I Shall Cuck Everyone

Chapter 95: The Graduation Ceremony part 2

Inside a dark large room, illuminated by a small incandescent light bulb, a muscular bald man can be seen sitting on a large office chair, slowly typing away on the VHC(virtual holographic computer) in front of him. Opposite him, stands a tall, young human guy who is about 20 years old. He’s wearing a black army-like uniform, with the letter (B) boldly written on his chest region, and which also blends in with the serpent emblem that’s above the letter (B).

“Owen, you said you saw a little vampire with an (S) rank ability right?” The bald muscular man asks with a grim voice.

“Yes-Yes, commander! I and my colleague saw him when we were scouring for the mutants that were causing a pandemonium in district (A).” The young man replies while shuddering.

“Then… why didn’t you bring him to me?!”

“I….I wanted to bring him to you, or at least sweet talk him into joining our faction! B-But while I was at it, a powerful vampire suddenly appeared and knocked m-me o-out….” The young man says with a stutter.


The commander slams his fist on the desk in anger, causing a little crack to appear on the ground, where the desk stood.

“Why are you lying?! Vanessa told me that you tried to assault the little vampire, and his mom attacked you in order to protect her son. Since when was the hunter’s faction known for violence?! Do you know the parents of that vampire?!!!” The commander bellows in anger with veins popping on his forehead.

“W-Who are his parents?!!”

“His mom is one of the strongest vampires, and according to the information gathered from different sources, his mother has an older sister who is even stronger. However, she has only made a few appearances on other planets apart from the vampire planet. A-And as for his father, h-he is a complete m-monster.” The commander mumbles and cowers in fear as a certain memory flashes through his brain.

‘What could possibly make one of the strongest humans shiver like this? That boy’s father must be a complete monster, even if that boy’s mother hadn’t shown up that day, I’d have been dead if that white ball had been thrown at me.’ Owen thinks inwardly and swallows a mouthful of saliva.

“Commander, if you don’t mind, can you explain a little bit more to me?” Owen asks with respect.

The commander simply gives Owen a glance before letting out a heavy sigh…

“Aaaahh… You see… When we humans began fearing that we might be attacked ‘again’ by the vampires, in the future, we decided to approach them for an alliance. The vampires didn’t like the idea of allying with the humans, but they also feared that the humans might join hands with the dhampirs and attack them. So, they agreed to the alliance by allocating three of their possible heirs to earth so that they could build an intimate relationship with the humans, and dismiss any thoughts of attacking the humans in the future. Thus, that boy and his elder sister, are one of the allocated heirs.

“However, his father disagreed with the pact and insisted that his children shouldn’t be used as bargaining chips. Enraged, he decided to launch a full-scale attack on the humans— on his own.” The commander says, then pauses for a moment.

“I-Is he crazy? He wanted to attack the humans on his own!” Owen mutters in confusion.

“Sigh… Honestly, this is top-secret, but I guess I can’t hide it from you since you’re my son. Let me break it down for you, his father is the strongest vampire that I have ever seen, even stronger than the vampire king. It was rumored that he surpassed the level of a warlock which is the highest evolution of a vampire. H-He became something they call a ‘god slayer’.

“The Vampire king, Duke, along with the other strongest vampires tried to stop him, but they were beaten black and blue. The vampire king called for support from the strongest humans and Balors to take him down, but we were all defeated, and some of us were even killed. It was on that day that the lord of the Balors died, before his son, Ren, finally took over.

“I-It was that day I knew the definition of true power. A single punch from him almost killed me. Even the strongest Balor died from just two of his punches, while the Vampire king and his knights were nearly beaten to death, despite their monstrous power. Out of the seven knights of the vampire king, only one survived, and that was mainly through sheer luck. We only managed to survive through the skin of our teeth.

“However, everything ended when an entity showed up. The presence of this entity was so domineering and scary. Then, before we could understand what was going on, that entity and the nightmare clashed and started fighting. Their movements were like a blur in our eyes, and each of their blows caused several ripples and sent tidal waves everywhere. Which proved that the boy’s father hadn’t even been using his full strength when he was battling against us.

“After battling for over thirty minutes, there seemed to be no winning side. However, that entity suddenly did something, he started controlling every blood that was spilled on the ground, and at the same time, blood also started leaking from everyone’s noses, sweat pores, and ears. After accumulating a lot of blood, the entity began forming something that looked like a blood spiral and launched it at that boy’s father. And in that instant, he froze on the spot, and turned into a blood-red statue.” The commander continues to explain, and exhales heavily.

“Unbeknownst to us, that e-entity was a g-god.”


Scanning through the crowd, my gaze finally falls on my mom who is elegantly walking towards us. She’s wearing a multicolored knee-length gown that shows off her alluring sexy curves. She also let down her lengthy white hair, which freely flows behind her, and rhymes with each of her graceful movements, making butterflies rise in my stomach.

[Fufu, your first wife is here…]

Sharp!! Piercing!!

My instinct suddenly screams at me, causing me to turn my head around with a jerk. Immediately, I see Misty and Aurora staring at me with blood red eyes and miffed expressions on their faces.


500 power stones- 1 extra chapter

1000- 5 extra chapters

200 golden tickets- 1 extra chapter

500 golden tickets – 5 extra chapter

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