I Shall Be Happy

Chapter 36 - Joining

(Annie's POV)

The day has finally arrived. We have already signed up to join the Cadet Corps a long time ago and was only waiting for the wagon to take us at the designated location.

Before we leave for real though, Thana-kun stocked up 10 tons of meats and vegetables so we don't have to keep eating the military ration. It was rumored to be very bad so this decision was a smart one.

Last night though... was a day that I would never forget (A/N nothing sėxuȧŀ here). The ȧduŀts approved and supported our decision to leave for training. Mikasa and I already had our share of training so there wasn't really any reason for us to go. The same goes for Thana-kun but since he decided to help the world, I also wanted a hand in this project which he named Operation Conquest While Having Fun. Besides the name, this project will definitely change the world for the better. Once that happened, I can finally take life slowly.

But it's not like the only reason why I'm helping Thana-kun is because I wanted to follow him. With the help of the family, I have cultivated my humanity, and learn how to love and cherish life. It was something that I never imagined that I could possibly obtain, and yet here I am. As a person who used to reside within the country of Marley, I had witnessed countless tragedies and the horribleness of life. Even if I'm not a hero, it's not like I would just be a bystander if I have the power do change things. So, joining the Cadet, following Thana-kun, and changing the world is like killing three birds with one stone.

It was then that I noticed on one of the wagon, was two very familiar figures.

Bertholdt and Reiner... They're here as well. It seemed like they haven't given up finding the Founding Titan.

They are not bad people. Being together with them for so long during the Warrior Program, I have quite a good grasp of their personality. Reiner is like an older brother. He cares about the kids in the Program and always make sure they're living well. However, his mind isn't stable though. Ever since he inherited the titan power though, he would sometimes act like a different person. Bertholdt, on the other hand, is a much simpler man. He usually acts as a taciturn person and a coward but he really cares about his job and the Eldian within the Marley.

Really... they are not bad people, but that doesn't change the purpose of why they're here. To take back the Founding Titan power, which is currently in the hand Thana-kun hand. I hope we don't become enemies since I would unhesitantly kill them, though I would avoid it if possible.

"Reiner and Bertholdt huh... You alright Annie?"

Thana-kun seeing me looking at the two figures far away, said with a concerned voice. I don't really know how but Thana-kun knows a lot about me, sometimes even more than I know myself. Though he never said it, it's likely that he had seen my memory based on his abilities. That's one of the things I liked about him, he didn't criticize my past but rather helped me get over it. Truly an idiot but that's why I can't help but want to be with him more.

"Uhm." I nodded but the next word from his mouth surprise me.

"Want me to erase their memories? I can also take back their titan powers without harming them. I think it would be great if we can have them as a comrade rather than an enemy."

He's right. They're not a bad person at all. They're just being used and couldn't escape because the folks in their hometown are being held, hostages.

"Yeah... Please..."


"Done. I now have the five titan unused titan powers, 6 if including you."

That was fast. Did he stop time?

"What did you do to them?"

"Hmm... I removed the titan powers and altered their memories. Now they will just think they were villagers who had their village invaded and somehow managed to escape. And they're here because they want to have revenge against the titan. For Reiner though, I wiped away the spirits that were haunting him, which happened to be the cause for his multiple personalities. Don't worry, they weren't harmed."

He gave me a pat on the head again.

That's good... They wouldn't have been blinded by their duty anymore, they can just rest easy now.

"...How long were you there?"

I need to know. I totally forgot that when he changes someone's memory, it will take a very long time. Plus he's altering at least 20 years worth of memories for both Reiner and Bertholdt. That must have taken a toll on him.

My heart suddenly began to ache. I was selfish and because of that, he was forced to be in a solitary environment. God knows how long he had been there.

Drops of tears rolled down from my eyes the moment I had this realization.

Noticing this, Thana-kun smiled wryly and tried to comfort me.

"hahaha, don't worry. It's just a couple of days, Annie."

Lies. He's lying. Whenever he tried to lie, his so-called truth sounds like a 4 years old excuse.

"...I'm sorry..."

I hugged him into my embrace. Even if it can alleviate the loneliness he felt just by one bit, I will try.

"There's no need to be sorry for. It was my decision to help you. And times like this, you don't say sorry. It makes me feel as if I wasted my time over nothing."

"Ah... Thank you... Thana-kun."

"Good. ヘ(= ̄∇ ̄)ノ" Then he gave me another pat on my head again. This time, also ruffling my hair.


It was then that I felt two dangerous glares looming somewhere a bit far away.

Mikasa, Historia...

I think you're misunderstanding something.

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