I Share The Horror World And Scare The Players Around The World

093: The Old Thief Is Updating So Quickly, He Won't Explain His Future!

"Morning, Dieyi.

"Morning, Yutong."

Chen Ran greeted Qiu Dieyi and Jiang Yutong with a smile.

They are ghosts and don't need rest.

As long as everything is fine, Jiang Yutong will hold the pillow and watch TV all the time.

Qiu Dieyi's life is even more monotonous.

After cleaning up the room, he will hold his head and look at Chen Ran.

Ghosts can't feel the passage of time, so they won't feel bored.

"Today, the weapon system and the national advanced buff will be opened.

Chen Ran brushed his teeth happily.

This little update package is ready by itself.

A game notification will be sent soon, and the update can be completed within an hour.

The National Senior BUFF Chen Ran opened yesterday.

[Fast pace of life]: Increases movement speed by 20.

This advanced buff can be claimed for one hour per person per day.

After washing up and having breakfast, Chen Ran brushed up on today's news.

Yesterday, after the game video of suddenly forgetting the original intention became popular, the response on the Internet was very large.

A whole new genre has emerged.

I checked the Internet today, and this new genre really appeared.

It is called probation flow by countless players.

Use love to influence ghosts, and use actions to heal the pain of ghosts.

"Probation flow, the name is not bad."

After watching the hot news for a while, Chen Ran decisively opened the live broadcast room.

If you want to know what the probation stream is like, just watch the live broadcast.

The style of the live broadcast room today is very wrong.

Before, the ghosts chased the players, but today, the players chased the ghosts.

"Everyone, after my exploration and inference yesterday."

"The ghost living in this house should have been a lonely old man before his death.

"It most likely died alone in the room."

"For a lonely old man, what he wants to see most before he dies is his child."

"You are also aware that ghosts' memories are incomplete.

"So, we just have to pretend to be its child."

There is an anchor who said it has head and feet.

He took small steps to the room and banged on the door.

A few minutes later, an old ghost appeared at the door like a ghost crawling out of a cemetery.

It was horribly old, like a dead old tree.

The corpse was covered in dense spots, and the back of the person watching was chills.

Without saying a word, the anchor knelt on the ground and shouted, "Mom, I'm back."

Then, he hugged the old lady ghost's leg and cried.

"My child, my child.

Sure enough, the old lady bled with blood, helped the anchor up, and stroked his body tremblingly.

"Child, you've lost weight and your chest is flat."

Cold hands caressed the anchor's whole body.

Some viewers in the live broadcast room turned red.

"I miss my mother, I haven't been home to see my mother for a long time."

"I remember that every time I went back, my mother would touch me, afraid of a piece of my flesh."

"Yeah, I miss my mom too."

The warm scene in front of him made many viewers red-eyed.

However, they only became red for a while, and then suddenly became numb.

When the ghost old lady touched the anchor's crotch, her expression suddenly changed.

"You're not my daughter, my daughter doesn't have such a big lump of meat."

The host turned pale with fright.

He was also quick to respond, and hurriedly shouted: "Mom, the city is under too much pressure, and I have to change!"

"Mom, if you don't think it's appropriate."

A cold light flashed in the anchor's eyes, and he raised his sword and dropped: "From today onwards, I am not your daughter.

After all the calculations, the child of this lonely and widowed old ghost is a daughter.

The audience in the live broadcast room swallowed as they watched the anchor's hands rise and fall.

"Damn it, this anchor is a werewolf."

"Even if the pain is adjusted to 1%, I can't do it!"

"Following, this anchor must pay attention. I have a hunch that he will achieve great things in the future."

Chen Ran shivered, and there was a cool wind under his crotch.

I looked at the host's name: Men should be self-improvement.

"He's a ruthless man."

Even Chen Ran silently clicked a follow.

Double the live room.

Now the basic professional assassin is out of the sky.

Before the video of Hu Wang Chu Xin was released, the price of the basic professional assassin was just over 3,000.

However, now the assassin profession has been fired to 20,000 or 30,000.

The 30% noise reduction talent is perfect for lurking.

Like perverts, many players tried their best to hide in the homes of various ghosts.

Under the bed, in the closet, under the sofa cushion.

Everywhere you can think of, there are players hiding.

Fewer players were running around on the streets of Anxian County, and more were hiding in the ghost's house.

If you synchronize the personal horror worlds of all players.

It will be found that there are at least eight players hidden in a ghost room in Anxian County.

One of them was a live broadcast room, and Chen Ran felt that it was a bit too much.

A small master bedroom hides ten players abruptly.

These ten players are actually a team.

"Everyone, our team is not very courageous, so we can only be brave in this way.

"So I hope everyone can understand. After all, it takes courage to face a ghost alone."

"In addition to this, there is one more critical reason."

"According to our understanding, the ghost who lived in this room had very few friends before his death, so what he hopes most is to have many friends.

"We think it is a very lonely ghost, lonely in life and lonely after death, so we decided to make it feel the warmth of home. y

"One more thing." The host held a diary in his hand.

"According to our blue star's time, today is its birthday.

"We're going to give it a big surprise."

Time is stopped in horror world.

Many clocks are stuck at the moment it was alive.

No one knows how long the world has been dead.

But for ghosts, it doesn't matter.

Because they have no concept of time passing.

Soon, the lonely ghost came back.

It looked tired, and it staggered open the door of the master bedroom.

Just took two steps, suddenly the whole body trembled.

"Happy Birthday."

"Happy Birthday."

A player suddenly came out from behind the door, holding a cake in his hand and singing a birthday song.

In the next second, two players crawled out from under the bed.

Two players came out from behind the curtain.

A player climbed out of the closet.

A player emerged from under the desk.

In just a few minutes, the room that was empty just now was suddenly full of players.

Then, who knows who suddenly closed the door of the master bedroom and closed it by the way.

There were a few pops and the ribbon came out.


A horrific scream pierced the night.

Then there was a loud bang.

In the picture, ten players stood awkwardly holding hands.

There is a large human-shaped hole in the door of the master bedroom.

The Lonely Ghost was long gone.

But judging from the horrific scream just now, the Lonely Ghost was quite frightened.

"Damn it, I can feel Lonely Kang being hit by a hundred thousand crits through the screen."

"Don't talk about ghosts, I feel scared just thinking about it."

"Do you dare to imagine that when you come home from a hard day's work, just as you open the door, a picture of ten strangers celebrating your birthday suddenly pops up at home?"

This barrage speaks to the hearts of all players.

Chen Ran conceived with his eyes closed.

Then I got goosebumps all over my body.

Damn, because of the horror.

This is simply more terrifying than meeting a ghost.

After watching for a while, Chen Ran rubbed his temples.

Since the popularity of the probation stream, the painting style of the horror world has become more perverted.

This metamorphosis is purely a player metamorphosis.

But a new genre must have a process of getting used to it.

In the near future, there should be some warm pictures in the horror world.

For example, Hu Wang's original intention now, he is holding the hand of the female ghost in white to enjoy the night.

They talked and laughed, and occasionally fought for a while. The picture was slightly warm and a little sour.

"Publish the game notification directly."

Chen Ran started editing game notifications.

A few minutes later, a game notification quickly spread across the entire network.

[Game Notice]: After the strong request of the majority of players, Horror World has carried out an excessive minor update of version 1.4.

Version 1.31 update content: fully open the weapon system.

Players, use your imagination to create your own equipment.

Update content ②: For the first time, 860 launched the BUFF for all people.

Players, are you still feeling that you can't run away from ghosts?

Are you still struggling to move slowly?

Don't be afraid, the new national BUFF is officially launched.

Receive the BUFF for all people every day, which lasts for one hour.

Within one hour, movement speed increases by 20%.

Finally, I wish the players a happy game and enjoy the game.

This game video really stunned all players.

"What's the matter with the old thief these days, frequent updates, it's like being beaten with blood."

"Damn it, the old thief won't hang up anymore, updating M so frequently is the same as telling the funeral."

"Old thief, the body is the main priority, we can actually wait."

Chen Ran looked at the crazy growth of messages under the game notification with a dark face.

"Damn it, if I don't update, you say I'm weak and powerless, maybe I'm dead.

"I tried to update it, but you said I was the same as explaining the funeral."

"Damn, this year's players are really hard to serve."

Chen Ran touched the tip of his nose helplessly.

Although it is a complaint, it can be seen that the players really love the old thief.

They are deeply afraid that the old thief who they love and hate will die in front of the computer desk because of the high-intensity update, and they are also afraid that the old thief's negative attitude will directly spoil it.

There were apprehensions, but more cheers.

"Fuck, the old thief has finally opened the weapon system, I feel like I'm about to wake up."

"Yes, my manufacturing soul has begun to summon me."

"With powerful weapons, I can influence the ghosts better.

"Yes, yes, yes, there is a saying in Huaxia that a filial son is born under the stick."

"It's time for them to feel the boundless love of Chinese players."

"Upstairs, you are right. As long as the firepower is enough, nothing can be affected."

There are also comments analyzing the psychological activities of Jie.

"At the end of the day, it's still too difficult for Hundred Ghosts to travel, so the old thief will update frequently."

Chen Ran looked at the players who responded strongly, and nodded in satisfaction.

It's not in vain to rack my brains to find ways to enhance the overall strength of the players. .

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