I Share The Horror World And Scare The Players Around The World

122: The Entire Hongye City Is The Womb Of Ancient Gods

"Bai Bing, stand back.

Chen Ran stretched his wrist, mustered all his strength and began to push the stone door.

However, Shimen remained motionless.

"Triple attribute increase.

Shimen remained motionless.

"Angel Blessing."


"Ramp away."

"Abnormal state.

One by one, Chen Ran's strength attribute broke through 700, but Shimen still remained motionless.

"It should be the ghost behind the door."

"This door should be behind the back of the door."

"The door-bearer is suppressing this door with countless iron chains on the other side."

Chen Ran was thinking.

Now the Red Moon Era has not officially come, and the door-backing ghosts still exist.

"By the way, Bai Zhan."

Chen Ran took out the white chop.

White Slash has the characteristic of ignoring defense.

It can even break open the black pyramid.


Countless knife marks appeared on the stone gate.

White chop can indeed cause damage to Shimen.

But the damage is barely noticeable.

And Chen Ran discovered that Shimen has the ability to restore itself.

It seems to have life.

The speed at which he split open was not as fast as Shimen's recovery speed.

"Bai Bing, go and investigate the rest of the tallest building."

"This should be the place of the Apostolic Church."

After sending away Bai Bing, Chen Ran took the umbilical cord out of "Erzuka".

This is the reward for the third stage of the Hundred Ghosts Illustrated Book.

Something very unknown.

"Perhaps, it has something to do with Shimen."

"Hongye City is the day before the birth of the ancient god."

"Since it was the day before, it's in the placenta."

"In the placenta, the umbilical cord doesn't fall off."

This is Chen Ran's judgment and reasoning on the umbilical cord.

The umbilical cord has a great relationship with the newborn.

"Bai Bing said that everyone in Hongye City is an egg bed."

"Once the umbilical cord connects to Shimen, what will happen."

Chen Ran took out the ghost mirror.

After confirming that Bai Bing was far enough away from him, Tuan took action.

Once Bai Bing turns into a ghost, let's not mention his obsession.

It was hard for Chen Ran to resist that kind of terror.

At this time, there are only four days before the Hundred Ghosts Traveling National Grand Ceremony.

There is only one chance to enter Hongye City every day.

Once you die, you have to wait for six o'clock tomorrow morning.

Therefore, Chen Ran cherishes every opportunity to enter Hongye City.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Ran touched Shimen with his umbilical cord.

The moment he touched Shimen, Shimen changed.

The patterns on it seem to come alive.

A huge vortex appeared over the door.

In the middle of the whirlpool is the umbilical cord in Chen Ran's hand.

The door is connected to the umbilical cord. "

Chen Ran didn't have time to think about it.

Because Hongye City has undergone drastic changes.

The whole city turns from day to night in an instant.

The sky was completely dark, and the silent oppression was extremely astonishing.

In the next second, the umbilical cord that fell on the ground began to lengthen.

It grows like crazy.

As the umbilical cord grows, numerous branches appear.

Like the blood vessels in the human body, it spreads throughout Hongye City.

Chen Ran ran wildly along the umbilical cord.

The first thing he went to see was Bai Bing.

Bai Bing had disappeared, and what appeared in front of Chen Ran was a blood-red heart.

The heart is big and still beating slowly.

"Yes, I remember that when Bai Bing transformed into a ghost, he appeared in the shape of a heart.

"Could it be."

Chen Ran moved quickly.

Each umbilical cord ends with tissue attached.

Some tissues Chen Ran recognized, they were similar to human tissues.

Such as kidneys, lungs, stomach, intestines, nails, and eyeballs.

But most of the organizations Chen Ran couldn't recognize.

The ground of Hongye City became soft, and stepping on it was like stepping on meat.

The high-rise buildings in Hongye City are beyond recognition, like bones standing between the sky and the earth.

The vegetation in Hongye City turns into red leaves in an instant, fluttering in the wind like lanugo.

Immediately afterwards, the sky trembled, and cracks appeared.

Gray palms waved.

But this time with the appearance of the gray palm, Chen Ran didn't feel the sense of erasure.

Then, a large amount of black water surged through the cracked gap.

The black water is like a waterfall pouring down into the sky, gradually submerging the entire mutated Hongye City.

"I understand."

"I understand."

Seeing all this, Chen Ran completely understood what Hongye City was.

It is the womb, it is the womb that hatched the ancient gods.

Everything in Hongye City is the new muscle of the uterus.

People of Momiji City are organization of newborn.

The vegetation in Hongye City is the lanugo of newborns.

The buildings of Hongye City are the bones of newborns.

The black water that is about to flood Hongye City is the amniotic fluid of the womb.

With the umbilical cord connected, the entire Hongye City has become a womb.

"It turns out that the ancient god is Hongye City."

"That complete ghost is a whole city."

"At the beginning, when the Apostolic Church formed a mysterious entity, it sacrificed the entire Hongye City.

"Thus, the ancient god was born."

"It was born at the cost of countless lives at the cost of death."

At this moment, Chen Ran finally understood the true identity of the ancient god.

It is actually the whole Hongye City.

Today is the day before it was born.

After it was born, the Red Moon Era officially came.

[Main task three: Investigate the complete identity of the ghost fetus] [Completed]

[Reward: experience value +4000]

[Reward: Exploration Value +200]

[Reward: Golden Legend Refresh Card]

【Main task 4: The most benevolent place in this world is that human thinking cannot understand all of its contents. Do you want to understand it?】

"Understand it."

"To understand the ancient gods, or to understand the world?"

Chen Ran raised his head.

The final mission of the Hundred Ghosts mainline appeared.

This is the final stage of the task.

This mission has options.

You can choose to decline, or you can choose to accept.

Each choice will represent a different new chapter.

"I lit up page 98 of the Hundred Ghosts Illustrated Book, and there are only two ghost kings left."

"Perhaps, the rewards in the last stage of the Hundred Ghosts Illustrated Book can allow me to end all this before the ancient gods come."

Chen Ran slowly came to the huge heart.

This heart is Baibing.

She is the heart of the Old Gods.

"Are you looking at me?"

"Sangbiao's obsession was triggered by you, right?"

"You just want to lead me to see Bai Bing."

"You know, you must know."

"Actually, your consciousness appeared in the world before the mystery was discovered."

"I don't know what you are, but I understand that you cannot come into the world.

"You can only descend in this way."

Just because babies aren't born, doesn't mean they can't perceive the outside world.

They can hear outside sounds.

The moment Chen Ran entered Hongye City, he was noticed.

Babies want to be born, need the promotion of external forces.

Chen Ran, is the person it chooses.

Vaguely, Chen Ran heard the baby crying.

The whole Hongye City was crying.

The black water has submerged half of Hongye City.

"Actually, I have no other feelings for Bai Bing.C

"People's feelings are the deepest and the shallowest."

Chen Ran grinned, and slashed hard at the heart with the white chop in his hand.

In an instant, monstrous blood and blood burst.

At the same time, the entire Hongye City rioted.

The baby cried hysterically.

This hysterical voice directly shattered Chen Ran's consciousness.

I don't know how long it took before Chen Ran regained consciousness gradually.

I looked at the offline time, a few hours, 21 minutes and 14 seconds.

"That thing can affect my consciousness in reality.


"Fortunately, it's just a loss of consciousness."

"After that, we have to make some mental preparations for the players."

"After the new chapter of the Red Moon Era comes, this kind of great terror is definitely not limited to the ancient gods."

"So as not to cause a riot."

Chen Ran rubbed his temples.

The mental threshold dropped to 40.

Occasionally, I can still recall the horrible cry of the baby in my mind.

There is no way to enter the horror world today.

"There are still three days left for the National Ceremony."

"Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, solve the special tasks of the last two ghost kings and get the final reward of the Hundred Ghosts Book.

"Then go to Hongye City."

Chen Ran sorted through the massive amount of information this time, while watching the latest progress of the players.

"Wan Qian really discovered the purpose of the ghost king's mask."

Chen Ran narrowed his eyes.

It was only after getting the key to the ghost gate that I realized the magical effect of the ghost king mask.

The ghost king mask can break the heart in advance.

"The old thief's awesome team will gather in Hongye City tomorrow."

"They selected a few people with relatively high identities in Hongye City."

Chen Ran touched his chin.

Bai Bing's identity provided him with too much convenience.

"It's either Wan Qian's idea or He Xin's idea."

At this time, Shi Qian and Chen Ran made the same choice at the beginning.

She went directly to the library in Hongye City.

But she wasn't just investigating the catastrophic fire at the Midolin Hotel.

She browses everything that can be browsed.

"This Wumulun is interesting. I don't know if the author is Hui?"

"I suspect it was written by someone at the Mystic Borderlands."

"Most likely, there are quite a few particularly good words in it, and I think there may be some secrets hidden."

"For example, the oldest and strongest emotion of human beings is fear, and the oldest and strongest fear is the unknown.

"Yes, yes, yes, and the most benevolent place in this world is that human minds cannot understand its content."

"I think that sentence is more domineering, destroying you, it has nothing to do with you."

"This book is not Blue Star's."

"Damn it, the old thief couldn't have written it himself, he's a madman of details~"

Just when there was a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room, the bell of Hongye City rang.

Black mist instantly enveloped the entire city.

Horrific wailing, roaring, and screaming instantly became the main theme of the city.

The library staff and tourists also turned into ghosts in an instant.

The visibility of the screen is extremely low.

Just as Wan Qian raised her head, her head fell off her neck.

Three large characters "You are dead." appeared on the screen.


Countless shit appeared on the barrage.

It was the first time for the audience to see the changes in Hongye City as night fell.

"After night fell, Hongye City directly turned into a ghost town."

"Sure enough, it is impossible for the old thief to set up a city of living people in the horror world."

"The night in Hongye City is absolutely terrifying, even the force of gravity can't survive a minute."

"That bell, could it be the ghost behind the door ringing?"

The audience was once again shocked by the weirdness of Hongye City to the point where their scalps tingled. .

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