After dinner, Dai Xiaomei offered to wash the dishes.

Zhang Chao naturally had no objection.

The viewers in the live broadcast room were full of praise when they saw Dai Xiaomei actually taking the initiative to do housework.

After all, it is rare to see her so virtuous.

Sure enough!

The power of love is infinite.

It can turn a female man like Dai Xiaomei into a gentle and virtuous housewife.

It was already eleven o'clock when they finished cleaning up, and

Dai Xiaomei continued the live broadcast.

Zhang Chao rejected her request to live broadcast together and stayed in the living room to watch TV.

He was waiting for the next day's sign-in. He got a Koenigsegg Ghost and ten school district houses for signing in yesterday. He is now looking forward to what he can get by signing in today.

Soon, it was past twelve o'clock.

Zhang Chao took a look and entered Nanbole's live broadcast room

【Ding! Congratulations on staying in the live broadcast room of anchor Nanbole for one minute, signing in successfully, and getting a reward of 5 million shark fins! 】

5 million shark fins!


Zhang Chao was stunned!

He really didn't expect that signing in to Nanbole's live broadcast room would actually give him 5 million shark fins!

According to the rules of live broadcast rebates, this is a full 50 million cash reward!


Clicking on the gift page, Zhang Chao began to give Nanbole gifts.

Nanbole didn't notice Zhang Chao entering the room at first.

When Zhang Chao started to give gifts, she realized

【Zhang Chao] Give anchor Nanboer a super rocket × 1

【Zhang Chao] Send super rockets to anchor Nanboer × 2


【Zhang Chao] gave the anchor Nanboer 10 super rockets, a full ten of them were super popular!

It immediately made Nanboer's live broadcast room lively

"Thank you, Chaohuang!"

Nanboer quickly expressed her gratitude. After all, he was her good friend's husband. They had played games together and chatted in the voice channel.

"You're welcome."

Zhang Chao typed a reply on the public screen.

Then, he exited the live broadcast room.


Zhang Chao came to Xu Bao's live broadcast room.

He had signed in at Xu Bao before and got a set of Tomson Yipin Villa.

Zhang Chao felt that he should express his gratitude.

【Zhang Chao] Give anchor Xu Bao a super rocket × 1

【Zhang Chao] Give anchor Xu Bao a super rocket × 2


【Zhang Chao] Give anchor Xu Bao super rocket × 10

""Oh my god! Thank you for the ten super fires sent by Chao Huang, Chao Huang is so polite!"

Xu Bao was broadcasting live, but he was shocked.

At first, he was a little confused, but later, after being introduced by netizens in the barrage, he realized that this was Dai Xiaomei’s husband, a new emperor user on the Shark platform.

During this period, Xu Bao’s live broadcasts were average, and the income from gifts was not high.

The reason for this situation is related to the poor environment of the entire Shark platform.

Gifts worth 10,000 yuan can make it to the top three of the daily list, and the income from gifts is not as good as before.

But Xu Bao is still one of the top anchors on Shark Live, and also the top anchor on the entire network.

Zhang Chao didn’t say anything and waited silently for a minute.

【Ding! You stayed in Xubao's live broadcast room for one minute, signed in successfully, and were rewarded with 27% of Xuanshi Guild's shares. 】

Xuanshi Guild?

Zhang Chao was stunned, a little puzzled.

What is this?

Then, a piece of information suddenly appeared in his mind.

Xuanshi Guild is one of the well-known guilds in the live broadcast industry. Xubao and Dai Xiaomei are both members of this guild.

It is said that the value is at least more than 100 million!

If I own 27% of the shares, it is worth at least tens of millions.

"Not bad."

Zhang Chao nodded, very satisfied.


There is only one sign-in opportunity left.

Zhang Chao took a look and decided to take a stroll in Zhou Shufen's live broadcast room.

When Zhang Chao entered the live broadcast room, he was discovered.

Zhou Shufen laughed and said,"Welcome my Chaohuang to be our guest. Chaohuang, you are so unfair. You cook such delicious food and you are cheap, but you are still greedy for us. It's too much!"

She is the official host of League of Legends and a backlash fighter. She is a host who is very good at playing memes. The memes on the Internet can be played in various ways.

Most people who watch her live broadcast come for her style.

I won't really say that I like her and watch her live broadcast.

Zhang Chao didn't waste any words and started to brush Super Fire directly.

【Zhang Chao] Give anchor Zhou Shufen a super rocket × 1

【Zhang Chao] Give anchor Zhou Shufen a super rocket × 2


【Zhang Chao] Give host Zhou Shufen 10 super rockets!

【Ding! You stayed in the live broadcast room of anchor Zhou Shufen for one minute, signed in successfully, and were rewarded with 10% of the shares of Penguin Group! 】


Sister Zhou is awesome!

Signing in actually rewarded 10% of the shares of Penguin Company. Zhang Chao was shocked.

He never thought that signing in Zhou Shufen's live broadcast room would be rewarded so generously!

He was already surprised by the rewards he got from Brother Bao and Nanboer before.

But this time, he was even more surprised.

It's like opening a jar in a game. You never know what kind of treasure will come out of the jar in the next moment!

It's so addictive!

PS: Please vote for evaluation! Please vote for evaluation! Please vote for evaluation! Please give flowers! Please give flowers! Please give flowers!

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