determined.

It seems that he is very confident that the target is among them.

Although the other party is a member of the navy, it is reasonable that they have no control over their CP agent organization.

However, the other party is Admiral Akainu’s man.

Admiral Akainu is not only an admiral in the navy.

He also has a special position in the world nobles.

Therefore, since he is the person assigned by Akainu, he is naturally their superior.

The CP agent had to bite the bullet and turned back and said:

“Divide into three batches!”

The agents have long been well-trained.

Three batches were divided in an instant.

“Be careful, follow me in the first batch!”

Everyone behind him also saw what happened just now.

Although everyone was reluctant, there was nothing they could do.

As subordinates, at this time, they could only obey the orders of their superiors.

Holding guns, everyone stepped into the gloomy castle step by step.

As soon as they entered, the door behind them suddenly closed!

Everyone turned around quickly.

But they found that there was no door behind them!

“Damn it!”

The leading CP agent cursed in a low voice.

Another person on the side said:

“Boss, what should we do?”

The leading CP agent hesitated for a moment:

“Go on, this should be a trick, the adult outside can’t see us and will take action. ”

“Let’s explore the environment here first, starting from the first floor. ”

Everyone nodded slightly.

They all started to sweep the rooms on the first floor.

They walked slowly and carefully.

After all, no one knew what would happen here.

Sweat beads appeared on everyone’s forehead.

In the extremely depressing and quiet environment around them.

They could even hear their own heartbeats.

In this way, everyone searched room by room.

But no one was found.

After clearing the last room on the first floor.

CP agents breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that at least this floor should be safe for now.

Just when they had this idea.

A scream came from behind the crowd!


This scream was so shrill that it scared everyone to cardiac arrest.

A group of people turned around suddenly.

All the guns were pointed at the place where the scream came from.

But there was nothing there.

“Who is it? Playing tricks there!”

“Moonlight Moria! Is that you! ? We are from the Navy Headquarters!”

“We have something to ask you! You’d better come out and talk to our superiors!”

“We are from the Navy! To hurt us is to be the enemy of the Navy!”

The leading CP agent shouted.

But only his voice echoed around.

Nothing else…

The veins on the foreheads of the CP agents bulged:

“You are provoking the Navy and the world’s nobles!”

“We will report to the higher authorities! Deprive you of the title of Shichibukai!”

As soon as these words came out, another scream came from the crowd!


This scream was even more terrifying than the previous one!

The leading CP agent could no longer bear it and shouted:

“Pay attention to the surroundings! Once any suspicious person is found! Shoot directly!”

“Start with me, count! 1! ”

The professionalism of the special agent organization began to show from this moment.

They first had to confirm how many people were injured or killed.

But it was impossible to stop and check in this environment.

So they could only report the number to confirm.



Everyone reported one by one.

The leading CP agent said calmly:

“There were 30 people when we came out, and there are still 30 people now. There is no loss of personnel…”

He was suddenly stunned when he said this.

No loss of personnel?

If there is no loss of personnel, what are the two screams just now?

Suddenly, he got goose bumps all over his body.

“Be careful Zhou…!”

Before he shouted this, he saw a series of black shadows falling from the sky in his peripheral vision!

“Enemy attack! !”

The sound of metal collision and angry roars began to spread from the crowd!

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