I Shall Cuck Everyone

283 Results Announcement

I can't help but chuckle at Arthur's description of Roth. "Yeah, he has a habit of getting into fights wherever he goes," I say, giving Roth a playful punch on the shoulder.

"Hey, watch it!" Roth grumbles, but a hint of a smile appears on his face.

In the next moment, Roth takes a seat beside me and Arthur, and I can't help but feel a sense of relief that the tension seems to have dissipated somewhat.

"Roth, when are you going to stop walking half-naked?" I ask with a sigh, shooting a playful grin his way.

"Well, the armor was itchy, so, I decided to throw it away. Well, this guy was also not wearing a shirt!" Roth says, pointing at Arthur.

"Come on, my armor and undershirt disintegrated when I used Excalibur~" Arthur explains in a calm voice, trying to diffuse any awkwardness.

"Ahh..." Roth mutters in a low voice, slightly embarrassed by his previous comment.

"Tch, who knew you even have a hot wife. Meanwhile, you lied to me that you don't even have a girlfriend," I click my tongue, teasing Roth.

"Fufu, I was simply wary of you. Arthur, be weary around this guy, or else you will end up crying," Roth says, his grin growing wider.

"Why is that though?" Arthur asks, genuinely curious.

"The answer is simple, he is a woman magnet. I'd advise you not to bring your woman too close to him, or else you'll regret it. I will even have to hide Avril away from him now that he knows her," Roth claims, giving me a friendly nudge.

"Ah, come on, man. I won't ever take my friend's woman. That's just one thing about me," I say, shaking my head while a nostalgic smile blooms on my face. The mention of my old friends, Zach, Barry, and Tony, brings back fond memories. I wonder how they're faring wherever they are.

"Roth, I understand what you are saying. This jerk is going to take Excalibur away," Arthur suddenly says, playfully rolling his eyes.

I raise an eyebrow, feigning offense. "Hey now, it's not like that! Besides, Excalibur is mine."

Arthur smirks, and I can tell he's just trying to rile me up. "Oh, I know, I know. I'm just pulling your leg, mate."

As the banter continues, I feel a sense of friendship forming between the three of us. Despite the initial awkwardness and tension, it's refreshing to have Arthur join our little group. I can see why he and Roth get along, sharing a similar adventurous spirit and a penchant for mischief.

"Wait a minute, I noticed that you guys have been talking about Excalibur, the sword, for a while now. Arthur, do you have that kind of fetish?" Roth asks, his eyes widening mischievously.

Arthur chuckles and rolls his eyes, clearly used to Roth's teasing. "Nah, it's not like that at all. Excalibur is a legendary weapon."

"Bruh...." Roth shakes his head in amusement.

Ignoring Roth's antics, I interject, "Excalibur is not just a mere sword, she's a spirit."

"Spirit... Like she's a female spirit. Like another woman you have that can turn into a sword?" Roth asks, a sly grin on his face.

I shoot him a playful glare. "No, not like that. She's a spirit weapon."

"I see..." Roth nods his head in mock understanding, but I can tell he's still teasing.

"Your Highness, I have a question for you," Arthur suddenly speaks up, his expression getting serious. "I took Excalibur from the celestial monkey race, and according to what they told me, she has been in their possession for thousands of years. However, looking at you, you seem just like our age. So, you are the Pro-- P-Prosecutor," Arthur corrects his words upon sensing my gaze.

I can't help but smile at his attempt to be discreet about my true identity. "Prosecutor, huh? It's close enough," I say, playing along with his little act.

"A prosecutor, what's that? I want to join," Roth says, his interest piqued.

"Ahem, prosecutors are a secret group of powerful vampires that deal with criminal vampires that have committed great offenses," I create a story, knowing full well that Roth won't be able to resist the allure of such a mysterious and powerful group.

"Ahhh, I hope I can join," Roth says, his eyes lighting up with excitement.

Suddenly, a voice breaks into our conversation, making the room fall silent.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I see that you all are having a good time and have gotten over the grudge of the tournament that took place. The reason why we delayed you here is to ease the tension and rage of the tournament that might still be surging inside you. After all, everything that happened there isn't real. Now, let's get to the real thing," The master of ceremony announces, his voice booming through the room. This is the same man who made the announcement when the tournament was about to begin, and he now stands before us with an air of excitement and anticipation.

Suddenly, a white large holographic screen appears above, displaying some information, and the crowd's attention is immediately drawn to it.


(1) [Jake Mystro <Last man standing>: Powerful but doesn't care about teammates]

(2) [Roth Freeman <Killing machine>: Only cares about killing. Careless and rash.]

(3) [Arthur Bates <The Best Swordsman> Seems to have a goal and doesn't care about being the first.]

(4) [Zamira Mystro <Kind-hearted>: Was betrayed by a teammate.]

(5) [Avril Cross <One of the strongest>: Too confident. Trusted Jake Mystro on a whim.]

The holographic screen continues to show additional information, revealing the rankings of the top five highest points earners.


[Arthur Bates]

[Roth Freeman]

[Hector Sanguine]

[Avril Cross]

[Zen Cross]


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