I Share The Horror World And Scare The Players Around The World

170: Only Ghosts Have The Possibility Of Becoming Evil

"That strange rock is mysterious!"

Chen Ran stared at the bleeding strange stone.

What is it mysterious, the illustrated book does not give information.

"Why doesn't the general come home?"

Ming Lan appeared behind Chen Ran.

"Return, why not." Chen Ran grinned.

He took a step forward and walked into the general's mansion one step at a time.

Just one step, the whole world has changed.

The General's Mansion has turned into an earthen house again.

Looking back, Chen Ran looked at Ming Lan, who was wearing coarse linen, standing at the door and waving.

There was the sound of horse-hooves outside: "Drive~"

"Ming Lan, when I make great achievements, and when I return, I will carry eight palanquins to marry you.

A figure on a horse gradually disappeared.

That figure is especially like Chen Ran's back.

"Why doesn't the general come home?"

The voice reappeared in Chen Ran's ear.

Chen Ran raised his head, his eyes blurred.

Everything just now seemed to be an illusion.

He still stood at the door and did not enter the General's Mansion.

"Return, why not return."

Chen Ran smiled and stepped into the General's Mansion again.

Just one step, and the world has changed again.

Ming Lan, who was wearing coarse sackcloth, sat slumped on the ground.

Two soldiers stood at the door.

"The great... the great general died in battle."

"This is... This is the token that the general asked us to bring back."

"The general said, the person I miss is far away from home, waiting for reunion, and wishing in the next life."

The soldiers left, but the light in Ming Lan's eyes faded.

Overnight, the green hair was mixed with white hair, and Yi Ren suddenly became haggard.

"Why hasn't the general come home yet?"

For a moment, Chen Ran was still standing at the door.

Ming Lan, who was wearing gorgeous clothes, was still asking Chen Ran.

Chen Ran nodded and said with a smile: "Return, why not.

One step into the General's Mansion, the world changes.

The earthen house is still the earthen house.

Minglan is still the same Minglan.

She sat quietly on the stone under the willow tree, holding a bloody picture in her arms.

After seeing Chen Ran enter the door, she raised her head and showed a smile that hadn't bloomed for a long time.

"General, are you back?"

"I am back."

Chen Ran walked over step by step.

The armor in Minglan's arms fell to the ground, and she rushed towards Chen Ran with tears in her eyes.

But what was waiting for her was not a hug, but a bloody blade.

"General, you..."

Ming Lan looked at the blade inserted into her abdomen in disbelief.

"I didn't think I could hurt you."

"Golden legend white cuts the crescent moon, ignoring defense, real damage, absolutely tearing."

"Minglan, I kept you waiting."

When the words fell, Chen Ran pressed Bai Zhanlang and picked it up.

Minglan in front of her was torn in half.

The scattered blood happened to stain the strange rock beside the willow tree red.

With a flash in front of his eyes, Chen Ran was still standing at the door, but with an extra slash in his hand.

The gorgeously dressed Ming Lan didn't speak this time, but just looked at Chen Ran quietly.

"Good means."

"This mystery should have the ability to assimilate."

"As I continue to enter the general's mansion, that general will gradually replace me."

"When the time comes, I will disappear and he will return."

"It's a bit like the ability to replace a dead ghost.

"But it is stronger than the ability to replace a dead ghost."

In fact, Chen Ran felt a little chill down his back.

This kind of weird ability cannot be cracked by brute force.

The crux of the problem lies in Mai Minglan.

Like the unknown consciousness, she is a conscious body and cannot be injured.

If Chen Ran hadn't possessed Bai Zhan, he really wouldn't be able to Xin Minglan.

"Now, I'm going home."

With a flick of the white chop, Chen Ran was about to step into the general's mansion.

Ming Lan, who was wearing gorgeous costumes, suddenly stood in front of Chen Ran.

"Triple attribute increase."

"Heterogeneous state."

"Ramp away."

"Rare skill soul lock chain. y

A cold light flashed in Chen Ran's eyes, and his strength increased rapidly.

A black iron chain rose from the ground, like a spirit snake, wrapped around Ming Lan's waist, and directly pulled her away forcibly.

One step, a click.

The space is like a glass, with cracks spreading and shattering.

Chen Ran stepped into the General's Mansion.

But in front of him is not the real general's mansion, but an earthen house.

A dried corpse hung on the dry willow tree.

The corpse was blowing in the wind like a wind chime.

There is a strange rock under the body.

The strange rock oozes blood, which is extremely strange.

"Bring your own skills."

"The moon is soaring."

The moment Chen Ran entered the yard, he waved a half-moon.

This half moon is not as powerful as the dream.

But also enough.

Ban Yue tore through the space and directly cut off the dead tree.

The severed dead tree spattered a lot of blood.

A sharp roar appeared.

"Rare skills, flashing continuously."

"Advanced Skill. Lightning Slash."

"Turn professional skills once. There are many ghosts."

Suddenly, 10 figures of Chen Ran and 20 black figures appeared in mid-air.

Ten huge thunder arcs and twenty small thunder arcs directly illuminate the courtyard.

Screaming dead trees, broken in layers.

"Give me peace!"

Before the broken dead wood fell to the ground, Chen Ran grabbed the bleeding strange stone.

"Soul lock chain. Come."

With a wave of his hand, the black iron chain let go of Ming Lan and directly entangled the bleeding strange stone.

"If you struggle again, you will be banished directly to the abyss.

Chen Ran said viciously.

Sure enough, the bleeding stone didn't respond.

"A mere mysterious jigsaw puzzle also gives me an idea.

Chen Ran imprisoned the bleeding monster stone into a special container, and then placed it in a different space.

[Main quest: Enter the General’s Mansion] (Completed)

[Reward: 2000 experience points]

[Hidden task: send the sedan chair for the last journey] (Completed)

[Reward: 3000 experience points]

Qiu Dieyi, Jiang Yutong, and Nan Xiaoqiao hurried over after hearing the huge movement.

"Ran big brother, are you okay?"

Nan Xiaoqiao looked warily at the escaped Minglan.

Minglan's aura was terrifying.

She is the ghost king.

"No problem." Chen Ran shook his head.

"This guy was too involved in the drama during his lifetime, and has been swallowed up by Minglan's obsession."

"After that, a bloody strange stone appeared out of nowhere."

"This strange stone has the ability to assimilate."

"When I go home again and again, the strange rock will gradually turn me into the great general I used to be."

"The real Minglan didn't wait for the general to return, and hanged herself on this willow tree with white silk."

"This willow tree is the embodiment of Minglan's obsession."

"And she is just a puppet of Ming Lan."

Chen Ran pointed to the female ghost outside the door and said.

"Yutong, dig up the willow roots."

Jiang Yutong nodded, and after digging up the roots of the willow tree, he found piles of bones.

"It seems to be consistent with my guess."

Many people were assimilated during their lifetime. "

"After death, these assimilated people became the nourishment of the willow tree."

"Ming Lan relied on the bloody strange stone to meet the great general she was waiting for time and time again.

"The bleeding monster is gradually growing by absorbing the vitality of the assimilated people."

"It's really a good cooperation."

Chen Ran clapped his hands and said.

This show is really wonderful, I don't know how long it has been sung in Xihe Ancient Town.

White cutting is one of the keys to breaking the game.

But the most important thing is Chen Ran's eyes.

Three eyes can see a lot of truth.

Chen Ran saw the truth when he entered the General's Mansion for the first time.

"It's no wonder that Mei Gao has been pursuing the number of eyes all his life."

"This feeling of seeing through the truth is really refreshing."

Chen Ran touched his eyes.

At this moment, he also had a strong pursuit of eyes.

It is not known when a fourth eye will be available.

When the number of eyes reaches a limit, human beings will move to a new height.

This height is called fierce.

"I picked up a mysterious puzzle for nothing, good luck."

"Little Joe, have you found the train station yet?"

…ask for flowers………

Nan Xiaoqiao nodded and found it.

"But that train station has been abandoned." Nan Xiaoqiao sighed.

It's been too long, and many things have deviated greatly from my memory.

"What should she do?" Qiu Dieyi pointed at the female ghost outside the door.

Since Minglan's obsession was shattered and the bleeding monster was imprisoned by Chen Ran, she has been silent.

"She's recovering true consciousness."

"Before, her consciousness was Minglan's consciousness."

Chen Ran circled around the female ghost several times.

After Minglan's consciousness dissipated, her real consciousness and obsession began to recover.

"Don't worry about her, let's go to the train station."

Chen Ran waved his hand.

After the female ghost regains consciousness, if she stays where she is, there will be another fight.

Although Chen Ran is not afraid, it is always a trouble.

Ten minutes after Chen Ran left, the female ghost's eyes suddenly opened.

The negative emotions in her eyes rose like a black mist in her blood-colored eyes.

She looked up at the sky.

"Has the Red Moon Era come again?"

When the black mist in her eyes dissipated, a clarity that ghosts shouldn't exist appeared.

"Someone killed Willow Ghost's Obsession and imprisoned the Stone of Rebirth."

"It's not in vain that I have planned for so long, and finally escaped that catastrophe."

"Chen Ran?" Then the female ghost looked back at the direction Chen Ran left.

"Opened the third eye in a human body."

"It's on Mei Gao's old path."

"Megao failed, I don't know if you can succeed."

Her breath began to rise quietly.

In just a few minutes, he was promoted from the ghost king to the top ghost king.

But that's not her limit.

In the end, her aura had already broken through to the top ghost king.

But it still didn't reach the fierce level.

"Is the ultimate ghost king?"

"No, I have already touched the edge of fierceness.

"Megao, you are wrong, your direction is wrong.

People can never set foot on the fierce level. "

"No matter how strong a person is, he can only get infinitely close to fierce."

"If you don't become a murderer for a day, you will never know how bad it is for another day.

"Meigao, only ghosts, only ghosts have the possibility of becoming evil.

"And I, Chen Qiaoxi, am a ghost."

Her lips instantly turned blood red, and the gorgeous clothes on her body instantly changed into a bright red slit dress.

A pair of slender and plump long legs stepped on a pair of blood red high heels.

The skirt behind her is several meters long, like a blooming rose.

Under the light of the red moon, it looks like a queen who dominates the world.

It's just that this queen is no longer a human being, but a ghost.

"The tracks were all removed."

Chen Ran looked at the train station in Xihe Ancient Town speechlessly.

This train station has become a cultural relic.

The route to find Gimhae City was cut off again.

Then Chen Ran looked back in the direction of the General's Mansion.

It always feels like something is going on there.

Nan Xiaoqiao rubbed her head in embarrassment: "Ran big brother, I can actually find Jinhai City.

"My big bear has a super sense of smell, as long as I go, he can smell it.

After all, Nan Xiaoqiao bashed her little head in embarrassment.

"Why didn't you say so earlier." Chen Ran was speechless.

Nan Xiaoqiao stuck out her tongue: "Ah, I have just become a ghost, and I am not very used to my abilities.

"It's just been discovered.

"Big bear, come out." Nan Xiaoqiao threw the bloody little bear out of her arms.

After landing, a huge blood-colored bear appeared.

It looked extremely ferocious, and the red hair all over its body stood up one after another.

Nan Xiaoqiao sat on the back of the big blood-colored bear, calming down the bloody fur it had blown up.

"Big Bear, smell the places I've been, we're going to Gimhae City."

The bloody bear that had calmed down lay down on the ground and sniffed, then quickly raised its head and determined the direction of Jinhai City.

Chen Ran scratched his head and muttered to himself: "I don't know if there is a pet system in the mall."

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