I Share The Horror World And Scare The Players Around The World

160: Top Players Dispatched To Open Up The Forbidden Forest

Dawn Hope City, the old thief Wushuang guild hall.

Wan Qian looked at the full map of Hongyue, which was constantly improving in front of her.

"Blackstone Village, Forbidden Forest, Apostolic Church Ruins, Gloomy Cave, Underground Prison, Rotten Swamp."

These six places were marked by Wan Qian.

The side missions triggered by these six dungeons are all suspected to have something to do with Guan Yuetai.

"Sister Qian, the ruins of the Apostolic Church should be the most important.

"If we finish exploring the ruins of the Apostolic Church, we should be able to get the manufacturing method of the mysterious house.

He Xin thought for a moment and said.

The side mission of the ruins of the Apostolic Church is very simple, investigate the secrets of the upper floors of the church.

"The Forbidden Forest may have something to do with - the Forbidden Gate."

"After the door-bearer disappears, the forbidden door also disappears."

"If we can find the forbidden door, we might be able to find Hongye City again."

After thinking about it suddenly, I expressed my opinion.

Now the top players are about to move out.

Can't wait for racing players and extreme players to light up the whole map before dispatching.

It is too late in terms of time to dispatch after all lights are on.

"In fact, no matter what you choose, these places need to be explored."

"They are only suspected of the possibility of Guan Yue's platform, and they cannot be confirmed.

"As the whole map of Hongyue becomes more and more perfect, more suspicions will appear.

Liu Dali touched his bald head: "I don't understand."

"But Sister Qian said that whichever dungeon we go to, we will go to whichever dungeon.

The eyes of the core members of the Old Thieves Warriors all fell on Wan Qian.

"Let's go to the Forbidden Forest." After thinking for a moment, Wan Qian determined the land reclamation location of the Old Thief Wushuang Guild.

"He Xin, publish these six copies."

"Tomorrow, we will officially open up wasteland on the Red Moon map.

After preparing for so long, the players are ready to truly open up wasteland on the Red Moon map.

The main mission one can no longer be delayed.

Chen Ran also received Li Xin's message.

"Wan Qian chose the Forbidden Forest." Chen Ran frowned slightly.

He thought Wan Qian would choose the ruins of the Apostolic Church.

Of the six dungeons that are now public on the Internet, the most popular one is that the Apostolic Church has been abolished.

"Forbidden Forest is Forbidden Forest."

On the second day, Wushuang City became much more empty, leaving only the players who defended the city.

The large forces have already set off to the copy of their choice.

Invincible, here, here. "

As soon as Chen Ran went online, he saw Liu Dali waving his hands excitedly.

After getting in the ghost car, Liu Dali projected a map.

"We can take the ghost car for the time being on this road."

"After arriving at this place, we can only enter the Forbidden Forest on foot.

"This route was explored by Takumi, and it is relatively safe. 11

There are also many teams going to the Forbidden Forest.

But it is not clear how many teams can enter the Forbidden Forest in the end.

The route that Takumi explored was relatively safe.

It has to pass through many dangerous areas.

After getting off the car, what appeared in front of Chen Ran was a stretch of rolling hills.

The route is to go deep along the crevices of the hills.

Finally, you will find a huge crack in the canyon.

There is a bridge in the canyon chasm.

After crossing this bridge, you can officially enter the Forbidden Forest.

At this time, there are many players who have arrived at the hill, which has disturbed a lot of weirdness.

"Most players use cover."

"The ones who can really reclaim the Forbidden Forest still depend on our top teams."

"Go, let's not stay too long."

Liu Dali was the first to bear the brunt, turned on the double attribute increase, and rushed to the hilly path to receive the fast-paced life.

"The scene is really quite big."

Chen Ran smiled, turned on the double attribute boost and rushed towards the Forbidden Forest.

The Old Thieves Unparalleled Guild dispatched many teams.

There are groups of one thousand people, teams of one hundred people, and teams of ten people.

Chen Ran belongs to the ten-man team.

According to Wan Qian's analysis, opening up a brand new dungeon does not mean that the more players the better.

The more players there are, the more noise will be caused.

Conversely, the fewer players, the smaller the noise caused.

So this wasteland reclamation is carried out in many ways.

They belonged to the wasteland special warfare team.

He Xin was still scanning the map, while Master Bei went to the Bald Eagle Guild.

So I had to add four new faces to bring the team to ten people.

"Li Lei, a combat player on the first ladder of the Peerless Guild."

"Zhang Linlin, a combat player on the first tier of the Peerless Guild."

On the way, Liu Dali introduced new faces to Chen Ran.

They are all combat players on the first ladder of the Peerless Guild.

Fighting is essential to open up the forbidden forest this time.

The lineup is also the strongest in the Old Thieves Unparalleled Guild.

"President Bai, I didn't expect that you also chose the Forbidden Forest.

On the way, Chen Ran also met Bai Huakui.

Bai Huakui also formed a special team and chose the Forbidden Forest.

"I thought you would choose the ruins of the Apostolic Church."

Bai Huakui was also quite surprised to meet players from the Veteran Warriors Guild.

"It seems that if you can make the same choice as Chairman Wan, then this time land reclamation should be right.

Seeing Wan Qian, Bai Huakui narrowed his eyes and smiled.

Since Wanqian can choose the forbidden forest, it means that the gold content of the forbidden forest is higher.

The two guilds said hello and stopped talking.

After all, now is not the time to chat and communicate.

During the intense rush of more than two hours, the Grand Canyon ahead could already be seen.

"The Forbidden Forest is almost here."

Chen Ran licked his lips and looked around at the players on their way.

Although not as many players as in the beginning.

But the players who can get here at the fastest speed represent their own extraordinary.

This feeling of opening up wasteland still excites Chen Ran.

Soon, he saw a bridge hanging in mid-air.

The end of the bridge extended to a thick white mist.

Inside the white mist is the Forbidden Forest.

Wan Qian and the others stayed here for a while.

After finding no useful clues, set foot on the bridge.

When they officially entered the Forbidden Forest, the rest of the players could no longer be seen.

The Forbidden Forest is bigger than Chen Ran imagined.

The players who have rushed here are like drops of water gathering in the sea, unable to stir up a few waves.

A stele covered in vines stands at the entrance of the Forbidden Forest.

Eight words "Forbidden Forest, Trespassing" are engraved on it.

He Xin squatted in front of the stele and studied it for a while.

"It is an ordinary stele. 11

"No extra information."

There is only one entrance to the Forbidden Forest.

But there are several trails leading into the Forbidden Forest.

"Range scan."

After Wan Qian turned on the range scan, she found a rusty pendant in the messy grass.

There's nothing unusual about the pendant [but it's more unusual if dropped in the Forbidden Forest.

Wipe the rust on the pendant, and you can see some strange patterns engraved on it.

"Let's take the path on the right."

After Wan Qian put the pendant into her backpack, she decisively chose the path on the right.

No one would refuse Wanqian's choice.

When they officially stepped into the forbidden forest, they all shuddered.

The strong ominous feeling drilled into their skin from the ground, sending chills down their spines.

...ask for flowers...

Side quests are also triggered.

[Submissions]: Escape from the Forbidden Forest alive.

Turning back again, the bridge you just walked over disappeared.

What appeared in front of him was a dense white mist that could not be seen.

"Don't go there."

"It seems that this place can only enter but not exit."

Liu Dali wanted to go back and have a look, but Wan Qian hurriedly called to stop him.

It is very dangerous to touch the white mist behind you recklessly.

Wanqian Chaobaiwu threw a ghost coin.

He listened for a long time with his ears upright, and then said with a look of surprise: "There is no sound of ghost coins falling."

"Two reasons."

"Either there is a bottomless cliff under the white mist, and the range of coins falling is beyond my perception.

"Either the white mist has the ability to devour erosion."

Chen Ran nodded in agreement.

He just controlled Ghost Eye to go to Baiwu.

White mist has some kind of curse that corrupts everything.

Even his ghost eyes were damaged.

It is not so easy to go back and leave the Forbidden Forest.

"Come on, let's go deeper."

"Don't act rashly."

Wan Qian led the team and continued to go deeper along the path.


The Forbidden Forest is very quiet and dark.

Under the red moon, the Forbidden Forest seemed to be covered with a layer of blood.

All the players who entered the Forbidden Forest before disappeared, and none of them could be seen.

This forest is like a man-eating den.

Fortunately, the barrage of the audience in the live broadcast room can let Wan Qian know the general situation of other players.

They are in the same situation as themselves, they are all exploring the forbidden forest.

So many players entered the Forbidden Forest, but few encountered it.

"help me."

After the team moved for a while, they suddenly heard a slight cry for help.

A figure struggled to climb out from the bushes.

The whole body was dripping with blood, and I really didn't know what terrible things I had experienced.

"Not a player."

"It's a ghost." Wan Qian's eyes moved, and she quickly judged it.

Liu Dali took out the axe, and cut off the opponent's head as soon as the ax fell.

A few seconds later, a rotting headless corpse lay on the ground, motionless.

"Judging from the time of death, at most he died.

"Sister Qian, something is not right."

"Could it be that there are original inhabitants of the Forbidden Forest!"

He Xin checked the corpse and gradually frowned.

"It doesn't have to be an original resident."

"Maybe it's really a player, but it's not a real player." Wan Qian thought for a moment and said.

This left the audience in the live broadcast room confused.

A player, but not a real player. "

"what does this mean."

"Yeah, I can understand every word, but I can't understand it together.

He Xin thought for a while and said.

"It is indeed possible."

"In some dungeons, the body will not disappear after the player dies.

"In other words, some players have died."

When He Xin said this, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly realized.

The dead player's body is indeed a player, but it is no longer a real player.

They should be walking corpses controlled by ghosts.


"Call us for help."

"It means that the ghost thing that controls it has a certain amount of wisdom.

"It shouldn't be completely polluted by the red moon."

"That being said, there is still the possibility of communication.

Wan Qian rolled her hair and said, her eyes shone with a different luster.

What she likes most is this process of peeling back the cocoons and finally seeing the truth.

This will give her great satisfaction. .

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