I Share The Horror World And Scare The Players Around The World

049: Listen, Are Those Five Strong Men Talking About Human Language? 【Four More】

The buzzing sound of the chainsaw accompanied by Jie Jie Jie's strange laughter spread throughout the aisle.

"Brother Invincible, can we not laugh?"

Liu Dali shrank his neck weakly.

Chen Ran's expression was too ferocious.

Let alone him, even Bei Ye, Gu Quan, and He Xin looked at Chen Ran with lingering fear.

"Sorry, sorry, the atmosphere is here, and I can't hold it."

Chen Ran was slightly embarrassed.

Is my expression too hard?

But the atmosphere has been pushed to this point, and it doesn't feel right if I don't smile.

"Damn it, I found out that invincible is really perverted."

"To be honest, the invincibility just scared me."

While the audience in the live broadcast room were discussing, the door of Room 102 was suddenly pushed open.

An old lady covered in pustules took a step forward.

It was just one step, and the atmosphere was completely frozen.

Liu Dali was chopping mince frantically with two axes.

Master Bei wrapped a rope around a certain head and pulled it hard.

Gu Quan hooked a certain back with an iron hook, and tore open shocking wounds.

Holding shit in his hand, He Xin frantically stuffed it into the mouth of some ghost.

The scariest one is Chen Ran.

Chen Ran was holding an exaggerated and brutal chainsaw, and when he swung it, blood sprayed like a cartoon.

With the door of room 102 open.

The five strong men turned their heads one after another, with a lot of blood and meat on their faces.

Then he looked down at the bodies of the five strong men.

A pool of invisible blood-colored objects.

"Ah~" A scream pierced through the night.

Room 102's door slammed shut.

The live room exploded after a few seconds.

"Ghosts have always scared people. I have never seen people scare ghosts. I have a lot of experience."

"The old thief is awesome, he is really perverted."

This classic scene was sealed in just ten minutes.

Short videos appear on major networks.

The amount of clicks and retweets exploded the entire network.

No matter who is watching this video, they will roar aloud.

#老贼牛逼队is really awesome, ambush the ghost downstairs, scare the ghost to cry and open the door#

#Deep analysis of the psychological shadow of the ghost who went downstairs and the ghost who opened the door#

#The worst ghost in history, not one of them#

#Invincible distribution chainsaw, is it a real pervert or a fake pervert? #

#化头五人集,Ambush the ghost downstairs in the middle of the night, is it a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality#

A video made five people, Chen Ran, Bei Ye, Liu Dali, He Xin, and Gu Quan, become gods directly.

They are called the perverted five, and some people call it the perverted F5.

"It can't be killed."

The five strong men who were recognized as abnormal F5 looked at the bloody soles of their feet with melancholy faces.

They were all smashed into this appearance, but the ghost was still not killed.

Judging by its recovery speed, it can recover within half an hour at most.

"It's better for us to destroy the corpses and wipe out the traces."

"Pei Ye, I remember you have a lot of plastic bags."

"We put the blood mud in, and each of us brought a little, so that it can't be completely recovered."

Chen Ran's suggestion made Liu Dali, He Xin, Bei Ye, and Gu Quan gasp.

"Fuck, I just realized now that invincibility is really ruthless."

"What does invincibility do in real life?"

The audience looked at Chen Ran with strange eyes.

Chen Ran does not broadcast live.

His previous topic level has been stuck at smashing the dog's head with a stick.

When it comes to fame, it's not even as good as Li Xin.

But now, Chen Ran's popularity is approaching that of Wan Qian.

Master Bei nodded, took out seven or eight black plastic bags, and packed the bloody mud wriggling on the ground.

Although the ghost cannot be completely killed, this method can limit its recovery.

"Brother Quan, bury these two bags in front of Building 1 and Building 2."

"Let's take the remaining five bags separately."

"After entering Building No. 3, find a place to bury a bag, and try to separate the ghost meat in the bag."

Chen Ran has absolute authority over the destruction of corpses.

Gu Quan didn't dare to refute what he said at this time.

After taking the black bag sent by Chen Ran, Gu Quan disappeared into the night with a sprint.

Liu Dali, He Xin, and Bei Ye rubbed their heads and smiled, raised their thumbs and said to Chen Ran: "Service, professional enough."

Friendship between men is so strange.

After Gu Quan came back, the five strong men squatted aside and began to discuss that the technique just now was not professional enough.

Next time, it should be like this, then this, then this, and finally this.

Wan Qian and Li Xin felt a chill down their spines when they looked at the five people whose relationship had suddenly become extremely close, and then listened to what they said.

"Sister Qian, I want to quit the team."

"Actually, with my current situation, the Jincheng community can't be of much help in reclaiming wasteland."

Li Xin once again had the idea of ​​quitting the team.

This team is getting more and more wrong, and now it has gradually turned into a metamorphosis.

Listen, are the five strong men talking about people?

"No matter how gentle people are, they all need to vent."

"Too much negative emotions accumulate, either harming yourself or harming others."

"Why virtual games can become mainstream is because you can vent your negative emotions here."

"So, sometimes you don't need to press yourself, after all, this is just a virtual world."

"A degree of release and a short-term liberation of nature will be beneficial to life in the real world."

"Since the end of the first two world wars, all countries have developed virtual games in an all-round way, which also has this purpose."

Wan Qian comforted Li Xin.

She is a psychiatrist with a profound understanding of human nature.

The audience also listened to Wan Qian's remarks.

"It is true that there has been peace for a long time since the end of World War II."

"Virtual games become a global entity, linking countries together, and even crime is much less."

"Although the terrifying world of the old thief is perverted, but think deeply, what kind of person was in life, what kind of ghost will be after death."

"That's right, I don't want to become a ghost after I die. If I want to become a ghost, it's a good ghost like Wang Bin."

The live broadcast room is also discussing the horror world in depth.

They vaguely felt that the horror world was more like a wake-up call sent by the old thief to the world.

"I had a discussion with Big Holmes and Junior Sister just now."

Wan Qian stepped forward, dipped a little blood on the stick in her hand and began to draw a map.

"Buildings 2 to 3, the most dangerous place is the small square."

"There is a crying ghost there, you can teleport, but you can't prevent it."

"If you go around, it may be even more dangerous."

Wan Qian drew a bar on each side of the two buildings.

"The greening of Jincheng Community was very good."

"If you want to go around, you can only pass through the groves on both sides."

"But this place is very dangerous, and I personally don't recommend it."

Wan Qian has insight.

She can see things that ordinary people cannot.

Even she said it was dangerous, so the grove was really dangerous.

"Ghosts, with Brother Quan's skill, can be lured away."

"So, the only thing we have to deal with is crying ghosts."

"According to Sherlock Holmes, the crying ghost is incorporeal, so it is impossible to ambush it."

"So, I think it's okay to give it a try with a cry first."

"If someone is stared at by a crying ghost, it will definitely judge whether you are really crying."

"At this time, don't worry about the people being pegged, and enter Building 3 as quickly as possible."

"If the person being stared at is unsure, they will lead the crying ghost to another direction and create opportunities for the rest."

"It is known that ghosts in the yard will not enter the building."

"It's also important to note that everyone has to really cry."

"Think of something sad, and brew your feelings."

After Wan Qian finished speaking, Chen Ran and the others looked confused.

Cry first.

But think about it carefully, it does make sense, after all, crying ghosts are meant to make people cry.

"Damn, why didn't I think of that."

"As expected of gravity, I thought of a way to deal with crying ghosts so quickly."

This line has not yet been tested.

If it is useful, it will definitely become one of the public strategy routes.

[Four more updates, come to support 666]

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