I Shall Be Happy

Chapter 32 - More Random Side Stories

(3rd person's POV)

(A few months after living with the Ackermann)

"Mikan. Why do you call me Thana-kun? What does -kun means."

While a beautiful middle-aged woman was sewing some fabric, a boy walked up to her with a curious face.

"Ara? Well, Thana-kun, there are many different meanings to adding kun to someone's name. For example, when I say add kun to your name, I am referring to you as a young boy. While for Mikasa, it symbolizes the friendship between you."

"Hmm... Where did this honorific came from? I don't think I heard anyone else uses them."

"It's a tradition to speak like this for people my race. God knows since when it started. All I know is it's been passed down from generation to generation.

"What about the other forms of honorifics?"

"Hmm... In addition to kun, there's chan, san, and sama. San is for acquaintances or equal of age. Sama is used for highly esteemed ones, such as the gods. And lastly, Chan is for cute people.

One day you can teach your kids how to use it too."


Then Athanatos' face began to turn red. Although right now he was mentally only 13 years old, never once did he think he would ever get married. So having that notion bringing up at such a time like this, caught him off guard.

"Ara, ara. I see... What do you think of Mikasa?"

"W-what are you talking about. I see her as a little sister."

"I didn't say anything. Your expression is betraying you."


"Then you're not going to take responsibility? I saw you touched her panty a few days ago. That's not a good thing to do to a young maiden."

"It was on the ground! I onl-"

"So you admitted to it then."


"No but. What are you going to do to Mikasa now? She can't get married anymore."

"I- I- I will take respons-"

Then before the boy could finish his sentence, he noticed the smirk on the woman face. Everything clicked. She was just teasing him.

"Ahhh! You're so cute Thana-chan."

Then dropping everything on her hand, she hugged Athanatos into her ċhėst with a fierce passion.

"Stop it! And I'm not cute!"

"Then why are you still hugging me?"

It was then that the boy realized she already released him from her grasp and it was actually him hugging her.

"MOU! Stop teasing me!"

Then he burst outside the door and ran with all his might.

Nevertheless, even though he was incredibly embarrassed, he was happy that he could still experience happy moments like these.


(Few months before the gang joins the cadet)

"When buying food, you first need to know if the store they're selling has a good reputation. Although rumors might not always be accurate, they can reflect the quality of the goods that they're selling to you... So to in order to take care of plants with the most efficiency, water at night, especially during drought time so we can save more water.... Fruit flies are very annoying bugs. They make our food spoil and you get sick from eating those food. So to kill them most effectively, cut a small slice of lemon and place it somewhere. Then those fruit flies will get attracted to the lemon and just kill them all with a bug swatter.... When you are being too nice to other men, many would think that you're flirting with them. When their behaviors change, for example, becoming more bold, fidgety, or narcissistic, that is when you know they have their eyes on you. Don't get swept into their pace. Understand?"

(A/N Lemons actually work very well against fruit flies. You can also use red wine if you want. I tested like many different things and these two worked the best. I killed at least more than a thousand of fruit flies with this method. Good luck to whoever would want to try my method.)

Mikan put up a stern face while teaching the three little individuals in front of her. She was like a mother lecturing her own daughters on the way of life to ensure that they won't make mistakes later. Her education involved learning how to cook, clean, gardening, shopping, and manners. All of this is to prepare for the day that they will be released into the real world and maybe one day... get married.

'Oh... How time flies.' She thought while deciding to end the lesson.

"Now... do you have any questions?"

Then Historia, who was quiet the whole time finally raised her hand.

"Why does my bottom hurt? It was bleeding last night. It's still painful even now. Am I dying?"

"Ara... How should I explain this... Well, Historia. You're going to become a woman now."



Annie and Mikasa were greatly surprised, although the latter didn't understand what being a woman means, the former has a lot more experiences so she couldn't help but get flustered and slightly jealous. She was already 12 and things still haven't come naturally for her. Sigh*

"Am I going to become a mother now?"

"...Historia. It seemed that there's a need for another lesson right now. Mikasa, Annie, you also need to pay attention. It will help you later in life. Listen to me closely... This thing happens to a woman once each month........ To deal with this issue..... Use tampons or a pad that has good absorption..... Or else you would feel very terrible."

(A/N I don't know why I'm writing this. Someone plz end my suffering.)

"Now girls, you are in your growth stage so eat up or your brėȧst won't develop."

"Why do men like brėȧsts?" This time... It was Mikasa who voiced out this subject.

Not expecting another question to come to her way, Mikan was dazed for a brief moment before sighing.

"Haizzz... Sit down... I will now educate you on why our brėȧsts are considered to be the most valuable ȧssets in our life."





(A few moments later)

"Why do men like sėx?" And this time, Annie asked a question that was on her mind lately.

"What is sėx?" Historia, who was ignorant about the outside world, put forward this question, with another curious face. She was learning many things that she has never known before and it was extremely fascinating.

Mikan gave a long sigh. She has been teaching these three girls for more than 4 hours already and they were like beasts, who just kept asking innocent, yet awkward questions.

"I know about this! Let me teach you!" Mikasa puffed out her small ċhėst and declared spiritedly.

'That's my gir-' Mikan, who was proud of her own daughter for knowing something that she didn't have to explain, was in total shock.

(A/N Omae wa mou... SHINDEIROU!)

"NANI?" Mikan shouted loudly with a confusing look on her face. 'Who dared ruined my daughter's innocence?'


Meanwhile, Athanatos was wondering why he was sneezing even though it was impossible to get sick.

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