I Shall Cuck Everyone

255 Vampire Lord Stage

"Arrrgh!!! Just one more!" I grit my teeth, enduring the excruciating pain that overwhelms me now. My body glows bright crimson, as if it's about to explode.

Suddenly, my body starts breaking down from head to toe, turning into a jelly-like substance. The previous pain I felt seems like child's play compared to what I'm experiencing now.

The pain becomes unbearable, reaching a point where I grow numb to it. Abruptly, my body begins morphing and reconstructing itself, returning to what it once was. This time, I can feel my bones growing denser as the transformation takes place.

Ah, man... Natural evolution is way better. But hey, I needed to advance to the vampire lord stage.

After some time, my transformation is finally complete.

Getting up, I walk towards a mirror in the room, examining myself from top to bottom.

"Looks like not much has changed. I still look like myself, but I feel taller, and my bones are way denser. Plus, my abs and biceps look more refined," I mutter, observing the changes in my body.

Channeling my vampire aura through my veins, I notice that the flow is much smoother now, and I can easily detect the slightest trace of energy.

With this new body, I should be able to handle some gods and make sure they understand not to mess with my family.

But I shouldn't get too ahead of myself. I can only unleash my full potential once I reach the warlock stage and become the Protoss directly. Still, it feels amazing to have fifty percent of my powers back.

But first...

Mimi, are you there?

[Yes, master, I'm here.]

Whoa, you scared the hell out of me, making me think something was wrong.

[Something was actually wrong, but I fixed it.]

Well, how are you doing? I reached the vampire lord stage in just a day, haha. Who's the loser now?

[You're wrong, master. It took you two days to absorb the blood moon fruits. The rate at which you absorbed them was both scary and intriguing.]

Two days, huh... Time really flies. It felt like just a day to me...

So, any updates?

[Yes, master. You can now use thirty-five percent of the celestial energy sealed within you.]

I see... But how does celestial energy work? Can you give me some hints?

[I'm sorry, master, but I'm not obligated to teach you. You have to figure out how to utilize it on your own. However, I can offer you some hints.]

Okay, that's good. I can't wait to test out a few things.

Excitedly, I leave the room...

As soon as I step outside, I notice several vampire maids standing at the doorstep. And to top it off, Mom, Stella, and Zamira are also there, wearing expressions I can't quite decipher.

I had informed them not to enter the room while I absorbed the Blood Moon Fruits, so their anticipation is palpable.



"Master!" The three women say in sync, running into my arms and embracing me all at once.

"You really evolved to the vampire lord stage? This is epic, as expected of the Protoss..." Zamira mutters, awestruck by my improvements.

Mom and Stella, on the other hand, continue to hold me tightly, as if they haven't seen me in months.

"I'm fine now, guys... But I think I'm hungry," I say, my stomach growling audibly.

Instantly, Mom turns to the maids beside her.

"Go and prepare something for His Highness quickly!" Mom commands the maids, who swiftly comply and rush off to fulfill my request.

Now that the maids are gone, I turn my attention back to the women...

"Has anything happened while I was gone?" I inquire, curiosity piqued.

"Shouldn't you take some rest first before bombarding us with questions?" Mom says, worry etched on her face.

"Nothing significant occurred during your absence. However, according to my spies, the vampire lords have been meeting each other lately, and there seems to be a high demand for blood moon fruits," Zamira reports.

Hearing her words, annoyance creeps onto my face.

"What are they up to?" I ask, my expression scrunching up in irritation.

"Well, as you can guess, they're trying to use the blood moon fruits to evolve. They're desperate to overthrow us this year," Zamira responds, her face contorted with anger.

"Heh, no need to worry about that... I'll be the one overthrowing them instead. I'll teach them the meaning of defeat the hard way, even while intentionally handicapping myself," I declare, a malicious grin slowly spreading across my face.

Mom's mouth hangs open, as if she wants to say something but stops herself.


"Don't worry, Mom. I'll be fine. I won't go unarmed; I'll only use my weapon when necessary," I reassure her.

Suddenly, I turn back to Zamira.

"So, did they come to your chamber for the blood moon fruits?" I inquire.

"They wouldn't dare. Besides, I'm not the only one with a blood-moon tree. But for some reason, the blood moon tree in my chamber produces better fruits," Zamira explains.

I nod in understanding.

"Jake, I have other matters to discuss with you. The king is being awakened from his Slumber today. His knight is already at his palace, waiting for him along with Edward. After we eat, you should dress up and join us at the king's tomb," Zamira informs me, her tone serious, while Mom confirms her words with a nod.

"So, Alphonso is here?" I ask again, seeking confirmation.

"Yes, he's here... He wanted to see you earlier, but we told him you were busy," Zamira informs me.


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