I Share The Horror World And Scare The Players Around The World

132: This Is Not Opening Up Wasteland, This Is Clearly Sending To Death [Fourth Update]

"The six-star dungeon is buried in Lin City."

Chen Ran looked at the players who got off one by one.

There are countless large and small copies in this ghost town.

But the most difficult copy has reached 6 stars.

Judging by Chen Ran.

3 stars have top red clothes, 4 stars have ghost kings, and 5 stars will have top ghost kings like back door ghosts.

Above 5 stars is another level of difficulty.

6 stars means that there may be evil hidden in Zanlin City, the number is uncertain, but it definitely exists.

The player who just got out of the car encountered some kind of ominous situation.

When the paper money fluttering in the sky falls on the player, it will take root and form a vague grimace.

With two pieces of paper money, the grimace will become clear.

With three pieces of paper money, the facial features of grimaces appear.

That horrible grimace.

It opened its mouth so wide that its jaw almost fell off.

With four pieces of paper money, the grimace will come to life.

When the fifth piece of paper money touches the player, the ghost face will overlap with the player's face.

Players will die.

The corpse of the dead player will become a revived ghost.

"Don't touch paper money, it's cursed and very ominous."

"Blow them away with props to keep them from getting closer."

"Take cover, Chick."

Some smart players have discovered the weirdness of paper money.

They quickly took out various props and began to expel the scattered paper money.

These paper money are disordered, like leaves all over the sky, blowing away with the wind.

It won't target any player specifically.

But once it touches 12 players, it will take root in the player's body like a seed.

According to Chen Ran's judgment, these paper money is the obsession of the dead.

All the paper money floating in Zanlin City is the obsession of the dead.

These dead people should have encountered some kind of unknown horror in life, which made them unable to think after death.

So the remaining obsessions became paper money.

When they touch the player, they will start to transform into ghosts.

Just entering Zanlin City, tens of thousands of players have been rooted by paper money and have become newly revived ghosts.

Chen Ran's focus is on the Old Thieves Warriors team.

Their process is the fastest.

Wan Qian's judgment was extremely accurate, and she judged the threat of paper money almost at the same time as Chen Ran.

He Xin's eyes were vicious, and he locked on a safer route at a glance.

"Brother Macho, it's up to you."

He Xin yelled at Liu Dali.

After Liu Dali nodded, he growled: "Holy God is immune."

Holy Immunity grants short-term immunity to most curses.

Then he rushed out like a high-speed train.

Mr. Pei squatted on the ground, picked up a piece of paper money and stuffed it into his mouth.

He has a high-level life professional extraction warlock, which can resolve many bad states.

"It is the obsession of the dead, and has part of the ability to replace the dead."

"They are not complete ghosts, as long as they don't touch the five pieces of paper money, they should not be replaced.

"The people in this city were once evaporated by the huge high temperature, and no corpses were left behind."

"No, to be precise, the humanoid ashes on the ground are their bodies."

"Don't touch those humanoid ashes."

Mr. Pei quickly extracted some key information.


Wan Qian nodded and shouted at the players of the Wushuang team.

Weapons like cannon barrels appeared in the player's hands.

This is a prop from Steve Benff.

He is recognized by the world of horror as the strongest master craftsman.

Bang bang bang, the gun barrel fired dense shells in all directions.

These shells are actually not lethal.

All of them are loaded with ghost coins.

As the shell exploded, countless ghost coins exploded and rushed to every corner of Zanlin City.

Wan Qian closed her eyes, opened the ghost coin drop professional talent, and was using the brain maze.

"Tsk tsk."

"Wan Qian is invincible as the life profession of scavengers.

Relying on the sound of ghost coins falling, Wan Qian quickly sketched the details of Zanlin City in her mind.

This is too important for players at this stage.

But the loud noise eventually attracted some more terrifying ghosts.

Mosquitoes full of eyes flew over densely.

Blurry figures came from all directions.

The hideous ghosts on the building also got out.

Flames suddenly appeared at the intersection.

A hunched old man squatted at the intersection, as if something was burning.

After all, no outsiders have entered this city for too long.

The manhole cover of the sewer was overturned by the strong air pressure, and the black tentacles like tree roots spread wildly.

In just ten minutes, the Peerless team suffered heavy losses.

Only a dozen or so players managed to hide in the nearby commercial building.

This is still the case of the Peerless Old Thief Guild.

The damage of the rest of the players was even more miserable.

Group destruction abounds.

"That's horrible."

Chen Ran sighed.

This is not like opening up wasteland, this is more like sending to death.

Midnight Train literally transports players to hell.

The terminal of the midnight train is unknown.

It may send the player to a low-difficulty copy, or it may send the player to a high-difficulty copy.

It depends on luck.

"The city is not something we can explore."

Wan Qian suddenly opened her eyes, her pupils contracted to the size of pinholes, and her forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Chen Ran checked Cha Wanqian's mental threshold.

Her mental threshold suddenly dropped by 10 points.

I really don't know what she saw.

"There's something under the city, something horrible."

Wan Qian's voice was a little panicked.

"Some ghost coins fell into the sewer."

"The crashing sound of ghost coins falling can let me know their exact location."

"I can't capture some footage while locking the position."

"I saw an eye."

"A huge eye, it's in the sewers."

"It's alive, I don't know what it is."

"The voice of the ghost coin alarmed it.

Wan Qian didn't know how to describe the scene she just saw.

Fortunately, the owner of the eyes did not appear.

It is hidden in the sewers of Burial Forest City.

A city's drainage system is extremely complex.

Wan Qian judged that the most dangerous thing in Burial Forest City was not the surface, but the underground.

"Sister Qian, what should we do?"

There are only 13 players left in the Wushuang team, and even Liu Dali and He Xin are offline.

Wan Qian drank a bottle of calming potion, which restored her mental threshold.

"The difficulty of this dungeon is beyond our imagination."

"Where the midnight train took us this time, there is absolutely no chance to open up wasteland."

"I think the rest of the teams and teams are in a worse position than we are."

"Do you know why the old thief opened the midnight train?"

Chen Ran was interested in this question.

"First of all, there is a lot of information in the Red Moon Era and the Red Moon press conference that I haven't sorted out clearly.

"But one thing is certain, the Red Moon Era is related to the ancient gods of Hongye City."

"After the time reset in Hongye City, it will appear sooner or later."

"The ancient god who came out of Hongye City is definitely the world boss of Hongyue's new chapter."

"There is only one way to deal with the ancient gods."

"That is to search for information about the Church of the Apostles, and then build a mysterious house according to their methods.

"It doesn't matter if the Mystery House is the correct complete Mystery or not.

"Only the mysterious house can send the ancient god away."

"The old thief dare not open up the map too much, because he is afraid that we will not be able to bear it."

"So the old thief thought of a compromise, a midnight train that can cross the border of terror."

"It can take us off the map."

"Whatever happens outside the map, doesn't affect the inside of the map."

"So, the world line mission of the Red Moon Era is very clear."

"Look for the mysterious puzzle and create the mystery according to the method of the apostle faction."

Wan Qian straightened her mind and continued.

"According to my inference, Sister Ghost's identity is very special. She may have been a member of the Mysterious Boundary Society during her lifetime."

"Her strength is related to the mysterious puzzle. 630"

"Before the red high-heeled shoes were imprisoned, Sister Gui was in red."

"After the red high-heeled shoes and the tricky house number are imprisoned, Enjie is the top red dress."

"The more secrets we imprison, the stronger Sister Ghost will be.

"She should be a very important NPC in the Red Moon Era."

"Besides that, there is Jiang Yutong, the corpse water ghost. Her cause of death was in Hongye City. She must have something to do with Hongyue."

"The situation of the funeral bride Qiu Dieyi is temporarily unknown, but I think she also has hidden information.

"Burning Grove is one of the horror world's unbroken ghost towns."

"There must be a big secret here, but we can't dig it out for the time being."

"Now, explore this commercial building first, and then rush out in a deadly manner after exploring."

"At the very least, we need to get the prototype of the map of the city."

After finishing speaking, Wan Qian closed her eyes and turned on the professional talent dropped by ghost coins to the maximum.

She didn't believe that such a big city didn't have any dropped ghost coins.

The sound of ghost coins falling is not just falling on the ground.

She could hear the collision of the ghost coins in her pocket, the sound of raindrops on the ghost coins, and the slight trembling of the ghost coins.

The range of this super hearing is enormous.

It can cover the entire An County, and its range can increase as Wanqian's level increases.

"Collect mysterious puzzles, build mysterious houses, and imprison ancient gods?"

Chen Ran looked at the red moon that occupied one-third of the screen.

The sound of a baby crying is faint.

Hongye City has been out of time reset.

It will one day emerge from the red moon.

At that time, Chen Ran is looking forward to who will come out of the red moon.

Four hours later, all players who took the midnight train were wiped out.

"It didn't even last half a day."

"This year's players are too unlucky."

Chen Ran shook his head helplessly.

He thought he could see the players shine, but unexpectedly, the players performed a death trick for him.

【Fourth watch is presented...】.

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