I Share The Horror World And Scare The Players Around The World

149: When The Old Thief Was Angry, Millions Of Corpses Floated, Bleeding For Thousands Of Miles [Fif

Seeing the moment when the old thief was injured, players around the world realized that the old thief would also be injured.

Old thieves die too.

The strength of the old thief also has an upper limit.

The old thief shares the levels, skills, equipment, and props of all players.

The stronger the player, the stronger the old thief.

In other words, the old thief is the sum of all players.

The reason why the old thief is so popular.

Because of each of his skills, he can find the original owner.

It was kind.

That is a kind of pride.

Watching the old thief use his equipment and skills.

This is a great honor for players.

However, the old thief was still injured after all.

"I feel like I've been a bit of a mess for a while. If I had been stronger, the old thief wouldn't have been hurt."

"Me too. I have never left An County once. All the exploration is done by searching for strategies. If I work harder, the old thief will not be injured."

Some viewers were already in tears.

They are not very clear about the division of games like earth players.

This world is originally a world where games are the main body.

Every player loves games from the soul.

The NPCs in each game are their spiritual sustenance.

in their eyes.

NPCs are not cold codes.

in their eyes.

NPCs are flesh and blood and have their own feelings.

Not to mention, the world of horror is a cross-age virtual game.

In this game, even the smallest ghost with the weakest sense of existence has a detailed pre-life background.

This is especially true for the old thief who makes the audience fanatic the most.

can now.

he is injured.

Injured means death and pain.

Although everyone said that the old thieves were perverted, they gave them knives crazily, and tortured them thousands of times.

But it's all about their liking for the horror world and poking fun at old thieves.

They can not care about the true identity of the horror world producer in the real world.

But they care about old thieves of horror world avatars.

250 His existence has long been integrated into the horror world.

No thieves, no terror.

That's it.

"It hurts~"

Chen Ran raised his head.

Pumpkin Head's angry expression disappeared.

Instead, there was an extremely calm expression.

But this calm expression looks like a volcano about to erupt.

Under that calm expression, I don't know how much anger is hidden.

It was the first time for the audience to see the expression of the old thief.

That invisible pressure seemed to pinch their hearts.

"The old thief is really angry, I can feel it."

"Me too, I can feel the pressure on my face through the screen."

"This pressure is too strong."

The audience can feel this ever-expanding pressure.

Not to mention the top players in An County.

When Chen Ran's pumpkin head expression became calm.

The wind in An County seemed to have stopped.

The invisible oppression is like a dark cloud over a city.

The crazily surging ghost tide felt uneasy.

The hearts of the players were pounding.

They looked at the pit surrounded by ghosts.

That kind of speechless feeling is like the evil spirit that has been trapped for thousands of years is about to escape.

Wan Qian stroked her hair, her eyes were as bright as the stars in the sky.

"I really want to take off your pumpkin head to see you."

It was at this moment that the wind suddenly picked up.

The rocket is still charging, and the super-huge noise and vibration spread rapidly.

But all the players and audience felt that the shock in An County was even stronger.

Many stones and fragments began to rise slowly, trembling, and shattering as if they had lost gravity.

Even the space seems to be compressing.

"Angel boost."

"Strong blessing.

"Teammates sacrifice to heaven."

One by one BUFF blessing (bced) on Chen Ran.

His strength rose like an erupting volcano.

With the white cut thunder flickering.

With Chen Ran as the core, circles of dust swirled.

The human-headed spider king, the rotting wild boar, and the death worm roared uneasily.

The ghost tide began to shrink.

They are afraid.

Ghosts also know to be afraid.

Even if they are polluted by the red moon, they are also fearful.

If a person dies, he can become a ghost.

But once the ghost is dead, it is really dead.

They feel that a beast... has revived.

However, everything is

"Rare skills. Continuous flash."

"Advanced skill. Lightning slash.

Two whispers, the world changed color, and everything was silent.

All spectators, players, ghosts, and unknowns are blinded at this moment.

Ten crescent moons appeared in midair at the same time, as if piercing the sky.

No, that's not a crescent moon.

That was the trace of thunder across the sky.

The crackling thunder was like a ray of light, illuminating the whole world in an instant.

As the thunder gradually dissipated.

Chen Ran appeared outside the pit.

His expression remained calm.

But there are thousands of strange things around the deep pit, including the three top red clothes, all stopped moving.

Then click, click, they burst like brilliant fireworks.

Even the human-headed spider king, rotting wild boar, and death worms are all broken layer by layer.

The re-exploded thunder once again illuminated the night.

All over the sky, the muddy meat turned into a rain of blood and fell.

"Professional Skill. Ghost Slash."

Before the blood rain fell, Chen Ran moved again.

He is so fast that the naked eye cannot catch it.

Afterimages appeared in various places.

Every time it appears, it is accompanied by pouring rain.

The human-headed spider king, the rotting wild boar, and the death worm are not dead yet, they are top-notch red-clothed after all.

But during the Chen Ran outbreak, they didn't even have a chance to recover, and were directly crushed.

Just talk to Chen Ran.

With full combat power, even if you join forces, you will be turned into meat within three minutes.

At this moment, Chen Ran is like a wolf breaking into the flock.

No, it should be a tiger.

One person killed thousands of ghosts.

One person, killed all directions of thought.

No ghost can resist Chen Ran, not even for a second.

Players in the battlefield are petrified.

They couldn't see Chen Ran.

They can only see ghosts that are constantly being torn apart.

They could only hear the desperate screams of the spider king, the rotting wild boar, and the death worm.

They were bathed in blood rain all over the sky, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

It's like a stone statue, standing in place, losing its god.

The same is true for Blue Star, Nightfall Punk City, and Dawn Hope City.

A statue stood in place.

With his mouth open and his eyes wide open, he couldn't make a sound from his throat.

This one-sided massacre.

This bloody madness.

This invisible anger.

Thoroughly... shook their hearts, souls, and souls.

After a long time, shouts, cheers, and roars resounded through the world.

"Fuck, thieves are really invincible."

"This is the real matchless."

"It turns out that after the old thief got angry, he was so terrified."

"Oh my god, that's my skill, the old thief just used my skill."

"The old thief is invincible."

"The old thief makes a move, the world is unparalleled."

Countless audiences shouted frantically.

That kind of excitement, that kind of excitement completely burns the soul.

The blood is burning, the heart is roaring, and the cells are screaming.

They were still worried about whether the old thief would die.

But now they are not worried.

Because the old thief is invincible.

"Professional skills. Abnormal state.

Chen Ran alone killed thousands of ghosts and fled wildly.

The pile of corpses was like a hill.

The scattered flesh and blood stained the ground red.

It can be said that when the old thief got angry, millions of corpses floated and blood flowed for thousands of miles.

But soon, the players realized something was wrong.

The Panshan Highway trembled violently.

A dense black mist began to spread.

A monster that satisfies all human imaginations of horror appeared on the Panshan Highway.

Its belly was split open, and seven or eight slender arms crawled quickly on the ground.

Behind him was a long bloody road.

The monster's head was half of a human body, the face of the human body was hideously distorted, and a large amount of blood flowed from the eye sockets.

"A martyr."

"It was alarmed, too."

Nanako Hashimoto of the Cherry Blossom Festival Guild recognized it at a glance.

Martyrs are existences at the level of ghost kings.

They are extremely powerful at the ghost king level.

It appeared for the first time, and in just a few minutes, it wiped out the old thief Wushuang guild and the cherry blossom festival guild.

There is no way to fight at all, and there is no chance to go offline.

Behind the martyrs, there are also a large number of terrifying and hideous ghosts.

They come from Huaishu Village and from Shenqi academic institutions.

There are top-level red coats.

Immediately afterwards, the dark forest shook again.

At some point, the dark forest surrounding An County was full of hanged ghosts.

As the hanged ghost swayed, Bai Fu began to spread.

Many players saw strange paper figures appearing in the white mist.

The paper man carried a sedan chair and rushed towards An County in a very strange way.

"It's the ghost mountain god of the lonely temple in Heishan."

"The mountain deity in the lonely temple in Heishan is alive, but it has changed in the era of death."

The president of the Bald Eagle Guild, Anabella, recognized it.

The land reclamation site of their Bald Eagle Guild is the wild serial dungeons of Dark Forest, Black Mountain Solitary Temple, and Black Gorge Mountain.

Ghost Mountain God and the others have encountered it once, and there is no solution.

That is also the existence of the ghost king level, and it is a very special ghost king.

"Yuanguang County, look in the direction of Yuanguang County."

Many players hurriedly set their sights on the road leading to Yuanguang County.

Yuanguang County is currently a four-star dungeon that has been confirmed on the map, and it is extremely terrifying.

At the end of the road, a headless ghost over five meters tall was running wildly.

It was dragging a blood-stained broadsword in its hand.

The big knife cut through the ground and spread straight towards An County.

One after another, the horrors that the audience had seen or hadn't seen, were all startled at this time.

Their direction is very clear, which is An County.

Their target is also very clear, that is Chen Ran.

From the corner of his eye, Chen Ran looked at the ghost king and the new ghost tide that gradually appeared.

Now is the climax of the old thief's death.

"It's not in vain for me to consume a precious ghost stone."

Ghost stone, can provoke the hatred of ghosts.

Once activated, it becomes the target of the ghost's hatred.

The ghost stone and the ghost candle create such a big scene.

Without these two key props.

Even if the manned rocket is exhausted, at most the dungeons of Dark Forest, Winding Mountain Road, and Miasma Swamp will be disturbed.

And this is the plot killing script prepared by Chen Ran for The Old Thief.

[The fifth watch is here, come and support me, let's make a breakthrough].

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