Chen Ran is watching the live broadcast of Hunk.

The background information was beeping wildly.

Open it up and take a look.

Big Goose Factory, Net One Factory, Art Factory, Paradise Factory and other major game companies have left messages.

There are big manufacturers who hope to cooperate with Chen Ran.

There are big manufacturers who hope to be agents.

There are also big manufacturers hoping to acquire them.

Big Goose Factory has the highest price: 100 million.

Looking at the tone, if it is not enough, you can add more.

"It's really rich."

"Unfortunately, I don't need the money."

Chen Ran ignored the messages in the background and continued to watch the live broadcast of Brother Hunk.

He doesn't care about big game companies.

The core of the VR game of the horror world is transformed by the horror sharing system.

Even if these big factories are given 10,000 years, they will not be able to do it.

As for whether they can trace it to their own head.

Chen Ran was even less worried.

He has long relied on the terror sharing system to block all traces of himself on the Internet.

If you want to find yourself, it is better to think about how to imitate.

In the end, the macho guy was still stuck in the stairwell, unable to reach the second floor even if he lived or died.

"System, open my personal page.

In the middle of the night, Chen Ran was lying on the bed, admiring his personal page.

【Name: Chen Ran】

[Level: Level 2 (7/200)]

[Status: Spirit Valve 100/100]

[Attributes: Strength 8; Agility 7; Constitution 7; Endurance 12;]

[Skill: None]

[Equipment: blood-stained sheets, rusty scalpels…]

All the props players get in the horror world can be shared by Chen Ran.

When he stretched out his hand, a bloody bed sheet appeared.

"Fuck, it really smells bad."

Chen Ran hurriedly retracted the sheets, then opened the window to ventilate.

The things of ghosts in the underworld are really a bit unbearable for people in the world.

the next day.

Wan Qian came to the ward with dark circles under her eyes.

"I've played the game Horror World."

"I've seen the ghost under the bed."

"I have also seen the hanged ghost at the door."

As soon as he entered the door, Wan Qian said to Li Xin excitedly.

This game is scary though.

But after getting used to these horror elements, it is very good.

Judging from her dark circles, it is estimated that she hadn't slept last night.

"This game is invincible in detail, invincible in modeling, and invincible in plot. It is referred to as invincible in the world."

As soon as he came in, Wan Qian exploded the world of terror.

"The ghost under the bed, I found his case."

"He was called Wang Bin before his death. He was a firefighter. Unfortunately, he suffered burns while fighting the fire, so he was admitted to the New People's Hospital."

"The reason he hid under the bed, I think it was his obsession during his lifetime."

"He should have seen something terrifying before he died, so he hid under the bed."

"The blood stains on the sheets were stained when he hid under the bed because the wound re-opened."

"You said, what did he see before he died?"

"I haven't investigated the identity and cause of death of the hanged ghost at the door."

"However, I think it has something to do with Wang Bin's death."

As soon as he entered the door, Wan Qian chatted for a long time.

After speaking, he lifted his butt and left the ward in a hurry.

Li Xin raised his head in confusion.

Although she has some mental problems, her IQ is not a problem.

" this a psychotherapy?"

Li Xin muttered to himself.

On the third day, Wan Qian came again.

This time, the dark circles under the eyes are heavier, and even the hair is messed up into a bird's nest.

In the past few days, she was still a delicate and sexy woman.

It's hard to imagine what happened to her to become like this.

Wan Qian chatted for a long time, and then left in a hurry.

This time, even Li Xin didn't know what Wan Qian was talking about.

But ten sentences, eight sentences are inseparable from the horror world.

"It should be you who should be treated for psychotherapy."

Seeing Wan Qian's appearance, Li Xin felt much normal.

On the fourth day, Wan Qian came again.

The red blood in her eyes was extremely heavy.

Even the words are a little vague.

After talking a lot, he staggered away.

When she left, Li Xin helped her out.

On the fifth day, Wan Qian didn't come, but called Li Xin.

Her voice was weak, but it revealed incomparable excitement.

"Tomorrow, tomorrow I'll post a video."

"A video about a world of horror."

"Remember, be sure to watch."

After hanging up the phone, Li Xin hugged her knee and looked out the window.


World of Horrors has been released for seven days.

In these seven days, I have gained a lot of fans.

However, the game progress is very unsatisfactory.

"It's time to refresh."

"Otherwise, the number of free refreshes will be wasted."

Chen Ran intends to refresh the mall.

【Refresh successfully】

[Talent Random Pack]: Purple is rare. A talent can be obtained at random. Exchange price: 1000 exploration value

[Occupation System]: Purple is rare. Open the player profession, exchange price: 1000 exploration value.

[Top Red Card]: Purple is rare. 100% random top red-clothed Specter, favorability is automatically 100%. Exchange price: 5000 exploration value.

[Ranking System]: Purple is rare. Open the player leaderboard. Exchange price: 1000 exploration value.

[Advanced Map Expansion Pack]: Blue Advanced. The map can be expanded by 10,000 meters. Exchange price: 500 exploration value.

[Next product refresh time: 11 hours, 27 minutes, 6 seconds]

[Refresh again: 10 points of exploration value]

"Hiss!" Chen Ran sucked in a breath of cold air.

I don't know if I'm lucky or unlucky.

Four purple rares and one blue premium.

"Is there a grade for purple rare items?"

"I thought purple rarities were all 1000 exploration points."

"The top red-clothed ghost, the favorability is automatically 100%." ​​Chen Ran licked his lips, his eyes burning hot.

Looking down at his only 7 exploration points, Chen Ran looked resentful.

"It took so long to explore 17%."

"I have to urge them, the exploration speed is too slow."

When he turned on the computer and was about to post a notification, Chen Ran saw a video of a game that rushed to the fifth place in the hot search.

#gravitational anchor will take you to reveal the secrets of the new people's hospital in the horror world#

"Gravity anchor." Chen Ran thought for a while.

I've never heard of this host's name.

But this game video can rush to the fifth place in the hot search, which means that there is something in it.

"Secrets of the New People's Hospital."

To be honest, this gimmick also aroused Chen Ran's curiosity.

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