Because of the system of the ancient imperial capital, everyone was throwing away their weapons.


a history major shouted.

"Oh my God, I remember that in ancient times, when entering the imperial capital, not only were you not allowed to bring weapons, but your appearance was also very important, otherwise it would be regarded as blasphemy against the emperor."

Quiet, then explosive.

A girl covered her mouth and said, "Yes, I saw in the TV series that everyone who went to the emperor's residence was carefully dressed and groomed before entering."

"No, then I'm doomed." A man who was hurriedly wearing pajamas and big pants in order to seize the opportunity said with a desperate look on his face: "If I go in like this, I will die."

A girl next to him was also desperate. She lowered her head and looked at the cotton mop she passed out. It was a cotton mop with a cute fox head:

"Tamamo-mae is a nine-tailed fox. I'm wearing fox-head cotton slippers. Doesn't that mean I'm going to step on her? It's over. Should I take off my shoes now? But taking off my shoes doesn't mean I'm barefoot. I have athlete's foot." .”

The crowd was noisy, some looked sad and some were happy.

I saw a girl from Bangbang who was dressed up like a star. She touched up her cheeks with foundation and said beautifully:

"Fortunately, there are girls in our country who have good habits. They must put on makeup and dress up when going out, and never go out without makeup."

A young man in a suit next to him rolled his eyes and curled his lips:

"Come on, you are indeed wearing makeup to maintain a good appearance, but there is no plastic surgery in ancient times. Look at your face full of hyaluronic acid and surging silicone. There is a popular saying in ancient China that the body's hair and skin are affected. of parents.

You had double eyelids cut and had fillers. In ancient times, this was called self-destruction and was unfilial. "

The girl was stunned and the foundation in her hand fell to the ground.

She didn't speak for quite a while, wanting to refute, but she felt that what he said made sense.

The people present were noisy, and they were trying to arrange their appearance on the spur of the moment.

Even in front of the TV, they subconsciously looked at their own clothes.

"It seems that when you go out in the future, you have to keep your appearance good and not be too slovenly, just in case an opportunity suddenly comes in front of you in the future."

Such thoughts are popping up in everyone's mind around the world.

And the other side.

"Nissan, do you think the media will not dare to enter the palace of Heian Kyoto later?" Chie Kamikawa suddenly asked.

"Some people should be afraid to go in. They are paid to work, not to work for money."


Immediately after Kamikawa-kun looked at him in astonishment, Chie Kamikawa picked up her phone and started the live broadcast.

"Hello, viewers, my name is Chie Kamikawa, and I am very happy to live broadcast a tour of Heian Kyoto."

The Ashiya family, a top Onmyoji family, is broadcasting live. No one can resist this attraction.

In just a few minutes, the number of people in the live broadcast room was like a rocket, increasing by tens of millions and tens of millions, and the server was instantly overcrowded.

Just kidding, this is a live broadcast by a descendant of the Ashiya family. Not only can you see the scene of waiting to enter the palace, but if you chat with her in the live broadcast room and get close to her, you will not be able to rise to the top and become rich.


The live broadcast room platform exploded.

As the number of people increased, the gifts kept coming.

When the boss of the live broadcast platform saw this, he almost fainted with excitement. He did not hesitate to issue an order to limit the flow of other live broadcast rooms on the platform, or even force them to close. He wanted to give all the traffic channels to Chie Kamikawa. Even so, the number of people still increased so much that the server was overwhelmed, and the server was only a drop in the bucket. , but still could not stop the enthusiasm of the audience, who crowded into the live broadcast room one after another.

Lord Kamikawa couldn't laugh or cry.

"Chie, what are you doing?"

"It's a good way to make extra money. Iori and Mijie told me that this is a good opportunity, because not everyone in the world has the opportunity to enter the palace, and most of them can't. I can make money by showing them the palace through live broadcast, and it can also How nice it would be to satisfy their regret that they can't come to see me. I'm such a kind person."

Chie Kamikawa proudly puffed up her chest, her eyes twinkling with little stars.

Kamikawa Takashi knocked Chie on the head. I really don't know whether to say that Chie is a little expert at making money, or that she has a very quick mind.

"Captain! The glory is gone!"

The elite who had been observing the movements in the palace of Heian Kyoto shouted.

In an instant, everyone looked sideways.

In front of the ancient city palace, the dazzling star-like divine light was like waves, rippling, slowly gathering, until it adhered to the surface of the palace.

It is as if this magnificent building is covered with a layer of liquid and flowing light film, which remains bright and unchanging and becomes more and more beautiful.

The sun is shining brightly.

"Let's go." Kamikawa-san led Kamikawa Chie into this majestic and majestic palace with just a corner.

The crowd followed closely behind.

Inside the palace.

Twelve dragon-like pillars hold up the main hall of the palace. The ground is like crystal glass, flowing crystal clear and shining. The palace is empty, with nothing, cold and quiet, but the twelve pillars are huge, giving the hall a majestic atmosphere, swallowing up mountains and rivers. .

The hall is huge and can accommodate tens of thousands of people without being crowded.

Chie Kamikawa pointed the phone at the pillar.

These pillars are like rising dragons, and above the palace is a black sky, dotted with stars, high-hanging stars, and the Milky Way running through it, colorful and magnificent.

"Contains the cave world!"

Some people looked up at the top of the palace and were so shocked that they were speechless.

This is a real starry sky!

Everyone in the world is astonished, with a starry sky as the ceiling, this handwriting...

Subconsciously, people looked at the twelve majestic pillars, towering directly above them. They could not see the top, and they had no idea how high the pillars were. They were like sky-bearing pillars supporting the starry sky and the ground. They seemed to be rushing into the endless void, and the hidden dragon was rising. Abyss, leap across the darkness.

However, what attracts people is not the grandeur of the pillars, let alone the starry sky.

It is the paintings carved on the pillars. The content of each pillar is different and varied, as if a whole life is recorded in the twelve pillars.

Looking directly at the pillars, the carvings and paintings are lifelike, but there is a strong sense of contrast. The picture becomes blurred and cannot be seen clearly. There are also sounds of living beings, chanting, prayers, drizzle, etc. mixed together.

This feeling is not limited to those present.

This is true for those who see the pillars through the live broadcast room.

Japan's extraordinary response department.

Professor Kitayama took the analysis team’s report on the pillars and elaborated:

"According to the analysis and inference of our advisory group, these pillars should be imprinted with the life of the sculptor. Looking at the pillars is equivalent to seeing a person's life, and it is also the life of powerful gods and demons. Our ordinary people's brains cannot process such memories, so we The carvings on the pillars cannot be clearly seen.

To use a very simple analogy, if you want to watch 4K picture quality with a 3K high-definition TV, how can you do it? What are the TV configurations? "

Director Takahashi and the others felt very pity when they heard this. It was most likely that this was Tamamo Mae's life.

at this time.

"Nissan, isn't this Tamamo-mae's life?" Chie Kamikawa asked curiously.

Everyone was suddenly stunned and looked sideways.

I am Cao! How could I forget this big boss?

We can't see the pillar carvings, but this boss is a god-demonic being, so maybe we can.

"This is Tamamo Mae's life, but the record is not complete. It's just that she imprinted all the most important memories of her life here, for fear that she would forget her memories under the endless years of hard work." Kamikawa Takashi said softly.

Including Chie Kamikawa, everyone's eyes lit up.

Even Director Takahashi and other big shots in front of the TV stood up and were excited, wanting to go directly through the screen to the scene.

Kamikawa-kun can see these life memories! !

Wouldn't it be... that we could learn about Tamamo Mae's life from his mouth?


Everyone stared at Chie Kamikawa with burning eyes, breathing heavily.

They didn't dare to ask Kamikawa-san, there was no reason to ask, but Kamikawa Chie, as his precious sister, could ask.

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