After Bei Ye went offline, the atmosphere of the team became strange.

Fortunately, there were no more accidents.

After bypassing the gatehouse, everyone saw a dark and eerie courtyard.

There were several rotting yin dogs wandering in the yard.

They are stripped of their fur, and some puppies have a purely empty belly.

The blood-red eyes glowed red in the dark, looking extremely ferocious.

"From here, you can reach Building 1." Gu Quan said in a low voice.

"I'll give you a sample."

Gu Quan was half-squatting on the ground, his eyes became extremely sharp, and all the muscles in his body were trembling slightly.

This is a sign of impending power.

"When I alerted them, you took the opportunity to rush into Building 1."

Gu Quan turned back and warned.

The next second, like a gust of wind, like an arrow, it shot straight out.

When Liu Dali was about to catch up, He Xin grabbed him.

"Do not be silly."

"Brother Quan's speed and reaction, we can't keep up."

"Even if he attracts most of the yin dog's attention, as long as a few are not attracted, we will immediately turn into shit with the past."

Liu Dali turned his head to look.

Although the line of sight is not very good.

But you can see Gu Quan traveling to the limit in the yin dog group.

He is like a dancer in the dark night, with all kinds of extreme operations and extreme reactions.

During this period, as long as you make one mistake, it will be cool.

This operation made Liu Dali shiver.

He really can't do it.

"Then what should we do now?" Liu Dali asked He Xin.

He Xin pointed to the dog shit on the ground and said, "After Master Bei went offline, I became interested in dog shit."

In a word, Chen Ran, Liu Dali, and Li Xin hurriedly kept their distance from He Xin.

"Idiot, what are your eyes?"

"You think, ghosts have obsessions in life."

"Then animals will also have obsessions during their lifetimes."

"Animals like dogs love to eat."

"I look at the types of yard dogs. They should have been stray dogs before they died, which means they were omnivores."

"Eat should be their obsession."

Li Xin's eyes lit up: "You mean, dogs can't stop eating shit, we can use shit to lure dogs away."

He Xin rolled his eyes: "Please, think about it with your brain."

"There is still a lot of shit in the community, why don't yin dogs eat it?"

"That's because they're not interested."

"If you're going to use shit to lure the yin dog away, then you'll be the next piece of shit."

Li Xin stuck out his tongue and stopped talking.

She is actually very smart, but unfortunately she has just become a decryption anchor not long ago.

When it comes to knowledge and reasoning, it's a bit worse.

"So, we can use shit to disguise ourselves."

"Brother Quan has his own methods, and we also have our own methods."

He Xin said what he thought of.

It probably means, smear dog shit all over the body, then disguise as a big dog shit and climb into Building 1.

Judging from Bei Ye Liangliang, skin contact with dog feces is not poisonous unless it is eaten.

"Yeah~" Liu Dali patted his head and hurriedly went to find the shit.

Chen Ran was speechless.

Does this team have to live with shit?

In the past, there was Mr. Bei who tasted the shit, and then there was He Xin who wiped the shit.

Is it that heavy?

"Hahaha, this old thief's awesome team made me laugh to death."

The first square of Punk City is full of players.

They chatted, drank wine, and watched various live broadcasts on the big screen.

All players enjoy this atmosphere extremely.

The square is very lively, and some people directly choose to watch the play and lie flat.

There are also individuals and small groups who come back to rest after failing to conquer the horror world.

"Big Sherlock Holmes' method is good, but it's a bit harsh."

"If you want to blame it, blame the old thief for being so awesome, making the horror world so real."

"Yes, yes, respect, old thief."

With a word of respect to the old thief, countless players raised their glasses.

This kind of life that can only appear in dreams has completely appeared now because of the old thief.

Once it appeared, it conquered all players.

On the other side, Liu Dali came back with a pile of shit wrapped in his clothes.

Start wiping without saying a word.

"I have to say, the old thief is really awesome."

"When I played games before, the consumables were used instantly, and most of them were symbols. Please shorten the process with conscience."

"The consumables in the horror world are so real that players need to get started."

While smearing shit, Liu Dali did not forget to praise the old thief.

He Xin also nodded, although he was a bit reluctant, he still started to smear shit.

He is not as flexible as Gu Quan.

"Invincible, Junior Sister, what are you doing so far away from us?"

"This is for you."

Li Xin had already retreated 800 meters away, shaking his head frantically: "No, absolutely not."

She should regret joining this heavy-mouthed team now.

"Is there a possibility that these yin beasts are actually rubbish?"

Chen Ran frowned and asked.

He also regretted joining the team a little bit.

"Are you kidding me?"

"With the abnormal mentality of an old thief, how could it be possible for you to take advantage of loopholes."

"Look at those yin dogs, just by looking at their appearance, ordinary people can't fight against them."

"Forget it, let's go and make a sample for you first."

After Liu Dali and He Xin finished smearing, they lay down on the ground and began to climb towards Building No. 1.

Gu Quan has already thrown off Yin Quan and successfully entered Building 1.

At this time, the Yin dog returned to its original place.

Hearing small voices, they appeared next to Liu Dali and He Xin.

After sniffing his nose, he left with a look of disgust.

"Yes." Liu Dali turned his head and gave Chen Ran and Li Xin a thumbs up.

Although He Xin's method was heavy-handed, it was very successful.

Chen Ran turned to look at Li Xinshi.

Li Xin shook his head firmly: "No, absolutely not."

She would rather die than die.

To be honest, Chen Ran also refused.

"Brother Invincible, with the rigor of the old thief in the game."

"Ghosts have residual obsessions."

"Animals also have residual obsessions."

"Creatures like Yin dogs are definitely not as scary as ghosts."

"Moreover, animals like dogs have the characteristics of bullying and fearing toughness during their lifetime, and dogs rely on people's power."

"Let's call, even if I die, I will admit it."

Holding a sharp knife, Li Xin mustered up the courage to speak to Chen Ran.

Chen Ran thought for a while, and felt that what Li Xin said made sense.

I'd rather be bitten to death by a dog than pretend to be shit.

"Then let's try."

He shrugged and took out an iron rod from his backpack.

Of the three weapons for beginners, Chen Ran's favorite is the iron rod.

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