I Share The Horror World And Scare The Players Around The World

168: Going Beyond The Map, Encountering The Return Of The General By Chance

woo woo woo~

A crimson train stopped at the midnight train station on time.

Chen Ran brought Jiang Yutong, Qiu Dieyi, and Nan Xiaoqiao three ghosts to stand at the station.

After checking the ticket, he officially boarded the midnight train.

This is the first time Chen Ran has taken the midnight train since the midnight train opened.

"Gimhae City, Burial Forest City, Nightmare Village, Misty Crossroads."

A list appeared in Chen Ran's hand.

He has a lot of things to do outside the map this time.

Look for the historical patch left by Zhao Kun.

The historical patch left by Zhao Kun is an illustrated book of mysterious puzzles.

Chen Ran must get this patch.

With the mysterious illustrated book, Chen Ran can follow the illustrated book to collect mysterious puzzles.

Now he has a great interest in occult puzzles.

The second matter is about Jiang Yutong, Qiu Dieyi, and Nan Xiaoqiao.

Find Liu Wei's group, help Jiang Yutong avenge him, and see if he can discover Jiang Yutong's secret by the way.

Find the place where Qiudieyi got married in the dark, and Qiudieyi buried what should be buried.

Take Nan Xiaoqiao to find Jinhai City, which is Nan Xiaoqiao's home.

The third thing is the inspiration given to Chen Ran by the players.

The red moon appeared to orbit the moon.

Players hope that the entire Red Moon map can be scanned.

This action inspired Chen Ran.

He intends to go outside the map and scan the map of the entire horror world.

"Woo woo woo~"

With the sound of the horn, the midnight train started.

It gallops through the dark forest like a ghost, crosses the border of the map, and enters beyond the map.

After that, I plunged into the twisted tunnel, and soon came to today's terminal.

"System, share this copy process."

【Linjiang County (Samsung): 0%】

Chen Ran can rely on system sharing to determine his exact location.

"Linjiang County, Samsung copy."

Chen Ran looked at the mysterious illustrated book.

The Mysterious Illustrated Book does not record any mysterious jigsaw puzzles discovered in Linjiang County.

"Samsung copy players should be able to handle it."

Chen Ran thought for a while, got off the bus and didn't stop in Linjiang County, just chose a random direction and left.

"The world of horror is really big enough."

There is no limit beyond the map, which is Chen Ran's unopened map.

It is conservatively estimated that the entire map of the horror world is no smaller than Blue Star.

"Little Qiao, do you know how to get to Gimhae City?"

Chen Ran turned to ask Nan Xiaoqiao.

Such a blind search is not an option.

"I don't know, I forgot."

Nan Xiaoqiao looked around and shook her head.

"If there is a familiar place, Riding will tell me.

Chen Ran rubbed Nan Xiaoqiao's head.

She is a ghost, but has a complete memory of her life.

But this memory comes from 400 years ago in the horror world.

In the past 400 years, the changes in the world of horror are simply earth-shaking.

But there are always some old buildings left behind.

"Dieyi, if there is something familiar to you, please tell me.

Chen Ran ordered some autumn butterfly clothes.

Then they shared a ghost car and galloped on the dark and broken road.

There is a lot of car wrecks on the highway.

Some car wrecks still sat with charred bodies.

These corpses did not unfasten their seat belts until they died, maintaining their appearance in life.

After hearing the sound of the engine of the ghost car, there was movement one after another, trying to climb out of the car.

"G12 county road, has any of you heard||?"

Whenever Chen Ran arrives in a new place, he will share it.

"Haven't heard of it?"

"Then let's go to the next place."

Chen Ran turned on the projection and marked the road as G12 county road.

The projection is a vast black shadow.

Starting from Linjiang County, a winding route is lit up.

Everywhere along the route Chen Ran is marked with his name and degree of difficulty.

"A big project."

After recording the G12 county road, Chen Ran appeared at an intersection in a ghost car.

At the crossroads stood a guidepost that hadn't been completely broken.

On the right is Xilin Tunnel, on the left is Taoli Scenic Area, go straight to the toll booth at the intersection of Changsha.

"Get on the highway directly."

"Dieyi, use the red line to clean up the route."

Ghost cars are not so easy to drive.

In addition to ghosts on the road, there are also a lot of gravel and abandoned cars.

These obstacles seriously delayed the speed of the ghost car.

After getting on the highway, Yao said that there should be some changes.

A series of red lines clear the obstacles in front of the road to ensure a smooth route.

Chen Ran was driving the ghost car with one hand, holding a cigarette in his right hand, feeling the gust of wind outside the window.

"I was supposed to take you to the Blue Star for a tour."

"But it's been too busy."

"This time it's a trip."

Chen Ran said with a smile.

Traveling in the horror world is not something everyone can do.

There must be enough confidence.

After so long, Chen Ran's strength has finally improved, and he began to approach fierce.

As long as there is no real murderer, Chen Ran is not afraid of anything.

Soon, the toll booth at the intersection of the expressway will arrive.

The toll booth didn't know what happened.

Completely collapsed, and covered with blood everywhere.

There are a lot of ghosts gathered here, and I don't know why.

"Ghost King Mask."

Chen Ran directly opened the ghost king mask.

A ghostly figure appeared from behind.

He didn't care why so many ghosts gathered at the toll booth at the highway intersection.

He didn't have time to fight these ghosts, or probe the secrets of the highway intersection.

His schedule is tight.

Simply open the mask of the ghost king, and use the breath of the ghost king to scare the group of ghosts away.

"Dieyi, open the way."

After scaring away the group of ghosts, Qiu Dieyi leaned out the window and grabbed it with his palm.

The dense red lines directly tore a gap in the toll booth at the intersection of the expressway.

Chen Ran stepped on the accelerator, the speed of the ghost car increased sharply, and it went straight onto the highway.

The road conditions on the highway are much better.

Although there are still a lot of overturned abandoned cars and wandering ghosts.

But the road conditions are much better than county roads and township roads.

The speed can directly soar to more than 200.

"Lingyang City."

"Guanyuntai Scenic Area."

"Lin County Service Area."

"Baqiao South District Toll Station."

The road signs on the highway are still very obvious.

Chen Ran recorded while driving.

The three ghosts Jiang Yutong, Qiu Dieyi, and Nan Xiaoqiao sat in the car without speaking, but just stared out the window blankly.

This strange yet familiar world keeps them silent.

"Hexi Ancient Town."

Nan Xiaoqiao suddenly reacted.

Chen Ran braked and quickly stopped at the fork in Xiahexi Ancient Town.

"Do you remember this?"

Chen Ran hurriedly turned his head and asked.

Nan Xiaoqiao nodded: "Mom and Dad brought me here before."

"Then do you have a memory of the route?" Chen Ran asked hastily.

Nan Xiaoqiao said uncertainly, "I forgot."

"There was no highway at that time, so my parents took me here by train."

"That is to say, there is a train station in Hexi Ancient Town."

"A city as big as Gimhae should have a site.

"Come on, let's take the train to Hexi Ancient Town."

Chen Ran kicked the accelerator and drove towards Hexi Ancient Town.

It was an ancient town with a very long history.

According to Nan Xiaoqiao, it has a history of three or four hundred years in their time.

It is said that it is the former site of a certain general in ancient times.

“Hexi Ancient Town has a lot of delicious food.”

"I remember my parents took me to eat..."

As she spoke, Nan Xiaoqiao's eyes shed blood and tears.

For ghosts, the luckiest thing is to keep the memory of life, and the most painful thing is to keep the memory of life.

"System, share the progress of Hexi Ancient Town."

【Hexi Ancient Town (five-star): 0%】

"It's actually a 5-star dungeon."

Chen Ran looked at the toll booth entering Hexi Ancient Town.

A strong wind blew out from Hexi Ancient Town.

The lingering figures stopped in their tracks one after another, tilting their heads to point at the ghost army parked at the toll booth.

There have been no outsiders in Xihe Ancient Town for a long, long time.

There was a sound of beating gongs and drums from far to near.

Soon, Chen saw a team of welcoming brides carrying flowers.

Four ghosts with severely decomposed bodies carried a big red sedan chair.

As they stayed, the big red sedan chair landed steadily on the ground.

"." I listened to my parents.

"There are performances in Xihe Ancient Town every day."

"They're doing the Return of the General show every day.

"I heard that the general of Xihe Ancient Town led the troops to the front line.

"Before he left, he told a girl that when I came back from the victorious battle, I would marry you in eight palanquins."

"That girl waited and waited until she got old, but she didn't wait until the general came back again."

"After this story was handed down, it became the grandest festival in Hexi Ancient Town through artistic processing.

"Every day, there will be a show about the return of the general."

"It is said that the girl would sit in the sedan chair every day and wait for the general to return."

Nan Xiaoqiao thought for a while and said.

Every scenic spot of the program exists.

The purpose of this kind of program is to attract tourists and increase fame.

"And then?" Chen Ran asked.

Nan Xiaoqiao thought for a while and said: "I remember that the program of the general's return will be held once a day."

"The grand welcoming team will circle around the ancient town of Xihe, and finally stop at the entrance of the ancient town of Xihe."

"After stopping for about ten minutes, the actors will carry the sedan chair and leave.

It's a stage play, and it's also an adaptation. "

There is a ghost with memories of his life in the horror world, which is really useful.

Although this ghost's memory is a bit old, it can still say a lot.

"Then let's wait a while."

"The ghosts in the sedan chair are not simple, they are guaranteed to be ghost kings."

Chen Ran sensed a sense of crisis in the sedan chair.

Those who can bring him a sense of crisis are at least at the level of the ghost (Wang Haohao) king.

Of course it's just a sense of crisis.

If Chen Ran is fully fired, even the top ghost king will have to kneel when he comes.

Unexpectedly, when Chen Ran was waiting for the sedan chair to leave, a pale palm lifted the curtain.

"General, are you finally back?"

The sound was strange.

It's not like it's said by one person, it's more like it's said by people of different ages.

There are three types of voices: girl, middle-aged and old.

Chen Ran looked around, then pointed to his nose: "She won't be telling me.

Nan Xiaoqiao tilted her head and thought for a while: "Big brother burning."

"Exclude me, Sister Dieyi, and Sister Yutong. You are the only man here. If you don't tell anyone."

Chen Ran looked confused: "Didn't you say that the sedan chair stayed for more than ten minutes before leaving?"

Nan Xiaoqiao shrugged: "Then I don't know, maybe Ran Big Brother looks like a general."

After all, Nan Xiaoqiao covered her mouth and smiled.

Chen Ran's face was full of black lines, and he hurriedly shouted: "Ghost girl, you have misidentified Li.

"Your general should go to the front line by riding a horse."

"You should also come back on horseback when you come back."

"But I'm different. I came here by car."

"Do you think that your general will come back in a car?"

Listening to Chen Ran's voice, Nan Xiaoqiao covered her belly and laughed with tears of blood streaming down her face.

Jiang Yutong and Qiu Dieyi tilted their heads, they didn't know why Xiao Qiao laughed like this.

But seeing Chen Ran's speechless expression, the corners of their mouths slightly raised. .

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