I Share The Horror World And Scare The Players Around The World

194: Players' Last Battlefield: Hongye City

"In that case, Jiang Yutong has become Daguan's agent."

"A new consciousness emerges from the remains of Daguan."

"Using the remains of Daguan as an agent is indeed a perfect agent."

Wan Qian said while putting dumplings in Chen Ran's bowl.

Today is New Year's Eve, and they also celebrate the New Year.

"Well, Yutong became Daguan's agent and gained part of Daguan's strength."

"At present, Jiang Yutong's strength has reached the limit of Ghost King."

"This agent, Daguan didn't make it clear, he just said that the agent can carry part of their power."

"I do think there should be a price to being a surrogate.

Chen Ran ate dumplings and talked about his experience.

"There must be a price."

"As for the price, I don't know.

"But I think it should be a mutually beneficial relationship.

Wan Qian tapped on the table and did not continue.

Some things can be speculated.

Some things are better left unspeculated when clues are scarce.

Once speculated, it is easy to be preconceived.

This easily affects the final conclusion and judgment.

"By the way, I got Yinguan's umbilical cord.

"Whether it can be born or not is up to me now."

Wan Qian looked at Jiang Yutong who was watching anime and said: "But you have already started thinking about how to make Daguan come into being.

"Because that's Yutong's best chance to become a villain."

Chen Ran swallowed the dumpling: "That will have to wait until I become a murderer."

"We know so little about these unknown consciousnesses."

"Actually, when I was exploring the Forbidden Forest, I saw Megao.

"Megao told me not to trust these unknown consciousnesses."

"Right now, I don't know who to trust."

Wan Qian tapped on the table: "It's very simple."

*260 Believe in yourself, in your own judgment, and in your intuition. "

On the second day of the new year, the parallel world was still very lively.

Even the Peerless City on the Red Moon has a New Year flavor.

"I was so awesome yesterday."

"You don't know, I actually invited Nezha back to my house for the New Year."

"My son likes Nezha very much."

"What's the matter, the God of Wealth gave out red envelopes yesterday, and I snatched more than 3,000 punk coins."

"The old thief is generous, this time the red envelopes are distributed, and hundreds of billions are conservatively distributed."

"The old thief is the real god of wealth."

"That's right, to be honest, since the appearance of the old thief, the whole world has changed a lot.

"It still feels like a dream to me."

"The only headache is that the horror world is still hardcore.

"Hardcore is definitely hardcore, but it's on top, isn't it?"

"Quick, Bai Huakui is live broadcasting."

"Master Bai Huakui showed us today how to single-handedly defeat the elite small bosses without taking any damage."

Chen Ran and Wan Qian are standing in the underground space of the Forbidden Forest.

The two stared at each other.

"Where's Mego?"

"What about the sarcophagus?"

"This guy won't be killed secretly."

"The group of strange snakes in the Forbidden Forest is also gone."

Wan Qian blinked her eyes: "I suspect that Mei Gao has escaped."

"Old thief, when you exiled the heart of the ancient god to the abyss, there was a lot of noise."

"Megao probably noticed it."

"If the evil ancient god descends in a month's time, is Mei Gao staying here waiting to die?"

"Run away." Chen Ran blinked his eyes.

Looking at the empty underground space.

There really is this possibility.

This also reflected how terrifying it was for the ancient god to be born.

"Run and run."

"Old thief, do you think anyone can survive the era of death and then recover in this era?"

Wan Qian suddenly raised this possibility.

"You mean people from the world of terror."

Wan Qian nodded seriously: "Nan Xiaoqiao can rely on the red quilt and the crystal skull to preserve the complete memory of her life."

"Then, do other people also have this possibility.

"They might not be people anymore, ghosts.

"But they may also have complete memories of life."

"Like Mego."

"Although he went crazy and declared himself here, he must have a complete memory."

Wan Qian's speculation was very possible, and Chen Ran could not refute it.

Time passed quickly.

Soon half a month passed.

"Old thief, the fifth main mission has been triggered."

"This should be the ultimate mission."

"The Old Gods are coming."

"Red Moon is now full of maple trees."

"When all the leaves of the maple tree turn red, the ancient god will be born."

Wan Qian put on the virtual helmet and hurried into the Red Moon map.

With the burning red moon, the later stage of the expedition's firefly activities, the busier Wan Qian became.

It's time for ordinary players to exchange for Red Moon Shops on a large scale.

After saving the redstone fragments for so long, they started to consume them one after another.

Advanced combat professional hunters are the most popular.

The Senior Living Career Manufacturing Masters are also very popular.

The white oiran has accumulated the most redstone fragments.

She gives ideas to Moon Rock, and she is also the most likely player to exchange for Moon Rock.

Since the opening of the Red Moon map, Bai Huakui has been on the front line, frantically doing various tasks.

Her ambition is great.

It is impossible to become the most influential player in the horror world.

Then become the most powerful player in the horror world.

Such is her ambition.

"It's about to start."

Chen Ran grinned.

He and Wan Qian discussed the next new version of the horror world.

The hidden version of Broken Stars Blooming and Stars Homing is finalized.

This product Chen Ran was redeemed a week ago.

It doesn't have to target the Old Gods.

Whether it is killing the ancient gods or welcoming the ancient gods, it will not affect the appearance of this version.

The ultimate goal of this version is to blow up the Red Moon.

[Broken stars bloom, and the stars return to their golden legends. Hidden (bca) hidden version.


Have you ever wondered why there are no stars in the dark sky.

Have you ever thought about what is hidden in the darkness everywhere.

Have you ever wondered what lies in those places you cannot see.

Destroy the red moon and break the blocked night.

At that time, the broken stars will bloom again, and the stars will return to their positions.

At that time, everyone can be a star in the sky.

Until then, each star will emit its own unique light.

Will you be the brightest star in the starry sky?

Follow the instructions for this new version.

Wan Qian and Chen Ran can be sure that this is definitely a super big version.

In this version, players can bloom their own true light.

This new version will be a great era in which a hundred flowers bloom and thousands of schools contend.

This great era will also become the last era.

When the era of stars is over, Chen Ran will set sail.

I don't know how many people will be able to become sailors and accompany Chen Ran to watch the surrounding scenery along the way.

"The final age of madness is at hand."

Chen Ran twisted his neck and entered the Red Moon map,

It is consistent with what Wan Qian said.

At this time, the final task of burning the red moon is triggered.

[Main task five: At the moment when the maple leaves are the reddest, the red moon is burning, and the ancient gods are born, players, struggle, fight, and fight, even if you are like a firefly, you must shine your own light

The main mission is very clear.

The birth of the ancient god is already a certainty.

Players have worked so hard for so long, but after all, the ancient gods could not be born.

It is doomed.

However, they weakened a lot of power of the ancient gods.

At this moment, the red moon rose from the ground into a maple forest.

The leaves of the maple trees have started to turn red.

These maples cannot be destroyed.

Even if you cut them down in pieces, they will grow back quickly.

"City, I saw Hongye City."

"It's on Lighthouse Island."

"Hongye City is approaching Lighthouse Island, like a big ship, ready to land.

"Hongye City has appeared."

Chen Ran listened to the players' discussions.

A few flashes disappeared in place.

When Chen Ran appeared again, he had already appeared on Lighthouse Island.

There was a mini red moon in the sky above the sea of ​​black mist.

But as the red moon approached, the players realized that it was not red beans.

It is a city.

It is like a big ship in the sea of ​​black mist, stirring up waves of thousands of meters, and is approaching the lighthouse island.

That city is Hongye City, the womb of Tongue God, which came out of the past.


"Everyone, the Old Thief Wushuang Guild has sent a notice."

"We firefly players now need the quality of the Red Leaf Expedition.

"Hongye City is our last battlefield.

"That's where the final battle will take place."

"Going to sea, I go to sea with me because of my family.

"Cross the sea of ​​black mist and board Hongye City."

Since the players were able to see Hongye City, Wan Qian has deduced the final battle location.

Hongye City is where the final battle will take place.

At the moment when the red moon burned, once Hongye City successfully landed, that would be the result.

Large ships appeared in the sea of ​​black mist.

The sea of ​​black mist rolled down, and groups of water ghosts climbed onto the big ship.

In just a moment, the big ships were dragged into the sea of ​​black mist and turned into dead ships.


"Steve Benff sent a notice that the material of the maple tree is very special.

"Build a ship with maple trees, and you can cross the sea of ​​black mist."

"I just said, the old thief will definitely not leave despair, he must leave hope."

"Come on, these maple trees are inexhaustible, even if they are cut off, they can still grow back very quickly."

"Prepare to go to sea, prepare to board Hongye City, and prepare for a decisive battle."

"Old God, here I come."

"Ha ha ha ha."

After the notification from the top guild, players have goals and motivation.

They want to cross the sea of ​​black mist, board Hongye City ahead of schedule, and have a decisive battle.

With full power, all players started to cut wood and build ships.

This is destined to be a narrow escape from the sea.

But as mentioned in the event, the fireflies of the expedition, even if they die in battle, must light their own light. .

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