I Shall Be Happy

Chapter 48 - Wilderness (2)

(3 person's POV)

"Ah... This is so boring..."


In the middle of a desolate valley, filled with uneven mountain peaks, a group of 9 was moving toward their destination.

They were: Athanatos Ackermann, Historia Reiss, Armin Alert, Eren Yeager, Jean Kirstein, Mina Carolina, Marco Bott, Connie Springer, and last but not least, Sasha Blouse.

Besides two people, most were extremely exhausted as the sunny weather slowly began to wear them down. They couldn't even take a break, nor could they go over a certain speed. In other words, it was extremely boring.

But, that was the main purpose of the ȧssessment—to see how well they can endure boredom.

Regardless, it was very difficult to endure such a thing, considering that these are just young teenagers. They are at that stage in life, where hormones start to have an effect on their behavior.

And using boredom to cope with that isn't such a good idea. So there are definitely bound to be some people who won't follow the rules.

For example:

"Come'on! Let's hurry up! There's nothing to do here."

"We're not allowed to rush the journey, Eren."

"Shut up, Armin. If no one is going, then Imma be ahead."

"Just let him go, Armin. We should just sit down and take our time."

"Tch! Tch! You're useless Jean."

"Yeah right... Like any effort will get me into the Military Police."

"Don't say that Jean, we're a team here. And Eren, we're breaking up the formation if you're going ahead."

"AHHHH!!! This is so boring."

It wasn't until Marco, the leader of the team, persuaded the two that they had finally calmed down.

These kinds of conversations have been occurring similarly once every 2 hours; though this time, it was the loudest. For Eren, who is usually impatient, the whole trip is like a torture to him. But for Jean, he's pretty cool with it. Thus, the two have been clashing quite frequently, no matter who intervenes.

Except for one that is.

"SHUT UP EREN! God. I swear if you're waking me up one more time, Imma shove your face straight into your ȧss.."

Eren had made a mistake. He had nearly forgotten the fact that Athanatos was on the same team as him.

Throughout the entire journey, Athanatos has not spoken a single word.

Then... what was he's doing?

In front of Athanatos, was two horses pulling a cart. And he was currently sleeping on it with Historia besides him.

He wasn't doing anything. Just sleeping while holding hands with Historia. They were simply in their own world.

Realistically speaking, this was not even allowed during the ȧssessment. Everyone is supposed to be riding their own horse while being in a specific formation. But nobody dares to say a word. No one...

But they knew, once they wake up the sleeping dragon, they are f**ked!!!

"What about Jean? Why me?"

"How about you go f**k yourself and shut the hell up!"

"You too, horse face."

"( ・_・)"

He f**ked up too...

Then Athanatos went back to sleep.


The two troublemaker duo sighed in relief.

Thank goodness Athanatos didn't pursue this topic. Or else... they might have to suffer... quite terribly.

But then, suddenly...


Eren and Jean who managed to dodge a bullet earlier, couldn't help but start to sweatdrop like crazy.

Why? Why would she do this...? Why wake up the dragon?

But contrary to their expectation, Athanatos wasn't angry. In fact, he was quite excited.

He abruptly stood up and took out his steel sword. Without even a short breath of hesitation, he threw it with extreme precision.

The sword passed straight between Eren and Jean, then finally impale its target.

The most amazing—and the scariest—part of this was how Athanatos didn't even try aiming.

This caught Eren and Jean by surprise, as, if they were just a foot closer to each other, they might have had one foot down in their grave. In fact, they didn't even see the sword trajectory. They only felt a cold breeze passing by, giving chills to their spines.

For Eren, this happens occasionally, but for Jean? He almost shat himself.

They didn't dare to say a word, in fear of Athanatos. They didn't want to know what will happen to them when he is angered, not even Eren, who has been living with him for a couple of years already.


Eren and Jean were speechless at the two crazies high-fiving... especially Eren.

Why is this so unfair? Why is he, Athanatos' family member, is being treated worse than a girl who is mentally retarded?

Is she another one of his girlfriends?

Of course... it wasn't as what Eren think it was.

Athanatos not only considered Sasha to be one of his closest friends, but he also sees her as his adorable pet.

Though it may seem inhumane and outrageous, it was the total opposite.

He treats her with care, just like how an owner treats his dog. And Sasha enjoys being fed by him.

This is partly due to her animalistic behaviors, but also her innocence.

Of course, this didn't seem too good in the eyes of his girlfriend, but after interacting with her for a while, they also find Sasha to be quite cute. Well, the good thing is he only treats her like a pet when she turns beast mode, which is about 10% of the time they're together.

"Lizard is very delicious, you know~. My family and I used to eat sometimes. It tastes like chicken."

"Yeah, same, I used to eat flying lizards. And they tasted quite good too~. I think these lizards aren't much different."

"Oh? Flying lizard? That must be delicious."

"Of course. They're a bit dangerous and slightly large, but their eggs and meat are top-notch. It was a delicacy in my hometown."

The whole team looked at Athanatos like a mentally ill person.

Flying lizards?




Are they even speaking in the same language?

Even Eren and Armin didn't know what Athanatos was talking about. But they also didn't dare to ask. Some things are better left unknown. The same goes for the rest of his team. They didn't really care about what he said. When titans, who are thought to be mythical creatures, turned out to be real, how bad can flying lizard be? Surely they aren't as big and dangerous as titans.

"Great. This lizard can feed the entire team! Hooray!"


Meanwhile on Armin's side.

"H-hey Marco. Should I record this?"

"No. Just forget what you just have seen. Let's be grateful that we have good meat for dinner."


(Armin's POV)

Surrounding a fire camp, we were slowly eating some lizard's meat together with our military rations.

I can truly say that eating lizard meats was truly a wise decision.

Inside the military rations were dried potatoes, dried bread, and instant soup powders.

It's nearly impossible to eat this...

But thankfully, Historia was a good cook. She identified the edible fruits and mushrooms, then processed them into useable products. Together with the soup powders, she simmered all the ingredients at different intervals, creating an exquisite soup that we can dip the dried bread in. Overall, it was an amazing meal that we have never dream of having in the wild. And as always, Thana-kun was the one who named it. He called it the "7 Colored of Heavenly Tasty Soup That is So Good You Will Cry."

You should have seen the expression on Jean's face. His jaw dropped so low, he basically became a horse.

But there's something weird about Historia. Her strength is greater than me, which I found to be extremely odd as I was much stronger than her during the time we trained together.

I think it has something to do with Thana-kun. After all, even to this day, I still don't know anything about him, except his real family, died.

While in deep thought, I didn't realize he approached me from behind. With quick speed, he took the notebook that I used to record the journey. In it, there are mostly details about what the environment looks like, but there are also summaries of past conversations. I didn't write anything about Thana-kun and Historia as I knew, if I wrote something wrong, I will be damned.

Lucky me.

But then out of nowhere, he took a pencil in his pocket and began to write something on.

After he finished writing, he finally gave it to me back.

"Don't erase them ok ٩(ↁωↁ❀) I trust you with that."


Then open up the notebook, what I read almost made me spurt blood. The first few lines were okay... but the rest...

{Athanatos made a great contribution by hunting a lizard.}

{Athanatos was in charge of keeping the team in order}

{During halfway to the destination, Athanatos saved the team by killing a great boar that was intending to threaten out safety.}

{He is so cool, you should give him a 10/10 on the ȧssesment}

{I'm not kidding. You really should give him a 10/10.}

{Better yet. Give him an 11/10.}

{I will appreciate it if you give him a 12/10.}

{He is an alpha male that we will never amount to.}

{None of this was written by Athanatos. It was done by Armin Alert}

{All the things written here are the truth. And nothing but the truth. I'm not lying!!}

{If you can read this, then you should read the entire thing all over again and appreciate it more.}

{Praise lord Athanatos for his gracious presence.}

{Don't be a puccy and doubt everything in here. I told you it's the truth.}

{Sincerely, not written by Athanatos. Armin Alert.}

Wtf??? This is not even my handwriting. If you're gonna forge something, then do it so no one will doubt you!!!

Haizz... I'm tired :(

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