"Hello everyone, I'm Gravity."

"If nothing else, today's video is the last video of the New People's Hospital."

"In this video, I will decrypt all the secrets of the New People's Hospital in detail for everyone."

Wan Qian's third game video is extremely popular.

She is currently the most popular anchor in the horror world and is highly sought after by fans.

After all, every video that appears will open up a safe route that reduces the difficulty for the public.

"How did she spend the ghost room?"

Chen Ran propped his chin and watched Wan Qian's game video in this issue.

He has been to the negative floor of New People's Hospital.

Even relying on Jiang Yutong's strength, he couldn't kill him.

"Because we lacked some key clues, we only speculated about the story of New People's Hospital in the last issue."

"Now, let's go to the treatment building first."

The Treatment Building is the second building of the New People's Hospital.

This building, the degree of player exploration is not high.

Wan Qian relied on the nurse's costume and pretended to be a nurse ghost, and came to the door of the inpatient building without any risk.

"Everyone should know that when you leave the inpatient building, there is a certain chance of meeting Ghost Sister."

"Under the current circumstances, there is no chance of being spared when the ghost sister is 100% dead."

Wan Qian walked to the treatment building while explaining.

There are many ambulances and stretchers parked in front of the hospital building.

The stretcher was covered with a lot of white cloth.

Even with the eyes, you can see that the door of the hospital building stinks.

The rotting corpse water directly dyed the white cloth, and the corpse water flowing on the ground breeds strange and disgusting ghosts and insects.

"Damn it, I know where the big fat bug that Master Bei gave to the younger sister came from."

"I also know that it was hatched from these corpses."

Some sharp-eyed viewers immediately thought of the greeting gift that Master Bei gave to the younger sister.

Li Xin is also watching the last video of Gravity New People's Hospital.

After thinking of the greeting gift from Master Bei, his face turned pale, and he quickly lowered his head and retched for a long time.

"After coming here, everyone needs to pay attention."

"Don't make any noise and walk against the wall."

"Don't touch the corpse water either."

"Otherwise, they will blow up the body."

"It will be troublesome then."

Gravity leaned against the wall and moved little by little towards the clinic building.

After successfully entering the treatment building, the hall was filled with terrifying ghost patients, ghost doctors, and ghost nurses.

"Nurse uniforms are still very important."

"Don't touch them too much and don't stare at them."

"Imitate their movements and walk with your head down."

"Now we're going to a very important place, the monitoring room."

"In the last issue, the video tape we got in the ward on the third floor was a very important prop."

Wan Qian didn't know how many times she came to the clinic.

Its level of proficiency is distressing to see.

Soon, Wan Qian came to the door of the monitoring room.

Everyone could see that Wan Qian took a deep breath.

"Here, everyone needs to pay attention."

"There are a lot of ghost eyes in the surveillance room."

"They can create terrifying hallucinations, so keep calm."

"If you are not brave enough, you can turn off the visual system, auditory system, and taste system."

"The moment the door is opened, we have three seconds to observe."

"We just need to get the player."

"The specific process and approximate location, I have uploaded the space, if you are interested, you can take a look."

"Ghost eyes are the same as surrogate ghosts, and they need a medium to launch an attack."

Wan Qian said a lot in one breath, obviously the monitoring room is a very dangerous place.

She took a deep breath, opened the door abruptly, and walked in without saying a word, without even the slightest hesitation.

But the audience was all choked up.

Some viewers even had goosebumps all over their bodies.

Although the horror of the monitoring room is not as bloody and cruel as the office.

But this kind of visual impact is enough to scare everyone crazy.

In the room, densely packed eyeballs are enough to drive patients with trypophobia crazy.

As Wan Qian opened the door, these eyes rolled one after another, staring at Wan Qian.

Many eyeballs even appeared next to Wan Qian with their nerves pulled.

At a glance, the whole room is full of eyeballs.

"Fuck, shit, shit~"

"Is this a place where people go?"

"How did the old thief design it?"

"Damn it, the old thief's abnormality is still beyond my imagination."

Countless people gasped, and countless people turned off the screen directly.

It's so fucking creepy.

On the other hand, Wan Qian didn't seem to be affected in any way.

She closed her eyes directly, ignored everything, and walked towards a certain place on her own.

Ignoring the crowd of eyeballs, Wan Qian hugged the player, turned around and walked out the door.

I really don't know how many times I have experienced this level of proficiency.

"All right."

After closing the door, Wan Qian opened her eyes.

Although his face was a little pale, his eyes were extremely excited.


"The gravitational pervert is chasing the old thief."

"No wonder the old thief has contact with the anchor of Gravity."

"I said before that gravity became popular through the back door of the old thief. If the old thief opened the back door for you, can you be so calm as the anchor of gravity?"

The barrage is so dense that it can hardly fit on the screen.

Since the first press conference in history, Wan Qian has been hacked by players for a long time.

But in the end, she still relied on her own ability to slap these sunspots hard.

"Perverted enough."

Even Chen Ran had to sigh secretly.

This kind of psychological quality is really terrifying.

"Now, let's find an empty room and watch the videotape."

From the skilled operation of gravity, everyone has nothing to say.

I really don't know how long she worked hard.

She has figured out everything about the New People's Hospital.

In the New People's Hospital, she was just as casual as at home.

"By the way, I have also published the detailed map of the clinic building in the space. If you are interested, you can go and have a look."

Wan Qian smiled slightly after entering the empty ward.

This smile sent goosebumps down the backs of countless viewers.

"How do I feel, the smile of the gravitational anchor is scarier than ghosts."

"That smile just now, I almost peed in fright."

"I'm really afraid that the gravitational anchor will find out my neighborhood and kill me."

"Upstairs, what are you thinking? If you want a knife, you are an old knife thief."

Chen Ran glanced out the window, feeling a pair of eyes staring at him.

"This woman is a little dangerous."

A creepy coolness ran across his neck.

Turning around, Chen Ran hugged Jiang Yutong.

In this way, he felt much more at ease.

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