I Share The Horror World And Scare The Players Around The World

072: I Said It Is Your Head, It Is Your Head


"Double attribute increase."

Chen Ran growled, and the powerful force directly pushed back the headless ghost in front of him.

The headless ghost is one of the active ghosts.

It is infinitely powerful and its whole body is hard, like a zombie with an iron wall.

Its special mission is very simple, that is to help it find the lost head.

Many players have encountered headless ghosts.

But none of the players can complete the special task of the headless ghost.

Because no one knows where the headless ghost's head is.

Some players with big brains tried to get the heads of other ghosts, trying to fool the headless ghosts.

However, the end is often very tragic.

"Yutong, control it.

Chen Ran shouted at Jiang Yutong.

The black water on the soles of Jiang Yutong's feet began to spread.

A rope like a water plant stretched out from the black water.

In the next second, they were like spirit snakes, entwining the headless ghost, trying to pull it into the black water.

And Chen Ran, with a serious face, took out a two-meter-long decapitation axe from his crotch.

This is a blue-quality weapon, and its lethality is astonishing.

The huge blade is shocking. "Thirty-two"

There is a circular gap in the middle of the sharp blade, constantly flashing cold light.


After pulling out the decapitation axe, Chen Ran ran his fingers across the blade.

A blue electric light erupted from the blade, and the crackling sounded.

The visual effect is directly full.

This skill is currently Chen Ran's most powerful skill.

Blue quality lightning slash.

But it takes too long to prepare.

Lightning must be attached to the weapon before use.

Thorn, thorn, the lightning that wound around the first axe crackled.


With a low growl, Chen Ran moved.

He is like a thunder, and the speed is extremely fast.

After a crescent-like blue lightning arc ended, Chen Ran appeared behind the headless ghost.

The headless ghost who was still struggling just now became quiet.

Its body began to split inch by inch.

The splintered bodies began to fall in clumps.

Jiang Yutong controlled the black rope and tied up all the pieces of meat it fell.

At first glance, it looks a bit like a packed pork stall.

"It's done."

Chen Ran wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

After he left the field in person, he found that the Hundred Ghosts travel activity was indeed too difficult for the players at this stage.

"It's early for the event."

"Under normal circumstances, when the average player level exceeds 10, it will be easier after the occupation system and weapon system are fully opened.

Buying the event prize pool with a novice discount card is indeed a shortcut.

Afterwards, Chen Ran took out a rotten head from his backpack and walked slowly to the headless ghost.

"Is this your lost head?"

He said with a big smile.

Although the headless ghost was divided into a dozen large pieces of meat, it did not die.

If Jiang Yutong gave up the suppression.

In ten minutes at most, the headless ghost can recover completely.

Gurgling blood bubbles from the broken neck.

The headless ghost said with difficulty.

"No.. not my head."

"I said it's your head, it's your head.

"Is there a problem?"

Chen Ran took out the cutting saw.

The buzzing sound of the cutting chainsaw caused the bubbles at the fracture of the headless neck to disappear.

I couldn't hear the headless ghost speak for a long time.

Chen Ran looked at Jiang Yutong impatiently: "Forget it, Yutong, just eat it."

This time, the headless ghost finally spoke up: "Yes... it's mine."

"That's right." The impatient expression just now disappeared suddenly, and Chen Ran smiled.

He hurriedly placed the rotten head on the headless ghost's neck.

Surprisingly, it was found that the neck of the rotten head and the fracture of the neck of the headless ghost did not match at all.

"Forget it, Yutong, you should eat it. 11

"It's clearly not its head."

This time, the headless ghost was in a hurry.

A lot of bloodshots grow out of its neck.

The bloodshot quickly connected to the rotting head.

Soon, the rotten head became active.

Mouth open: "It's mine, it's really mine.

"Appropriately, it's my lost head."

【Special Task: Help the Headless Ghost Find the Head】(Completed)

[Reward: EXP +500]

【Reward: Jewelry Box】

[Congratulations to the player for lighting up the Hundred Ghosts Guide: Headless Ghost]

A jewelry box appeared in front of Chen Ran.

This is a special reward after completing the special task of the headless ghost.

Judging from the size of the box, it just fits a head.

【Name: Jewelry Box】

【Type: Prop】

【Level: Green】

[attribute: storage]

【Characteristics: Imprisonment】

"Not bad." Chen Ran put the jewelry box into his backpack.

Jiang Yutong also let go of the headless ghost.

The headless ghost who had recovered had a rotten head that obviously didn't match him.

At the same time, thick white mist seeped out of the ground.

The white mist quickly spread around.

In just a few minutes, the player's line of sight was completely blocked.


Chen Ran immediately opened the insight.

This is Wanqian's skill, and she can see things that ordinary people cannot see.

Vaguely, he saw the headless ghost tearing off the rotten head.

Throw it hard on the ground with a backhand.

Then step down and crush it.

The muscles all over his body squirmed, as if he was about to attack Chen Ran in the next second.

But the headless ghost didn't choose to make a move after all, it walked towards a certain place with big strides.

"Ghost ears!"

It was already difficult to catch the movement of the headless ghost by sight.

Chen Ran can only open ghost ears.

Ghost ears can hear sounds that ordinary people cannot hear.

As soon as the ghost ears opened, dense footsteps appeared in all directions.

Footsteps were walking towards the same place.

"Where are they going?"

Chen Ran quietly followed the footsteps.

Every day at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, white fog shrouds and hundreds of ghosts appear.

Every morning at 6 o'clock, white mist shrouded, and all ghosts left.

Where do they come from and where are they going?

Soon, the footsteps around stopped, and Chen Ran hurriedly stopped in a corner.

The insight is turned on to the maximum, and it is impossible to completely see through the white mist.

But ghost ears heard some unusual sounds.

There was a creaking door opening.

This kind of creaking sound is like someone is frantically grabbing the blackboard with their nails.

Then there was the howling of ghosts and wolves that ordinary people could not hear.

All kinds of crying, cursing, roaring, and screaming began to surge in all directions.

Vaguely, the insight captured a huge black shadow.

The black shadow is huge, at least thirty meters high, like a building.

But it's definitely not a building.

Judging from the vague shape, it looks more like a huge door.

Then came the super strong tearing force.

In this tearing force, Chen Ran was torn into pieces, without a chance to resist.

Pulling off the virtual helmet, Chen Ran took a few breaths.

"When the white mist covers at 6 o'clock, the player must go offline."

"Even if you escaped the pursuit of the ghosts, you still can't fight against the terrifying tearing force."

"Could that door be the main thread for the travel of the ghosts?

Chen Ran saw what the rest of the players couldn't see and heard what the rest of the players couldn't hear.

"Is there hell behind the gate?"

Those crazy cursing, cursing, and screaming are still lingering in Chen Ran's mind.

"But the problem is, even I can't resist that terrible Swann."

"The rest of the players are even less likely to resist."

"Perhaps, the breakthrough lies in the stage rewards of the Hundred Ghosts Illustrated Book."

In this unsolvable situation, Chen Ran could only focus on the Hundred Ghosts Illustrated Book.

He vaguely felt it.

Only by obtaining the rewards of the first stage of the Hundred Ghosts Illustrated Book, can you have a chance to trigger the main mission of the Hundred Ghosts Travel.

"Eleven pages."

"I lit up three pages myself, and all the other players together lit up eight pages."

"There are still fourteen pages left, and you can get the first stage reward of the illustration book, 4.6 yuan.

Chen Ran flipped through his illustration book.

After all, this grand event that started too early still needs Chen Ran to come and do it in person.

If even he can't handle it, then no one can get all the rewards in this event.

"I have to urge the players."

"It's been so many days, and I haven't even drawn a single purple prize."

Chen Ran rubbed his temples, quickly turned on the computer, and was ready to give the players a bloodbath.

However, as soon as he turned on the computer, he discovered the latest game video released by Wan Qian.

#老贼牛比队Take you to reveal all the secrets of Jincheng District in detail#

The click-through rate of this game video is frighteningly high.

After all, Wang Cong's strategy method is indeed a bit anticlimactic, which makes people not very satisfied.

For the story line of the horror world, you still have to watch the game video of Gravity.

"No wonder they haven't broadcast live these days."

"It turns out that I have been attacking the second ending of Jincheng Community."

Chen Ran touched his chin, and quickly clicked on the game video.

He is also very curious about the story line of Jincheng Community. .

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