I Share The Horror World And Scare The Players Around The World

165: Inside The Door And Outside The Door [Four More]

"What a big scene.

Gu Quan hid in the pile of rubble and knocked on the recovery potion.

He is the player who is farthest away from the start of the operation around the moon.

"Before midnight today, it should be possible to enter the red and back.

Gu Quan watched for a while the upsurge of the whole people opening up the ruins of the Apostolic Church and Lighthouse Island - the live broadcast.

Some envy.

But there's always someone going to - perform operations around the moon.

According to what Wan Qian said, the back of the red moon may be the real key.

"Invincible is also online."

"Still so perverted."

Gu Quan looked at it for a while, then pushed away the pile of rubble and continued the operation around the moon.

Over ten million players died in the Red Moon boss battle.

However, the strange shape still did not die, and it entered the second stage.

Red blood streaks appeared on the body.

These bloodshots have a strong curse, making the boss battle more difficult.

The players who died in the battle were not idle, but entered the world of terror.

Many players are working hard on the revenge mission of the Old Thief.

"I successfully sneaked into Yuanguang County as a senior maintenance worker."

"I found out the identity of the headless ghost king when I was changing a light bulb in a ghost house yesterday.

"It was a pork butcher in life."

"Not bad, I applied for a job as a 24-hour convenience store employee in Yuanguang County. The Headless Ghost King lived in Butcher Lane and was a pork butcher in a slaughterhouse.

"My baby-friendly clothing store in Yuanguang County, the butcher's original name was Zhu Ganglie, and he never had a wife.

"I applied for a cleaner in Yuanguang County, and I can confirm that Zhu Ganglie has been living in Butcher Lane."

"Butchers live in Butcher Alley, it should be the most difficult dungeon in Yuanguang County."

"I captured a ghost aunt in Yuanguang County, and from the ghost aunt, I knew that three generations of Zhu Ganglie's family were butchers of pigs.

"The butcher's knife is ancestral, and I seriously doubt it is one of the mysterious puzzles."

Relying on their positions and identities, players with great powers lurk in Yuanguang County one after another.

They almost unearthed the deeds of Zhu Ganglie's three generations.

After all, Zhu Ganglie is at the top of the kill list.

It was he who first crushed the old thief's pumpkin head.

"The Ghost Mountain God in Heixia Mountain is mutated by a mysterious puzzle.

"The hanged ghosts there are all people who once made a wish in front of the Ghost Mountain God."

As most of the players walked out of An County.

All kinds of information outside of An County are increasing rapidly.

After all, if you want to bring the old thief back to life, you must clear all the maps at this stage.

Twelve midnight.

Liu Dali entered the Red Moon map with an excited face, and finally waited until now, his ax was already hungry.

At the same time, a large number of players boarded the midnight train.

Wan Qian has announced the sources of 27 mysterious puzzles.

Now collecting mysterious puzzles is also the most important task.

There are not many mysteries within the map.

Most of the mystery lies outside the map.

After the events of Burning Red Moon and Expedition of Fireflies are open.

There is simply too much content.

After the red moon map died in battle, he entered the horror world to open up wasteland. After twelve o'clock, he had to take the midnight train to go outside the map.

This made countless players shout that the horror world is the most playable in the world.

The nutrition warehouse is becoming more and more popular.

There are already many people who have officially become professional gamers.

Parallel worlds and horror worlds can no longer be surpassed by any game, and they have become the general trend of Blue Star.

Once the parallel world and the horror world cease to operate, the impact will be incalculable.

Chen Ran took off the virtual helmet and stretched himself.

Main task 2 appeared, but this task obviously cannot be completed in a short time.

There are so many petrified corpses on Lighthouse Island, it will take a long process to close all of them.

"Has the ghost eye become an eye in the skull?"

Chen Ran touched his forehead.

In the Forbidden Forest, Chen Ran learned too many secrets.

And successfully merged with his third eye.

This means that Chen Ran is walking towards the border of the district.

"The inscription says that the mysteries are the eyes of man."

Chen Ran has never had a good understanding of the mystery puzzle.

The world of horror has seen its fair share of mystery puzzles.

Zhao Yating imprisoned the high heels and the ghost number.

The Forbidden Door and the Lost Clock of the Backdoor Demon appeared, but finally disappeared again.

Empty goblets are guarded by martyrs in the halls of divinely inspired academic institutions.

The crystal skull is in Nan Xiaoqiao's dream.

The ghost mountain god and the headless ghost king are also suspected to have mysterious jigsaw puzzles.

After thinking for a moment, Chen Ran re-entered the horror world.

As soon as the door of the dean's office was pushed open, a figure rushed over.

The person who came was Zhao Yating.

There are only two things in this world that can make Zhao Yating react.

The first one is a mystery puzzle.

The second one is Chen Ran.

"I'm going to look at the high heels and the trick signs.

Chen Ran rubbed Zhao Yating's head.

With Zhao Yating nodding, he entered the closed room.

It was the first time for him to observe the mysterious jigsaw puzzle so closely.

"How did you imprison them?"

Chen Ran turned to ask Zhao Yating.

At this time, the high-heeled shoes and the tricky door sign in the confinement room did not respond at all.

"It's the room."

Zhao Yating pointed to the room.


Chen Ran thought for a moment, then his pupils shrank slightly: "You won't tell me that this room is one of the mysterious puzzles."

Zhao Yating nodded.

"It's called the brig."

"After the mysterious fragment enters the confinement room, it will lose its ability and become an ordinary item."

"Disabled." Chen Ran picked up the high heels.

It turns out that this is why Zhao Yating was able to imprison the mysterious puzzle.

"Then why does your strength suddenly increase after you imprison the mysterious?"

Chen Ran asked his biggest doubt.

Zhao Yating might not have answered herself before.

But since Chen Ran accepted Zhao Yating, the relationship has been different.

"I forgot~"

"However, the ability of the mysterious puzzle that imprisoned the closed room did not disappear, but was acquired by me.

Zhao Yating said after thinking for a moment.

Chen Ran looked at the unmoving high heels and the tricky house number.

There will be a faction on the mysterious border to seize the mysterious power and take it as its own.

Now Chen Ran is very suspicious that Zhao Yating is from this faction.

It is very likely that she has occupied the ability of the closed room.

"So much memory loss, is it related to her lack of heart.

The cause of Zhao Yating's death was a wound on her collarbone.

Judging from the wound, there is no heart inside.

This should be the key reason why her memory is so incomplete.

Although Qiu Dieyi and Jiang Yutong also lost a lot of memory, but there is still such a loss.

But Zhao Yating didn't exist at all, and she couldn't remember anything about her life.

After chatting with Zhao Yating for a while, Chen Ran came to the academic institution for divine use again.

He still decided to meet Daguan.

Chen Ran has only seen two existences of this level.

The first was Mei Gao who was imprisoned.

He has a hard time communicating.

The second one is Daguan who was imprisoned.

Although Mei Gao finally said not to believe their words.

...ask for flowers...

But Daguan is indeed the only unknown consciousness that can communicate.

After entering the lake with an empty wine glass this time, Yin Guan had an immediate reaction.

Its blossoming face stared at Chen Ran for a long time.

"You're approaching us."

Chen Ran touched his forehead.

After merging the ghost eye, the eye in the skull appeared.

This can be regarded as a big step forward, crossing the limit of human beings, and approaching fiercely.

"After I become you, do I also need to be born?"

Chen Ran asked jokingly.

Daguan is very serious: "If you want to go outside the door, you need to be born."

"If you stay inside the door, no need.

This is the first time Daguan revealed some unusual information.

"Outside the door, inside the door."

"In this way, your unknown consciousness exists outside the door, while we exist inside the door.

Da Guan didn't say a word, he was acquiescing to Chen Ran's words.

"So, what's going on outside the door?"

"Why do you want to use all means to enter the door by birth."

Daguan didn't answer.

"I saw Mei Gao in the red moon."

"Megao should be the first existence among human beings to reach the fierce level.

"I don't know if it's the only one, but he's had a big problem.

"He imprisoned himself in the sarcophagus of Red Moon."

"He said, don't take your word for it."

"Red Moon, did some existence trick him into creating it?"

Chen Ran's words are very straightforward, he doesn't like to beat around the bush.

"I've heard his name."

"A long time ago, he made a deal with the ancient god."

"He let the ancient gods enter the door, and the ancient gods need to help him go out the door.

"But the deal fell through."

"When Megow stepped through the door, he went crazy.

"Crazy!!" Chen Ran's pupils shrank.

"What did he see?"

After a moment of silence, Daguan said: "I have seen the truth that is normal to us, but desperate enough to you."

"What is the truth?" Chen Ran asked again.

Da Guan shook his head: "I can't tell, I have to go out and see it with my own eyes."

"Are you going to make a deal with me?"

"Help me to be born, and I will send you outside the door.

This time, Daguan didn't talk about the promise that I will be immortal and you will be immortal, but used a look outside the door as a bait.

Chen Ran's pupils contracted.

He didn't know whether to believe Daguan's words or not.

He didn't know whether he should make this deal with Daguan.

"I just have one question."

"Where is the door?" Chen Ran asked word by word.

Daguan was silent for a long time before speaking: When you see the door, it is there. "

This answer is very meaningful.

When you see the door, it's there.

This means that the door may be an abstract existence, it is not tangible.

It may exist in every corner of the world.

But no one can see the door.

As the number of eyes increases, you can gradually see the appearance of the door.

"Then why did you come into the birth gate?"

Da Guan stopped talking.

It has said a lot today.

It was because of Chen Ran approaching them.

But Chen Ran didn't know whether to believe it or not.

Believe in a human being who has gone crazy.

I still believe in a Daguan of unknown origin.

"never mind."

After a long time, Chen Ran sighed.

He's going to update the game.

With the update of the horror world, Chen Ran believes that these problems will be figured out sooner or later.

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