I Share The Horror World And Scare The Players Around The World

114: The Coming New Chapter: The Red Moon Era


"Now it should be the plot of the horror world."

"That's why the old thief appears in the game."

"This boss battle is not something we can intervene in.

Wan Qian shouted, turned around and ran away.

Liu Dali, Li Xin, He Xin, Gu Quan, Wang Cong, King of Strategies, and Bai Huakui turned and ran away without saying a word.

At first glance, the back door ghosts are not something they can fight against.

Stay here, only to die.

Chen Ran's expression under the pumpkin head was full of black lines.

He also wants to run.

This is a hammer plot.

He didn't set up this plot.

It was also the first time he knew about all the backdoor ghosts in Hongyue Research Institute.


The door-back ghost let out a deafening roar.

The wild running of Wan Qian and the others seemed to have angered it.

With a roar, the ground roared away like the tide.

Its speed is astonishingly fast.

Ghosts suddenly crawled out of the boiling and trembling ground.

These ghosts directly dragged Wan Qian and others into the ground.

【Gravity is dead】

【Junior sister has died】

【Big Sherlock Holmes is dead】

【Brother Hunk is dead】

[Suddenly forgetting that the original intention is dead]

【Gu Quan is dead】

【Wang Cong is dead】

【The king of strategy is dead】

【White Oiran is dead】

A pop-up window appeared in front of Chen Ran.

He was not attacked, probably because he did not move.

But the terrifying strength of the back door ghost already made Chen Ran sweat coldly on his forehead.

Now it's broadcast live worldwide.

"Fuck, except for the old thief, the group will be wiped out immediately.

"I can't even handle a single move from the door-backing ghost."

"I see, now it's the game plot, and the old thief and Niubi team are purely tool people."

"That's right, their purpose is to bring the old thief to this place.

"In that case, we have entered the game plot now, and the next step is the one-on-one battle between the old thief and the backdoor ghost."

"I just said why the old thief appeared in the game this time. It turned out to be like this."

"Will the horror world enter a new chapter when the old thief kills the door-bearer?"

"It's possible, most likely it has something to do with the later version 1.4."

"The old thief is awesome."

"The old thief makes a move, and the world is invincible."

Chen Ran looked at the barrage of chatter in the live broadcast room, with cold sweat streaming down his forehead.

Fortunately, he brought a pumpkin head, otherwise everyone would definitely be able to see Chen Ran's chills.

After Wan Qian and others went offline, they also stayed in the global live broadcast room.

"Sure enough, it's the plot of the game. I know that every time the old thief shows up, there is a meaning."

"Yeah, this boss battle is completely out of our hands. We were killed by the plot."

"Now it's up to the old thief and the door-backer to go head-to-head."

"It's a pity that we couldn't stay, otherwise it would be the best to watch it up close."

The members of the old thief's awesome team talked a lot.

"Sister Qian, now our old thief team is popular all over the world."

"The first to open up a three-star dungeon, the first to start a BOSS battle, and the first to trigger a game plot.

"This should be the first game plot in the horror world.

Li Xin said to Wan Qian excitedly.

Wan Qian frowned, not knowing what she was thinking.

He Xin lit a cigarette: "There should be a lot of information about the plot of this game, everyone should be quiet and listen carefully.

Chen Ran swallowed, ignoring the barrage in the live broadcast room.

Up to now, I can only bite the bullet and go on.

Fortunately, the back door ghost didn't make any more shots after making one shot.

"Come out, my funeral bride, my dead water ghost.

Facing the existence of this level, Chen Ran can only go all out.

"The old thief is about to attack."

"I now suspect that the old thief also set up a background story for himself.

"I also think so."

Seeing Chen Ran summoning Jiang Yutong and Qiu Dieyi, audiences around the world were elated.

They believe that a visual feast is about to begin.

"Can we have a chat?" Chen Ran asked with a shake of his white chop.

This is just his unintentional words, in fact, he has long been ready to fight at any time.

Unexpectedly, the ghost behind the door really reacted.

The eyes of the door-back ghost closed, and then the ground began to tremble.

A clock pattern appears on the ground.

Then an old man with gray hair emerged from the clock.

It's projection, it's also memory.

It is a memory kept by a clock.

"I'm the director of the Red Moon Research Institute, Wei Qing."

The old man started talking on his own.

This feeling is like a set program.

No matter what Chen Ran asked, he would say this.

"Let's start talking about the plot."

"The world of horror is finally about to reveal the plot."

The global audience stared at the screen, their ears pricked up, unwilling to let go of any word.

"This is one of the human tinder bases."

"In 1548, the world discovered its first mystery."

"It was a coin with the symbol ∞ engraved on it.

"Thus, the Mysterious Boundary Society was born."

"After more than 500 years of research, many factions have emerged in the mysterious border."

"The Red Moon Research Institute is one of the factions."

"We advocate the permanent sealing of the mystery, with the theme of fearing the unknown and revering the unknown.

Wei Qing's words sparked discussions among audiences around the world.

Professors in the global live broadcast room are also expressing their opinions.

"Fear the unknown, fear the unknown, should be a conservative."

"Yes, for human beings and civilizations, knowledge is full of uncertainty."

"But human beings need unknown things, which come from the most primitive curiosity of human beings.

"Without curiosity, there is no progress."

"Actually, this is the biggest problem facing mankind at present."

The pursuit of the unknown has allowed Blue Star to make progress.

The ancients dared to dream of airplanes soaring 10,000 meters, telephones thousands of miles away, and a network for comprehensive information sharing.

It was all groping out of the unknown.

But because of this, wars and killings occurred.

Many scary things are discovered in the unknown.

For example, many of Blue Star's secret weapons were discovered by accident.

Once these secret weapons are used, they are enough to destroy Blue Star a dozen times.

And even if the ancients were tossing to death, they would not be able to cause devastating damage to Blue Star.

However, compared with ancient life, modern life is completely the same as the sky, the sun and the earth.

This is the necessity of progress, and also the exploration and development of the unknown.

The unknown is a double-edged sword that hurts others and oneself, but cannot be discarded.

It is a difficult problem that human history can never solve.

Wei Qing continued to narrate.

"In 1754, the Red Moon Research Institute launched the Human Kindling Project, leaving seeds of hope for mankind."

"There is a mystery called the lost clock, which can freeze time in a certain period of time.

"This is the best way to protect the fire, and it is also the best way to seal up the mystery.

"However, a hundred years later, a branch called the Apostles analyzed the mysterious secret."

"They think that mystery is a whole."

"After collecting all the mysteries, you can welcome the coming of the gods."

"At the beginning of a great destruction, the Red Moon Research Institute suffered heavy losses and could only be transferred from the ground to the ground.

"Averted destruction by losing the clock."

"A hundred years later, the apostle faction gathered most of the mysteries, and they tried to complete the mysteries."

"They determined the mysterious and complete appearance, it was a room, and they thought that room was the room where God lived.

"But on the day they formed, an accident happened."

"The incomplete mystery·the whole, but the door was pushed open.

"No one knows exactly what came out of the room."

"But since that day, when the red moon came, the world has never had a day.

"Under the fall of the red moon, all human beings went mad."

"They tear off all pretense and expose all their inner desires.

"Order collapsed, civilization was destroyed, and everything was in blood and fire."

"The apostles firmly believe that what they summoned was the ancient god, and this happened because the mystery was incomplete.

"The apostles sent some people into the room and disappeared."

"Another part looks for the missing mysterious fragment."

"When the apostle faction fell into madness, many other factions chose to join forces."

"During decades of fighting, we destroyed that room."

"But we don't know how many things have come out of that room over the decades."

"Perhaps this is the price of exploring the unknown."

"The Red Moon Research Institute, which stores human fire, has finally become a new prison."

"We sealed the door to that room."

"We relied on the lost clock to send that room to the day before the door was pushed open."

"We used time to reset, so that the ancient gods stayed at the boundary between life and death."

"If you see this memory."

"It means that the lost clock can no longer suppress the ancient gods."

"The Red Moon Era... is coming soon."

"So it doesn't matter who you are?"

"Since you're here, let's stay forever."

"Death (money is good) is a relief for you."

Wei Qing's memory disappeared, and the malice exuded by the backdoor ghost was earth-shattering.

The opened eyes hide strong viciousness and resentment.

Only the corpse holding the clock showed kindness and gentleness in his eyes.

"No way, after talking so much, I still have to fight."

"Why do I always feel that Wei Qing's memory is weird."

"I felt the same way, I was a little scared by the look in his eyes.

"Yeah, obviously it looks very kind."

"All I know is that the horror world is about to enter a new chapter, the Red Moon Era, which sounds very exciting.

The cold spread from the audience's toes to the top of their heads.

"I understand."

He Xin also shouted at this moment.

"Wei Qing said that after the red moon came, it polluted everyone and made them completely burst out their inner desires."

"Wei Qing was also polluted."

"The people from the sewage treatment plant and the Hongyue Research Institute were all murdered by him.

Sadly. "

"He's the most polluted."

"But the most frightening thing is that Wei Qing firmly believes that everything he does is for the benefit of others."

He Xin's shout made the pupils of Liu Dali and the others constrict.

After the red moon came, the rest of the people couldn't control their inner desires at best, but Wei Qing was purely crazy.

A lunatic who firmly believes that he kills is for their own good. .

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