"Bai Bing, take care.

"Your dream, I will help you fix it."

Chen Ran took a deep breath, his eyes became extremely firm.

With his calves, he quickly ran in a certain direction.

"Bai Bing told me about her many childhood experiences before.

"Find her first."

"There must be her childhood here."

Chen Ran walked through the alleys while looking for Bai Bing's figure.

Bai Bing has been suppressing his true self.

She selectively forgot her miserable childhood, leaving only a little bit of relative warmth.

She made herself a perfect lie.

This lie has deceived everyone, but it cannot deceive herself.

She has always said that she has a warm family and a mother and father who love her.

But in fact, her father was an alcoholic.

Every day after returning home drunk, he would beat and kick Bai Bing and her mother.

Her mother became a drug addict in such an environment.

In order to smoke, Bai Bing was even forced to sell it.

Fortunately, Bai Bing refused desperately at that time, and her mother did not succeed.

But every time he would be beaten severely and thrown into a dark room.

There was darkness in the dark room, no food, no drink, no light, no hope.

In order to survive, Bai Bing ate anything, as long as he could fill his stomach.

Hunger is the easiest thing to cause.

A hungry person is no longer a person, but a beast.

"Little devil, you hit me."

"Damn it, got all my clothes dirty.

"I will kill you."

A middle-aged uncle in formal clothes stared at Chen Ran viciously.

The greed in his eyes bloomed without hiding it.

In this illegal place where no one cares, people have long since broken away from all shackles.

"Fuck, this uncle is so perverted."

"His eyes are kind of scary."

"The old thief just bumped him."

The eyes of the middle-aged uncle are a bit scary, which frightened many viewers.

"Guess how bad people can be."

Vaguely, Chen Ran saw Bai Bing tilting his head and asking himself.

She had seen it before, so she asked.

Chen Ran looked up at the middle-aged uncle.

Where does the malice in his eyes come from, and what exactly does he want to do.

This time, Chen Ran really wanted to really understand Bai Bing.

Understand why Bai Bing's heart is full of holes.

Understand what Bai Bing is suppressing in his heart.

"I can pay you back.

Chen Ran took a step back, showing an unafraid look.

The middle-aged uncle's expression became even more ferocious.

He grinned and lifted Chen Ran up.

Pedestrians on the street did not speak, and even had to watch.

Even if this kind of little beggar is beaten to death, no one cares about it.

"Losing money?"

"Do you have any money to pay?"

"However, I can help you find a way."

The middle-aged uncle walked towards the dark alley with Chen Ran in his hand.

Chen Ran didn't resist. If he wanted to understand, he had to see it with his own eyes.

When the middle-aged man carried Chen Ran into the end of the alley, the audience screamed.

They saw it.

They saw a scene that they couldn't believe.

"Actually, such a thing existed in Blue Star a long time ago."

"The begging of many disabled children on the street is actually a tool for adults to make money."

"That's right, in ancient times there was still a perversion of harvesting and cutting.

"They use cruel methods to turn children into monsters, and use other people's sympathy and curiosity to make money."

"According to what I said, this kind of scum should be broken."

At the end of the alley, there were seven or eight beggar children.

Their bodies were mutilated, their tongues were pulled out, their ears were cut off, and their eyes were gouged out.

There are still children who have been completely dead in the garbage dump next to them.

This is a criminal gang.

They would come to the plug from time to time, looking for some street children, and then tortured them into maims.

Then bring out the bung and make money with tools elsewhere.

"Hey, Brother Wang, I brought another good item."

"Not bad for age."

A cleanly dressed middle-aged woman pinched Chen Ran's face and looked at it as if she were looking at a cargo.

"But I still recommend looking for something younger, preferably a baby.

"It's better to do something on these babies and hold them in your arms."

With the most flat voice, said the most vicious words.

How evil can a person be?

Now all viewers know.

A man and a woman in the picture are not human beings, they are even worse than ghosts.

"I know I know."

"I have greeted the above, and this time the quota is twenty."

"I'll look for it later."

"This little guy is handed over to you."

The middle-aged man squatted in front of Chen Ran, and just about to say something, his body shook.

A sharp knife was inserted through his eye socket and stabbed directly into the back of his head.

Be quick and ruthless, the middle-aged man doesn't even have the chance to scream.

Although Chen Ran's strength was suppressed by Bai Bing, he was no ordinary child.

If he wants to kill someone, no one can stop him.

The middle-aged woman sniffed her nose, feeling something was wrong.

"Why does it smell like blood?"

"Brother Wang, don't beat him to death."

After the middle-aged woman turned around, she found that the brother Wang she was talking about was lying on the ground.

The huge wound in the eye socket directly ran through the head, and blood spurted like a fountain.

"Are you scared?"

At some point, Chen Ran appeared behind the Chinese woman.

The sharp knife in his hand stabbed fiercely in her thigh, and when she twisted it vigorously, blood spurted out.


"Do not kill me."

"Please don't kill me."

"I can give you a lot of money."

"Help, help~

The middle-aged woman lay on the ground, swallowed by fear.

Chen Ran's eyes are not human eyes, more like ghost eyes.

The evil spirit and hostility in the eyes are like a whirlpool, enough to devour human flesh.

"Here, no one can save you."

"Since you have come to hell, you must be prepared to stay in hell.

Chen Ran grinned and stabbed the middle-aged woman viciously with the sharp knife in his hand.

One knife after another, blood spattered, and screams continued.

No one came to the alley to find out.

Just talk to Chen Ran.

Now that you have come to hell, be prepared to stay in hell.

You come here to choose the goods, but who can be sure that you are not the goods delivered to your door.

Zhao Kun has a good saying.

Lose humanity, lose a lot. Lose the bestiality, lose everything.

What the people living here lack most is that desperate animal nature.

But they have been suppressed for too long, squeezed for too long.

Even they are used to it, and even they don't regard themselves as human beings.

Where does the bestiality come from, only insensitivity remains.

The picture is bloody and cruel, but none of the audience said it was cruel.

They can't wait to applaud and cheer.

"That man surnamed Wang died so easily, he should be hacked into pieces."

"I completely understand Zhao Kun's last words before he died.

"Mom, I'm afraid of death, but I'm not afraid of her death."

Even some of the children's eyes widened.

They are afraid to see cruelty.

But if they don't look at it, it is the greatest cruelty.

After finishing off the middle-aged woman and the middle-aged man, Chen Ran looked back at the children who were huddled in the corner.

They are not very old, but they have already suffered poisonous hands.

Even some children don't know what's going on because they can't see, hear, or speak.

Chen Ran didn't speak, and left the alley without looking back.

He cannot save these children, nor can he.

Just with his big boat.

Not everyone can board Chen Ran's big boat.

At the very least, they must learn to save themselves.

If you can't even save yourself, even if you are rescued by others, you will still fall into hell afterwards.

Not to mention, this is only Bai Bing's memory.

These children have long since died in the corner where no one cares about them.

". "Do you know Bai Bing?"

Chen Ran shuttled in the alley, questioning homeless men covered in stench and numb.

"do not know."

"Who is Bai Bing?"

"Who are you."

After asking many people, Chen Ran did not get accurate information about Bai Bing.

"Are you looking for Bai Bing?"

"Come with me, I know where Bai Bing is."

At the corner of the alley, a yellow-haired gangster stopped Chen Ran.

Chen Ran looked up.

Greed and lust are hidden in the gangster's eyes.

He didn't know where Bai Bing was.

But he wanted to abduct Chen Ran.

At this moment, Chen Ran finally understood why Bai Bing had such penetrating eyes.

She can read human eyes and can see a lot of emotion and weight in her eyes.

In such an environment, without these poisonous eyes, it is impossible to live.

Not to mention, Bai Bing is not only alive, but has survived.

Walked out of such a place, and became the leader of the serious crime team of Hongye City Police Headquarters.

Become the pride of the entire Hongye City.

This is simply a miracle.

Sun Wukong has cultivated his sharp eyes in the gossip furnace.

Bai Bing practiced his sharp eyes in the plug.

Chen Ran licked his lips.

The yellow-haired gangster shuddered.

I don't know why I have a (had) cold.

He is a wolf, trying to stop a sheep, but he seems to have encountered a tiger in sheep's clothing.

"You really know?"

Chen Ran tilted his head and asked.

The yellow-haired gangster swallowed his saliva.

He thinks he should be an illusion.

He also has a pair of very powerful eyes.

He saw cuteness in Chen Ran's dirty face.

If Chen Ran is washed clean, it must be a very cute child.

This kind of super product was discovered by oneself, and there is no reason to let it go.

Gritting his teeth, he shook off the ominous feeling in his mind.

"Of course."

"I'll take you to find Bai Bing.

Two hours later, Chen Ran sat in the dilapidated rented house, watching the lights of the cottage and the man-made disasters and ghosts under the darkness.

The yellow-haired gangster was lying on the floor of the rental house with a sharp knife stuck in his chest.

He couldn't die any more.

With wide-open eyes, despair and fear still remain.

There are two children in the corner of the rental house.

They huddled together, their hands and feet had obvious strangle marks, and their eyes were numb, as if they were flesh.

"Did you grow up in this environment?"

"Bai Bing, where are you right now?

Chen Ran took a deep breath, only the stench wafted in the air.

The audience also followed Chen Ran's breath.

They seemed to smell the stench too.

It is the stench that comes from the heart of man.

People here, their hearts are smelly, rotten, bad, black, dead... right...

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