The moment my mom’s nipple enters my mouth, some brown-reddish liquid starts to seep into my mouth.

I simply begin to roughly and greedily suck her nipple while my hand kneads her breast so that more milk will come out.

Well, this position is a little bit weird and unusual for other races, but for vampires, it’s a norm. Since I am below the age of 25, I’m entitled to my mother’s milk, anything more than that would be considered incest, and well vampires don’t even give a fuck about Incest even though you bang your mom, as long as she agrees, it’s alright. *cough*

While sucking on her breast, my mom’s hands move towards my broken wings which are now healing. She bites down on her lips and doesn’t say anything, but the deep hatred she has for dhampirs can be seen in her eyes.

Meanwhile, I also have a lot of questions to ask my mom. Like how she got here, and how she was able to use a blood power that is similar to mine.

After sucking for about 15 minutes, my body is fully healed and I am now back to peak condition. Although, I stop sucking my mom’s breast immediately I notice that she is turning pale.

“Honey, are you okay? Won’t you feed more?” My mom asks me with worry etched on her face.

“Thanks mom, I’m okay…” I give her a reply and raise my upper body into a sitting position.

Letting out a sigh, my mom pops her breasts back into her bra and wears her black jacket. I don’t slack as well, as I also get up and retract my fully healed wings.

Seeing that my legs are still wobbly, my mom holds me and supports me before pulling me into a tight hug.

“I’m sorry Jake… I am a bad mother… I was just about to lose my baby.” My mom cries and hugs me tightly.

I also hug my mom tightly and put my hands below her waist. (*cough* Well, I don’t have any perverted thoughts right now)

After our affectionate moment, my mom and I separate ourselves. My mom looks me in the eyes and plants a swift kiss on my lips. Immediately after parting from our kiss, she throws her fist forward and punches the air.


I suddenly hear a cracking sound and before my eyes a large vortex immediately appears in front of us.

“You have a lot to tell mommy.” My mom tells me with a serious face

In the next moment, she grabs my hand and we both jump into the vortex.

In the blink of an eye, we suddenly teleport into an unfamiliar room.

I look startled for a moment and glance around the room in confusion as I carefully inspect my new surroundings.

This room is very large and equipped with various gadgets. The walls are tiled with a special type of glowing marbles and on one side of the room is a king-size bed. A few meters away from me there is also a massive wardrobe made out of brass. Furthermore, the floor of this room is also tiled with the special marbles that were used for the walls.

“Honey, this is my room… Well, I bought this house after getting bored of using hotels…” My mom tells me as she sits down on the bed and urges me to come forward and sit down as well.

Nodding my head, I walk forward and sit down beside her.

Suddenly, her expression turns grim.

“Jake, the first question I want to ask you is how the hell are you able to use my ability? Did a crystal finally work for you? Ahh, no way… that amount of MC cells…” My mom utters in confusion since all her conclusions seem to be wrong.

So I simply take a deep breath and tell her the truth— well, only part of it.

“I didn’t have the chance to tell you yesterday mom, but I discovered that I could copy a woman’s ability by having sex with her. A-And yesterday…. I had sex with you, so I copied your ability.” I reply in a low voice.

“Ahh, I see…but how?” My mom mutters, while her pale face instantly turns red. However, she doesn’t pry further about how I got the ability to copy women’s abilities through sexual intercourse, since she looks overly excited right now.

“And secondly, what were you doing in that place?” My mom suddenly asks me with a serious expression on her face.

Seeing my mom’s piercing gaze, I begin to explain everything to her without leaving out a single detail.

After hearing the whole story, my mom lets out a long sigh…

“Why didn’t you just come and meet me? I could have given you the money! My children own my money, including all of my businesses and investments! They exist for both you and your sister!” My mom bellows and pulls me into a tight hug.

“I’m sorry mom, I won’t gamble again.” I let out in an apologetic voice.

“It’s okay honey, you are still mommy’s baby. I forgive you.” My mom replies and gives me some head pats as she buries my face in her bosom.

“However, I’m going to follow you to that damn place and smash their heads. Not only that, they will pay you your winnings and also pay a fine for their useless technology which could have cost you your life.” My mom says in resentment.

“Thank you mom, you are the best, I love you.” I mutter and hug her tightly.

My shirt was ruined earlier so my mom took it off, leaving me bare-chested.

“Mom, I also have some questions to ask you..” I say, instantly looking serious.

“Eh, what is that?” My mom asks.

“Mom, how did you know that I was in that place?” I ask.

All of a sudden, my mom turns uncomfortable and tries to avoid my question but for some reason, it looks like she can’t. Furthermore, her face is getting red all of a sudden and she’s looking at me seductively.

What the–? Is this consequence of refuting her master? Just like the system had said, she’ll feel sexually aroused if she lies to me or disobeys me.

“That… that is because of the blood contract between us. I felt that you were in danger that was why I came rushing to your location. If you die, I’ll also die.

“Also, I don’t regret doing this in any way. If I hadn’t formed a blood contract with you, you might have been killed by that dhampir, and also Misty might probably not talk to me ever again because she’ll resent me more.

“My children are my happiness… Without you guys, I can’t live.” My mom blurts out and suddenly hugs me tightly once again.

Damn… this blood contract is more serious than I thought.

Suddenly, my mom separates herself from me and stops crying, then she looks at me with a seductive gaze while rubbing her hands against her crotch as if she’s expecting something.

“J-Jake, p-punish me…” she mutters in a low voice while she shifts her gaze to the side.

“Wait–! What–!? Punish you?” I let out in astonishment.

“Yes, f-fuck me…. You can make it a quickie. The effect of refusing to answer your question caused me to become sexually aroused. I can only be cured if you fuck me. So you have to bang me hard.” My mom mutters and her cheeks turn beet red as she lies down on the bed, waiting for me to pounce on her.

[Fufufu…. Looks like someone is about to do some bang-bang. Hehehe…]


Note: Updates are slow this month because of some personal issues. Starting next month, I’ll release two chapters per day for this novel!

I’ll also begin to stockpile for privileged chapters.

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