I Share The Horror World And Scare The Players Around The World

135: Lose Humanity, Lose A Lot; Lose Animality, Lose Everything

"It's just enough for 1000 exploration points.

"System, buy the formula of Red Moon Potion."

Only three days have passed between this sharing and the last sharing.

I think the players are still very powerful.

【Purchased successfully】

[Obtain: Red Moon Potion Formula]

An ancient parchment appeared in front of Chen Ran.

There are many potions recorded in the parchment.

[Three catties of cloudy water + two catties of ashes soil + ghost teeth + 10 minutes of red moon exposure = low-level red moon potion]

[Low-level Red Moon Potion]: Immunity to Red Moon Pollution for 3 hours

[Ghost Heart + Ghost Lung + Ghost Stomach + Ghost Eye + A Drop of Undead Tears + Yin Animal Skin = Red Moon Container]

[Red Moon Container]: Absorb Red Moon pollution for 3 hours, purify for 1 hour, and can be reused.

[Ghost forest + century-old ferocious soil + black wood + shroud + ashes + polluted red stone = blood beads]

[Blood Bead]: Immune to red moon pollution for six hours, and can restore 30% of the full state when crushed.

These outlandish materials are a specialty of the horror world.

The more complex the formula, the more precious the materials, and the more advanced the potion manufactured.

The most advanced potions even require ultra-rare materials such as ghost king's heart and red moon fragments.

Its effect is also very powerful, lifelong immune to red moon pollution, and permanently increase all attributes by 10%.

But not every time can be prepared successfully, it requires a little bit of luck.

"System, make an update package."

This update pack will open a new basic life profession, Red Moon Apothecary.

If you want to come to this basic life profession, it will be especially popular in the Red Moon Era.

The update package will also clearly mark the source of the recipe materials, which is the most important.

When the system was making an update patch, Chen Ran also discovered Zhao Kun's game video.

Without it, this game video is simply too popular, it has already gone abroad.

After all, this is the game video of the biggest corrupt official in China's history.

"When you see this game video, it means I'm dead.

"Holy shit, it's actually Zhao Kun, that big corrupt official."

"But judging by his face, he is indeed a dying man."

Chen Ran was quite surprised.

I didn't expect that after working on the formula of Red Moon Potion for a while, there would be such a big shock on the Internet.

"The real world?"

When Chen Ran heard Zhao Kun say, everyone can see the horror world as a real world.

This made Chen Ran's heart beat a lot faster.

Perhaps the dying Zhao Kun discovered some problems.

But Chen Ran believes that no one should really think that the horror world is the real world.

Some people may have doubts, but it is only doubts.

World of Horror is launched in the form of a virtual game, and all updates are very consistent with the game.

Coupled with the cover of the parallel world, no one will be able to discover the truth.

On this point, Chen Ran was extremely sure.

Players will at most think that Chen Ran has created a virtual world that is almost real.

After all, this is the future development direction of virtual games.

After Zhao Kun's opening remarks, the scene came to the world of horror.

In the real world, he is skinny and pale.

But relying on the face pinching system, he returned to his original appearance.

A middle-aged man who looks very refined and refined.

The face is very peaceful and very friendly.

It's like the benevolent Lafayette.

This is what Zhao Kun really looks like.

Before he fell from the horse, no one thought that Zhao Kun would be the biggest corrupt official in China.

This look is too deceptive.

If Zhao Kun really looked fierce, with fat head and big ears, and looked like a corrupt official, how could he climb to that position.

A person cannot be judged by his appearance, and sea water cannot be measured, that's it.

"Hi everyone, I'm Zhao Kun.

"It's been a long time since I showed up with this face."

Zhao Kun said with a smile.

"Okay, let's not talk much, this game video has officially started."

"Since the game video is relatively long, I will cut out important parts.

"Now, I will lead you to discover the true charm of the horror world."

After the narration ended, a violent coughing sound appeared.

Hearing this coughing sound, Chen Ran frowned, fearing that he would cough out his lungs in the next second.

"Looks like he's really dying." Chen Ran lit a cigarette and continued reading.

The screen came to An County talent market.

Zhao Kun's game video is very early.

At this time, Chen Ran has not yet opened the job system, and the Red Moon Era has not yet come.

"A little heart is not a respect."

"Manager Li, I have admired you for a long time. When I saw you today, you really deserve your reputation."

Speaking is an art.

A person who can talk can get along anywhere.

Zhao Kun's eyes were very vicious.

After he came to the talent market, he recognized Manager Li in the talent market as a greedy ghost with his eyesight.

The so-called, talk to people when you see people, talk to ghosts when you see ghosts.

Facing the old fried dough stick Zhao Kun, Li Jing was coaxed around.

Before the opening of the position system, Zhao Kun successfully got into the talent market and became a member of the office, backed by Manager Li.

The screen changed again, and Zhao Kun came to the An County Police Station.

Under the support of Manager Li, he met the chief of the police station.

Of course, flattery and a little bit of trivia are indispensable during this period.

With this relationship, Zhao Kun is even more convenient.

He bought two ghost police officers and started running back and forth in An County.

The ghosts who didn't like to leave the office all came out at this time.

An County was disturbed by Zhao Kun.

By means of observing public opinion and investigating and handling cases, he quickly searched for the resources of An County and occupied the industry of An County.

Coupled with the ghost coin recharge channel, Zhao Kun was in the limelight for a while.

His main purpose is not ordinary ghosts, but ghosts with backgrounds.

Those ghosts followed Zhao Kun, and they were so rich.

The entire An County is like a cage, allowing Zhao Kun to search.

Soon, Zhao Kun attracted many ghosts who followed him.

"Director, have you been sitting in this position for too long?"

"Brothers have been dissatisfied with you for a long time."

Under various provocations and alienations, Zhao Kun successfully took the position of chief of the police station.

This time he was even more indulgent.

The whole An County is like a piece of cake in his eyes.

Except for some dungeons that he dared not go to, Zhao Kun replaced the rest of the dungeons with his own thoughts.

Before the opening of the career system, Zhao Kun relied on his own ability to sneak into the top position in An County.

It can be said that in An County, Zhao Kun can make a promise.

That's what's special about the place.

Before the official action, the local emperor Tian was more powerful than the real emperor.

"Ghosts' obsessions are very clear, and if you understand their obsessions, you can grasp their weaknesses.

"Grab their weaknesses and you can exploit them."

The narration has been explaining, coupled with a violent cough, it is very uncomfortable.

The screen came to a certain detached building.

"Everyone, the county magistrate of An County lives here."

"If it dies unexpectedly, before the candidates are announced, what do you say will happen?"

Zhao Kun rushed into the room with a bunch of ghosts, and arrested the ghost county magistrate according to the above search.

Then, in an unexpected way, the ghost county magistrate was sent to meet Hades.

An county is a ghost county, and the ghost county magistrate has little effect, it is purely a decoration.

But if this position falls into the hands of people, it will be a disaster.

A county-wide meeting begins.

Zhao Kun successfully served as the acting magistrate of An County.

He can sit in this position until the higher up announces a new candidate.

Of course, the top of the horror world is long gone.

The entire world order has long since collapsed.

This is a new organization established by Zhao Kun on his own, a dark organization, a collusion organization.

At this time, Chen Ran just opened the position function.

The post privilege of acting county magistrate is very special.

It can mobilize many departments, and it can also swagger around in various places in An County.

...ask for flowers...

And this is only the power on the surface, and the power behind it is even greater.

Complicity, wanton abuse of power, lawlessness.

An County was abruptly controlled by Zhao Kun.

While preparing him for the next step.

The world of horror enters a new chapter in Red Moon.

Under the light of the red moon, ghosts are polluted by the red moon.

The obsession and viciousness in my heart became stronger, and more unknown things were born.

As a result, a tragic fight broke out in An County.

It is true that blood flows into rivers, and its cruelty is no worse than that of the first red moon era.

All evil burst forth, and all shackles disappeared.

Zhao Kun died on the first day of the Red Moon Era, ending his dark reign.

"After the red moon came, the ghost's obsession became stronger and became uncontrollable."

"This kind of opportunity will never appear again."

"But we have to deny that the horror world released by the old thief is too authentic."

"It really has it all."

"Before the Red Moon Era, the world of horror was just horror, and surrounding sex was just ghosts.

"After the Red Moon Era, only despair remains in the horror world, and the ghost nature hides the animal nature."

"Perhaps, on the first day I entered the talent market in An County, my ending was decided.

"Although this ending is late, it is not late."


"When a person is about to die, many things can be seen very openly.

"Birth does not bring, death does not take away, why bother to be persistent."

At this moment, Zhao Kun seemed to have seen through a lot, and also aged a lot.

He sat silently on the roof, looking at the red moon that occupied one third of it.

"Thank you, old thief, for letting me choose an ending for myself.

"This game video ends here."

"And what I want to tell you is also very simple."

Zhao Kun stood up, looking at each audience as if through the screen.

"Losing humanity, losing a lot."

"Lose the bestiality, lose everything."

"You guys, there are too many things to lose."

"You have to thank the old thief, it is the old thief who let you slowly find what you lost.

Amidst Zhao Kun's loud laughter, he pierced his heart with a short knife.

Three large characters "You are dead." appeared on the screen.

However, at this moment, these three big characters sent chills down the spines of countless players.

They've seen "You're Dead" countless times.

But this time it felt very different.

Because, Zhao Kun is really dead.

The real Zhao Kun died.

The virtual Zhao Kun also died.

He chose his final outcome out of fear.

"I really can't believe that this sentence came from Zhao Kun's mouth."

"To lose your humanity, you lose a lot; to lose your bestiality, you lose everything, which..."

This should be Zhao Kun's last words, and also his final summary of his life.

This sentence, just sixteen words, has amazed countless audiences.

Even Chen Ran fell into deep thought and remained silent for a long time.

Then a large number of bullet screens arrived at the scene.

"Fuck, it's Zhao Kun, I can't even imitate it."

"Didn't you listen to what Zhao Kun said? After the Red Moon Era, there will be no more opportunities like this.

"Human nature is hidden in ghost nature, so Zhao Kun can do it."

"After the Red Moon Era, there is animal nature in ghost nature, so Zhao Kun can't do it anymore.

"All evils come from beasts, and Hikiri's weakness also comes from layers."

"Fuck, I really got goosebumps all over the place."

"As expected of Zhao Kun, he can grow bigger and stronger step by step in China, and he can still do it in the horror world."

"That is, if the old thief hadn't opened up the Red Moon Era, Zhao Kun might be able to establish new rules in the horror world."

"Come on, the rules he established are unbearable to ghosts, let alone humans."

Numerous barrage discussions frenzied.

Countless viewers are analyzing Zhao Kun's thoughts.

Chen Ran touched his chin.

I have to admit, this is indeed a terrible person. .

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