I Shall Be Happy

Chapter 40 - Title at the bottom*

(3rd person's POV)

"Are you mad?"

"... stares*"

"What's wrong?


"I'm sorry..."

"... stares*"


"... stares*


"... stares*"



For the past 30 minutes or so, Athanatos had been staring at by Mikasa. Sasha, Historia, and Annie had long since left and was leaving Mikasa and Athanatos to sort out their business. He had been trying to get a single word from her, but it was to no avail. As dense as he may seem, he is totally aware of Mikasa's feelings toward him. He also felt the same way but was putting off his feelings aside. Though it may seem cruel to both of them, he did this for a good reason. To make sure his feelings for her are genuine and not just ŀust.

Mikasa, on the other hand, wanted nothing but to forever be by his side. Her feelings are much more straightforward, but a flaw prevents her from going any further. She didn't want to create any unnecessary inconvenience to the one she loved; thus, she held herself back from confessing. But... she still wanted him to make his stance clear... simply because she doesn't know what to do... and afraid.

And with both of them holding back their own feelings, though, with different reasons, this what you end up with...

A strange silence descended between both of them.


Athanatos had finally made his decision. He was too selfish. And sooner or later... this subject will have to come to light, and he will have to make his decision.

So before the situation complicates any further, he put up a solemn expression.

"Hey... Mikasa."

"Uhm..." Mikasa, seeing that he had decided to clear things up, looked at him with the same resolute expression. Still, hints of nervousness were visible on her face. No matter how hard she tries, she was bound to have high expectations for what was about to come. But there was one thing that she was sure of though... it was that he wasn't just going to deny her flatly or else he would just have to say it directly.

"Let me take you somewhere nice."


(Mikasa's POV)

Thana-kun told me to close my eyes as the place where we'll be going to is a surprise.

I... I'm glad I finally dared to confront him. I was afraid that my intention wouldn't get through him, or he would avoid the subject. But... I'm glad that he was going to accept me.

"Kyaa!" I released a yelp as I suddenly find myself being lifted off the ground.

Based on the pressure on where he is touching me, I think he is currently giving me a princess carry.

Intense blushing*

This is so embarrassing! Ahhh!

Time slowly flies as he continued to carry me.

I didn't feel any movement at all, but the sound of the fast wind blowing told me that we're flying right now.

Not long after... there was simply no more sound, except the noise made by intense heartbeat or breathing.

"Mikasa... You can open your eyes now."

I did, and what I saw couldn't even be described by words.

I was effortlessly floating within the fabric of space with no support. I was weightless, as if, with just a light touch, I will disappear into the dark void.

That's not what surprised me the most, though. Under my feet, I could see a strangely familiar sphere. It was a beautiful thing. There was a myriad color of brown, blue, green, and white scattering everywhere, in a chaotic order.

I knew one thing for sure, though. That beautiful and stunning sphere in front of me was my home planet, and under where I am... is home.

Turning my head up to look around, I could see the familiar night sky but infinitely brighter. Stars were everywhere. And in the middle of that was a bright blue stream, resembling that of a clear river.

"Do you like it?"

Then I take a look at Thana-kun, who was in front of me. He was my safe haven. And without him, I wouldn't be able to experience such a fantastic event. But most importantly, I intuitive knew that I would immediately die had he not protect me from the dangerous void.

"I..." The words I wanted to say was there, but it wouldn't come out.

Why can't I simply muster up my courage?

I want to express my feelings right now but I... what am I afraid of?

Tears welled up in my eyes.

I felt a little pathetic for being such a coward. And now Thana-kun is going to think I'm weird.

I shut my eyes closed and tilt my head down. I didn't want him to see me like this. Not when I'm looking like such a weak girl.

My head turned dizzy and I was feeling as if there were buŧŧerflies in my stomach. I got even more nervous and began to quiver. I was too afraid of him hating me for messing up this fantastic moment.

His forehead touched mine, and our face was just inches away from each other. Moreover, the hot breath coming from his mouth, tickled my cheek and making me blush even further.

Right... there's nothing to fear.


I gazed deep into his eyes with my utmost affectionate expression.

"Yeah?" He gave me a warm smile, and at that moment, I felt like nothing except the present matters anymore.

Yes. Today was the day. And I'm going to make it an unforgettable memory.

I took in a deep breath before imbuing my most heartfelt emotion into what I was about to say.

"Thana-kun... Thank you for coming into my life... Without you... I- I don't think I will be able to love someone with such happiness. With so much joy... Thank you... for making me as strong as I am now... for giving me the ability to protect my family. And now, my life is full of colors. It's all thanks to you... I... just want to be by your side."

His other arm then wrapped around me and pulling me closer. And I instinctively knew what to do.

"I love you..."

As I say that, I gathered up my last courage and kissed him.

It lasted for 20 seconds before we pulled ourselves out.

With an even warmer expression than before, Thana-kun silently whispered to me.

"I love you too..."

This time... he took the lead. It was more passionate and sensual than before.

But it wasn't long before we took a step further.

His tongue penetrated my lip, and I gave back no resistance. In return, I did the same thing.

Our tongue intertwined deeply, and we both keep exploring more fervently. We only got bolder as each moment passes.

Our breathing got rougher and slowly, but surely, jolts of pŀėȧsurė began to course through my entire body. All I felt was the feeling of euphoria.

Then... our arms that were wrapped around each other... now was inching into the gap of our clothes.

At first, it was just some casual touchings, but seeing none of us showing any discomfort, we both got even more daring.

Our fantasy has only just begun.

That day... we both explored into a new territory, one that we were both too afraid to tread on before.









The author can't help but want to kill Athanatos for stealing Mikasa away from him. He wanted to write something like, "Truck-kun suddenly and magically appeared out of nowhere and was going straight for Athanatos, so that he can be sent into another world".

Idk what I'm doing anymore.

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