"Brother, what you said makes a lot of sense. I am speechless."

Zhixun was in a mess in front of the computer, but the effect of watching the audience's barrage live broadcast was still very good.

It has been a long time since I played games with such a pure newbie.

"Chao Huang, you searched for such a long time and only found two crossbows, is that so powerful?"

"What the hell is this machete?"

Zhou Shufen has always been known for her humorous language. Seeing Zhang Chao's equipment, she couldn't help but complain.

As for Dai Xiaomei...

She just thinks that her husband is so cute.

There is nothing she can do.

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

No matter what the person she likes does, it makes sense.

"Feel sorry……"

Zhang Chao said helplessly, first he fell to his death, then he searched for a long time but couldn't find a gun, it was as if this game had a grudge against him.

"The strength and mentality are superb, hurry up and get some fish balls to comfort him"

"This is a miserable start!"

"My mentality would have collapsed long ago."

"This guy is so ungrateful, he must be possessed by a non-African!"

Zhou Shufen and Zhixun have met each other offline and are also friends.

After turning off the voice chat, she sent a WeChat message to Zhixun, saying,"I have no idea how to deal with this guy. I always feel that there are more bizarre things waiting for us." Zhixun comforted her, saying,"You're just a novice, just bear with it. It's only a matter of time."

"Then let him carry two crossbows. It's a waste to give him a gun. Let him be a medic!"

After reopening the voice, Zhixun glanced at the map and suddenly said with a sudden change of expression:"Let's quickly deal with the first team at the shooting range, and then run in circles. This is the airport circle."

""Fuck, this circle is too beastly!"

Even Dai Xiaomei couldn't help but curse.

This circle firmly surrounded the airport island. They were at the farthest end.

They didn't know how many enemies they would encounter along the way, and there were also people blocking the bridge.

"If it were someone else, we would have just jumped off the airport and it would have been a sure thing." Zhou Shufen couldn't help but think.


She definitely didn't mean to complain about her best friend's husband.


At this moment, the live broadcast room was also filled with laughter.

"I feel sorry for Chao Huang. He didn't even pick up a gun and had to run away from the poison. This is a really bad first experience of the game."

"If I encounter this kind of circle, I will bomb myself right where I am!"

"Learn more about the Grand Voyage Project……"

"The birth of One Piece?"

"Chao Huang said,"I don't care, I have two crossbows anyway." But Dai Xiaomei, Zhixun and Shufen said they were already upset."

Zhixun took his 8x 98K and looked at it, and said,"The guys from the shooting range are coming out and going to the air-raid shelter next to us. Let's go up to them. Brother, follow me. If anyone of us is knocked down, you should go up and help them first, and we will set up our guns.""


Zhang Chao was also eager to try at this moment. Are they finally going to fight?

The four of them came out of the city and headed straight for the air-raid shelter.

The man from the shooting range drove a jeep and parked it steadily at the entrance of the air-raid shelter. The four of them ran in. The four of them quickly crossed the road and found the shelter of the roadside toilet. Zhixun and Zhou Shufen kept aiming at the jeep at the entrance of the hole with their scopes.

You have to know that the air-raid shelter next to the shooting range is very shallow, with only one layer. You can walk around it in fifteen seconds, not to mention that four people go in at the same time to search

""Brother, run a little further and hide under the tree."

Zhixun said.

He was going to let Zhang Chao set up a line of fire so that if the people in the air-raid shelter came out, they would see Zhang Chao first, and they would have time to aim and counterattack.

"Okay, no problem."

Zhang Chao rushed straight ahead and ran behind a tree at the bottom of the slope.

The tree was very thick and could just cover his entire body. There was also an air raid shelter not far above.

However, this was a back slope, so the crossbow was useless.

"What the hell? Why didn't these people come out? Did they hear footsteps?"

Zhixun was a little surprised. Normally, it would take only a few seconds for four people to go into the air-raid shelter and clear it out. But it's been more than ten seconds, and they haven't come out yet.

At this moment,

"Quick expansion, give me a quick expansion"

"Who has extra 5.56 bullets? I only have 60 spare rounds."

"I have an extra rifle flash hider here, who wants one?"

"Give me two drinks!"


Zhixun took a look and saw that the poison circle had already begun to appear. The people in the air-raid shelter had not come out yet. Although they did not need much weapons, they did not have much medicine on them. They had to eat this team to escape the poison.

"Have we been discovered? Should we force our way in? Dai Xiaomei suggested.

As soon as she finished speaking, there was movement in the air raid shelter, and someone came out and got into the car.


Zhixun and Zhou Shufen had already aimed their scopes at the car, and Zhixun fired a 98K gun.

【Douyu and zhixun used 98K to headshot nihao2021】

"There's someone!"

The knocked-down player immediately reported the situation to his companions. He also fell from the driver's seat and crawled downhill towards the air-raid shelter.

When Zhang Chao heard Zhixun's order, he thought that although his crossbow could not hit the target, he had just picked up a grenade in the house and threw it in. So he switched to the grenade and threw it directly at the entrance of the air-raid shelter.

Ding ding, dang dang.

The grenade fell right at the entrance of the air-raid shelter and bounced a few times, scaring several people back and not even caring about saving people.

""Shit, they actually threw a grenade!"

The next moment, everyone was stunned.


A burst of white smoke began to billow out of the air-raid shelter!


Zhixun was in a state of illness!

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