I Shall Be Happy

Chapter 8 - Enraged

(MC's POV)

Rage. fury, wrath, anger, furious...

Those were the only emotions presented within me.

Dead. I want him dead. Those who hurt whom I cherish shall die.

With that thought, I blacked out.


(Mikasa's POV)

After I killed the leader of the robbers, I was suddenly greeted with another one of his henchmen. My body is screaming in pain. I have never exercised much before, it's too taxing for me to fight right now. But I need to keep fighting, I need to protect my mom. I can't afford to lose.

Then I realized, I had no weapon on me right now but it doesn't matter, if my fingers can penetrate his eyes, even the strongest man will die. Tightening my muscles together, I positioned my fingers into the shape of a claw. I was waiting for the right moment so I can pounce on him.

When the man was about to reach me, suddenly he stopped.

Is that Thana-kun? Why is there black smoke surrounding him? Why are his eyes so dead? So devoid of life? I'm scared...

The man couldn't even move at all. He stared at me with his bloodshot eyes, seemingly as if asking me what is this monster behind me. Then Thana-kun, no, something... something much more terrifying. I can only see the intention to destroy everything within that thing's eyes. The smoke surrounding 'it' rushed toward the frozen man. The man then screamed in pain but the voice that came out of his throat doesn't even resemble that of a human being. I can only imagine how excruciatingly painful it must have been.

"T-t-thana-kun, is that you?"

After I said that, the smoke retracted back to Thana's kun body. His eyes slowly regain clarity. However, even if there's is life within his eyes, I can still feel the grief within it. I want to comfort him, but looking at the man I killed, I began to hesitate. I'm afraid that Thana-kun would treat me like a murderer, even if it was just self-defense. The thought that the boy who I treat him like a family would begin to hate me. Weirdly, looking at the previous scene, the thought that Thana-kun is a monster never crossed my mind.

I don't want that.


I didn't know what to say. My mind slowly becoming hazy and I slowly couldn't form anymore coherent thought. I then passed out.

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