I Share The Horror World And Scare The Players Around The World

162: The First President Of The Mysterious Border Society: Mei Gao

"Then what do we do now?

Li Xin was a little confused.

"Since the old thief has opened the Red Moon map."

"Then there must be some clues hidden in this place.

Wan Qian held a torch to observe the inscription on the small sarcophagus.

After reading it for a while, Wan Qian raised her head: "These inscriptions record the identity of the sarcophagus."

"This sarcophagus is called the Wesleyan Sarcophagus."

"It contained a man named Wesleyan, who belonged to the Apostolic Church during his lifetime."

"Entered the sarcophagus in the form of a human pillar.

"Yes, their purpose is to suppress the large sarcophagus in the center.

Holding the torch, Wan Qian looked over one small sarcophagus after another.

There are 99 small sarcophagi in total.

Inside each small sarcophagus are human pillars.

These pillars were all members of the Apostolic Church during their lifetime.

"Explained according to the inscription."

"These people all became pillars of humanity while enduring great pain.

"They think pain makes them stronger."

"Pain can make them stronger." Chen Ran muttered to himself.

This apostolic church is really extreme.

"What about the sarcophagus in the middle?" Li Xin asked hastily.

There are more inscriptions on the middle sarcophagus.

It is densely engraved.

"need some time."

Wan Qian held a torch and looked at the words on the large sarcophagus.

"Professor Sun Weiguo, He Xin, there are many inscriptions that I can't recognize.

"I'll move the camera a bit, you guys have a look."

After watching for a while, Wan Qian chose to give up. 12

He Xin and Sun Weiguo are best at translating ciphertext.

Wan Qian fired another flare, illuminating the underground cave.

The huge sarcophagus over a hundred meters, no matter how many times you look at it, will bring you an unspeakable shock.

"Professor Sun Weiguo, this inscription should be pictographs.

"I have photographed all the inscriptions on the huge sarcophagus."

Sun Weiguo, He Xin and other historians and philologists began to decipher the content of the inscription with all their strength.

At the same time, the ruins of the Apostolic Church, which was already the busiest, became even more lively at this time.

Follow the top ranks to the upper levels of the church.

The bell on the top floor of the church rang dong~dong~dong~.

The strangeness of the red moon in the entire ruins has been revived.

The huge black shadow holding the church reacted.

It slowly raised its head, from invisible to tangible.

It was a humanoid monster.

It has a huge head like a sarcoid, with densely packed eyes all over the head.

It has an extremely thin body, and has eight slender arms and a weird tail.

Hugging the church like an octopus and roaring.

"What is that place?"

Hashimoto Nanako turned pale.

The copy chosen by the Cherry Blossom Festival Guild is in the ruins of the Apostolic Church.

They successfully entered the upper echelons of the church.

Although a large number of players were lost, it went smoothly.

After entering the upper floor, all players were in shock.

Dense and dry figures knelt on the ground.

They are worshiping.

Praying in one direction.

In the middle of the worship of the dry figure stood a slender figure with a body that surpassed that of ordinary people.

It holds one hand flat, the other raised, and stands on one foot.

It's a very weird pose.

Like it's communicating something.

"No, it's not communicating anything.

"It's guiding."

"It's acting as a beacon for something."

After Annabella thought for a moment, her face changed drastically.

"Do it, kill it.

"It is the beacon of the birth of the old gods."

The fighting broke out in an instant.

Those dry worshipers revived one after another, roaring wildly.

Great changes have also taken place in Heishi Village.

Those villages that use stone as their tower, leather as their flag, and bones as their wind chimes.

An unknown ceremony is indeed being held here.

There was actually a crimson moon in the sky above Heishi Village.

The red moon is like a womb, a huge deformed monster is squeezing out bit by bit from the red moon.

It was a stitch monster made up of countless corpses.

Its appearance caused the crying of the Red Moon baby to become more intense.

The gloomy caves, underground prisons, and rotten swamps have undergone horrible changes as players open up wasteland.

"There is a strange figure on the upper floor of the ruins of the Apostolic Church, and Ana Bella said that it is the lighthouse where the ancient god was born.

"A mini Red Moon appeared in Heishi Village, and a Stitching Monster appeared in Hongyue."

"The spooky cave is connected to the underground prison."

"The underground prison is a mass grave, and flesh and corpses form a carrion pass.

"The water ghosts in the Rotten Swamp flow out from the tributaries of the Sea of ​​Rotten Flesh."

Wan Qian looked at the live broadcast room.

The progress of land reclamation in each dungeon was conveyed to Wan Qing by the player according to the barrage.

"I see."

"To put it bluntly, Hongyue is an abandoned place."

"It is an abandoned place used by the Apostolic Church to study and analyze the mystery."

"They are conducting experiments here, trying to communicate with the unknown will."

"Through various methods such as sacrifices, guidance, and rituals, they are connected to some unknown consciousness.

"But I don't know what happened in it, which caused some unknown horrors to appear.

"They can't deal with the changes on the red moon, they can only exile the red moon."

"But here, the Apostolic Church got a way to build a mysterious room.

"They wanted to build mystical rooms to welcome the gods.

"I hope the gods can help them deal with Hongyue."

"However, this is the bait of the ancient gods."

"After the ancient god was born, not only did he not deal with the red moon, but instead made the red moon reappear."

"The red moon is not just the place where the ancient gods were born."

"It's the birthplace of many unknown consciousnesses."

Wan Qian finally understood Hongyue's origin at this moment.

It is the Apostolic Church, no, maybe it will be created by the mysterious border.

After the appearance of the red moon, ambiguity appeared in the mysterious boundary society and began to split factions.

The Red Moon Research Institute chooses to be in awe of the mystery and seal it up.

Because they found that if human beings continue to explore the mystery, they will only usher in disaster.

The Shenqi academic institution chose to create a god and tried to deal with Hongyue.

But at the last moment, they found out that they had been tricked by Dae Kwon.

Deeply afraid that there will be a second red moon, they can only do everything to imprison Daguan in the empty wine glass.

The Apostolic Church is actually also for the salvation of the world.

But what came out of the mysterious room they created was not a god, but a greater disaster.

In the end, the various factions joined forces, relying on the forbidden door and the lost clock to send the ancient god back to the day before he was born.

This ended the Red Moon Era.

When humans explore the unknown, no one can predict whether the unknown will bring surprises or disasters.

But some disasters, once they happen, cannot be stopped.

That's like Pandora's box.

At the moment when human beings study the mystery, Pandora's window opens.

Once opened, it can no longer be closed.

Sun Weiguo and He Xin also translated the inscription on the large sarcophagus at this time.

[Our thinking is limited to the lowest level]

【What we need is more eyes】

【Humans only have two eyes, this is the limitation of human beings】

【Sight determines thinking, thinking determines thinking, thinking determines limitations

【Humans must break through the number of eyes and get more eyes】

[Mystery, mystery is the eyes of human beings]

[Get more eyes, see through more truths, and finally gain the power to fight against them

"Sister Qian, what is imprisoned in the big sarcophagus is not an unknown consciousness, but a human being."

"It is written in the inscription that this person is called Mego."

"He broke through the upper limit of the eyes and stole the wisdom of an unknown consciousness.

"But because its body is a human body, it cannot carry the wisdom of unknown consciousness."

"So he became another unknown."

"So, the Mysterious Boundary teamed up to imprison him here.

"By the way, this Mei Gao is the first president of the Mysterious Boundary Society, and also the first human being to discover the coin with the snake symbol.

He Xin edited the barrage and translated all the inscriptions on the huge stone tablet.

"More eyes."

Chen 923 Ran looked at He Xin's translation, and he thought of his ghost eyes.

The ghost eye belongs to his third eye.

In that case, he has already broken through the limits of his eyes.

"The first president of the Mysterious Border Society, Mei Gao."

"It broke through the limit and became another unknown existence."

Wan Qian muttered to herself.

She didn't know what level this unknown existence was.

But Chen Ran knows.

This unknown existence belongs to the fierce level.

Fierce and ghosts are completely on two levels.

So far, Chen Ran has not seen the real murderer.

The strongest he has ever seen is nothing more than the top ghost king's back door ghost.

With the door of taboo on their backs, the ghost behind the door is suppressing Hongye City, and can only exert a very small part of its strength.

But even so, it can tear the One-eyed Ghost King and the Vigorous Ghost King apart.

Even at this time, Chen Ran might not be able to get close to the back door ghost before the lost clock was released.

Vaguely, Chen Ran seemed to have a new understanding of the level of fierceness.

No matter how high the attribute is, it can only be infinitely close to fierce.

If you want to match the fierce level, you need to get more eyes.

Eyes are the key to breaking the limits of human beings and reaching a new height.

"It's going to be our killer weapon."

"It's not time for Megao to get out of trouble."

"When the ancient god is really born, it will be the time for Mei Gao to get out of trouble."

Wan Qian commented on Mei Gao in this way, a double-edged sword.

No matter who wins in the end, Mei Gao or Ancient God, it will be a huge trouble.

"I know where Guan Yue Terrace is."

"It's on the top floor of the ruins of the Apostolic Church."

"The place where that weird figure stands is Guanzitai.

"In its position, depending on its specific posture, you can see the real red moon."

"That is the womb where the ancient god is about to be born."

Wan Qian nodded to Chen Ran and Li Xin.

Land reclamation is over.

It's not time to start yet. .

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