I Share The Horror World And Scare The Players Around The World

015: Join The Life-Style Players In The Horror World [Five Updates]

"Wang Bin, it's here, save me."

Chen Ran said to Wang Bin who was hiding under the bed.

This line is already the main line of the horror world.

With the help of Wang Bin, he was able to leave the ward without injury.

At present, there is only one storage point in the game, which is the initial initial ward.

Once you die during the game, you will automatically return to the initial ward to start over.

The second storage point, Chen Ran believes, will only be activated after successfully escaping from the New People's Hospital.

So, the price of death at present is very high.

Once you die, the experience, props, and equipment of this process will be lost.

In the player's current situation, death is equivalent to starting from scratch.

"Roar!" Wang Bin opened the hospital bed and rushed out.

On the other hand, Big Boy's live broadcast room is quite popular.

He could already see the gate of the New People's Hospital.

"Brother, come on, it's been three days."

"If you can't escape from the New People's Hospital within seven days, the old thief will not make up for the game conference."

The audience cheered and cheered for the macho.

The macho man nodded, hid in the flower bed and watched the yard.

To get to the hospital gate, you need to go through a parking lot, emergency access, and a yard.

Emergency access is at the highest risk.

Wang Bin has already fed the group of ghosts, and now he can only rely on himself.

"Don't worry, the old thief's game conference is open."

"I went to the supermarket yesterday to buy a lot of coffee."

"For the past four days, I've worked hard." The fierce boy squeezed his fists and his eyes were extremely serious.

However, at this moment, the boy's pupils shrank dramatically.

"Fuck, it's Sister Ghost."

"Sister Ghost is going to the hospital building."

The audience was boiling.

A Miaoman figure was walking towards the inpatient building.

That is the ghost sister that the stubborn man was thinking of towards Simu.

"Hold on, hold on."

The macho man took his eyes back.

He was afraid that if he continued to watch it, he would not be able to bear to go to the ghost sister to die.

"It's still the old thief press conference that's important."

"No distraction, no distraction."

"Amitabha, Amitabha, form is emptiness, emptiness is form, and beautiful people are stinky skins."

Seeing the appearance of the macho man, many audience members laughed.

"In the end, the old thief is more attractive."

"That's right, I want to see the old thief more than Sister Ghost."

"If the old thief and the ghost sister appear together, that's fine."

The audience laughed at Chen Ran.

It's a pity that Chen Ran is still in the game and doesn't know it.

"I see."

"The inpatient building actually hides such a secret."

Wan Qian finally found the key to enter the office in the inpatient building.

In the office, she found a lot of clues.

What I couldn't figure out before, can now be linked together.

"It's time to prepare for the next game video."

"Old thief, you hid the secrets of the New People's Hospital really deeply."

Wan Qian muttered to herself excitedly.

She's going to prepare the next game video.

Come to think of it, this game video will also explode.

"Brothers, the degree of freedom in this game is too high, not worse than mine."

Today, another anchor exploded.

He is Steve Benff, the former game god of the life department, known as a doctor in the circle.

He has many titles in reality, such as chemist, master craftsman, master sewing and so on.

"Although the old thief has not yet added a weapon system."

"But look at this weapon."

Steve Buff points to his own weapon.

A polished and restructured double-edged axe, although a little rough, but very sharp.

"Although the game does not certify this weapon."

"But it has underlying properties."

"So I think that the old thief will definitely increase the weapon system in the future."

"Current weapons and equipment, we can handcraft them first."

"Also, still."

Steve Buff took out a test tube with a cyan liquid in it.

"The old thief's physics engine is too awesome."

"The chemical reaction in reality will also appear in the game."

"This test tube is a new type of sulfuric acid that I configured."

"Although the information cannot be authenticated, it has a lot of lethality."

"If you are interested, you can go to the medical room on the second floor of the inpatient building to verify by yourself."

"I totally doubt now that the old thief wants to create a second world."

"Do you still remember the name of the old thief game platform?"

"Parallel world, you can imagine how ambitious the old thief is."

"So, don't look at this game with a pure eye."

"If it is substituted in, it can be called the second world."

Steve Buff was excited.

Chemistry, in other games, but most of them are set.

But the chemical reaction of the horror world completely conforms to the rules of real chemistry.

It's no less than doing an experiment in a real lab.

"Do you guys know what that means?" Steve Buff said again.

"Even if the old thief doesn't open the weapon system and manufacturing system."

"We can all build guns, ammunition, even tank planes here, with real-world knowledge."

"There are also some very dangerous experiments that can be tried in the horror world."

"This game is so invincible, so invincible, it's almost 100% close to reality."

Steve Buff danced with excitement.

"Rush rush."

"How can there be so few of us life players in the horror world."

The life department players couldn't help it and joined the horror world one after another.

While they don't have great game skills, they have great crafting abilities.

These life-related players account for 80% of them full-time.

With each new game, they convert into merchants.

In their eyes, once the world of terror opens up the trading system.

This game will truly go to the world and enter the life of all human beings.

With the potential of this game, it is enough to feed them for a lifetime.

At this time, players who enter the horror world life system are all preparing for the trading system in the future.

They also have a common slogan: ghosts are scary, but money is even scarier.

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