Chen Ping looked at everyone in front of him in deep thought.

The land of the five clans has perished.

The surviving Human Race is just a lamb driven back to the sheep pen by Monster Race.

They have been terrified.

They have never seen the kind of powerless force before, and I definitely don’t want to see them again in the future.

They will warn their children and grandchildren not to set foot on the Thorns Trail.

The end of the trail is a desperate situation.

Slowly, all the descendants of Human Race will know that they can and can only survive in this area where grass is hard to grow.

Slowly, many years have passed. The descendants of the descendants of the five races have all died. Human Race has gradually forgotten the names of Divine Witch Clan and Changhebei.

In the long evolution, ambitious turned the desperate situation on the other side of the trail into a treasure.

Since then, every high-spirited and vigorous teenager has dreamed that one day he will become the lucky one who discovers the treasure.

Finally, one day, a young hero with outstanding martial arts led a few of his friends onto the trail, and came to the depths of the hilly area over the thorns, and found a more suitable piece at the end of the thorns trail. The land where Human Race survives.

That is a weedy forest,

There are towering trees that have not been felled for hundreds of years.

There is no excavation under the big tree. Exhausted cassava,

There is a sweet river next to the big tree,

There is no powerful demonic beast to delineate it as a territory,

There is more than this in the world. Is it more suitable as a habitat for Human Race?

The boy really became a hero. He led clansman to this land.

From then on, Human Race began to multiply rapidly here.

The population has changed from one hundred to ten thousand, and the tribe has evolved from one to dozens or hundreds.

They gradually began to conquer each other for their territories and interests, and wars continued.

Another emperor with great talents came into being.

He is both civil and military, and he has a strong army and horses, and finally unified Human Race.

On the day he was preparing to establish the capital, a white deer walked out of the deep forest. Just as everyone thought it was a good omen for the founding of the country, Bailu told the emperor:

return to Human Race The place to stay, otherwise the winter will come…

Countless times, exactly the same reincarnation has been performed in this land.

Human Race is like Wu Gang who cut the laurel tree on the moon, and Sisyphus who pushed the rock at the foot of the mountain.

Before the Monster King’s attention, they lived in that illusion, thinking that they would become the king of this land.

When the messenger of Monster King came, they knew that they were just a group of ants crawling into the owner’s backyard.

Is this the real situation of this World Human Race?

This is the real hell mode!

Chen Ping has never been an ambitious person.

He just wants to live in this land freely.

If possible, he is also willing to help Xiangyan live a better life for Human Race, which reached the end of his life at the age of 30.

But after clear comprehension of all this, Tatsuya wanted to take care of himself and he couldn’t keep doing good.

After all, he is still a man!

What did the ancestors of Human Race do? Only let the whole race be kept in a hell that can only survive by gnawing stones with such a collar and chain around their necks?

If Xu Qing’s diary is not an erotic novel, then Human Race is obviously to resist the invaders of this World and shed only the last drop of blood!

The same world native Monster Race, why can the descendants of Human Race be treated like this?


The people who paid for everyone not only let him freeze to the ground, but everyone also used the firewood he picked up to bake him!

This World shouldn’t be evil to Human Race like this without a bottom line.

If it must be like this, either let it be destroyed, or let Human Race be destroyed!

When Chen Ping lifts the head, everyone was looking at him.

He waved his hand: “Fly, take the map here.”

Yan Fei left in a hurry, and soon took back a roll of maps from the outside and hung them in front of everyone.

The map unfolded, and everyone saw that the circles above were all confused.

Chen Ping didn’t mean to explain their doubts.

Looking at the rough map of the hills he recently took time to depict and the Arabic numerals marked on the hills, he considered for a moment, and finally finalized: “These fifteen hills in the east and the thirteen in the west. This hill can be lent to you temporarily…”

“That’s it, the big piece in the middle…”

Qing Feng was cut off by Heihulan as soon as he expressed his dissatisfaction: “Okay, many thanks Brother Chen Ping.”

They saw lush and green on the nearby hills on the way into the east side.

It’s good to be able to plant it, as long as there is land, no one will starve to death.

Everything will wait until we survive.

“en.” Chen Ping nodded, looked around and added: “Every hill, the rent for one demon crystal per year.”

“Why don’t you grab it! “Qing Feng was angry.

“What’s the matter with you? Don’t rent if you have the ability!” Yue Mei was not used to him, so he went back in person.


“Many thanks Chen Ping brother, this price is already very cheap.” Heihulan once again made a round.

You Zeming and Qiu Lin have been silent, making Chen Ping a little confused about the attitude of these two old foxes.

Wu Heng is still expressionless, and seems to have no influence on the death of Divine Witch.

She came to Chen Ping before everyone else, drew a circle on the map with her finger, and drew in the seven hills of Northwest.

“Divine Witch Clan wants these seven hills to be rented for 50 years, and the demon crystal will be delivered later. Also, what is the price of the seeds of cassava?”


Chen Ping nodded with a smile to her with satisfaction, but was blocked by the coldness in her eyes.

“One demon crystal, one hundred seedlings.” Chen Ping casually quoted.

No one said he was guilty again this time.

No matter how naive people are, they also understand the importance of cassava seedlings now.

As long as Chen Ping is willing to sell, the price is not a problem.

And what role can demon crystal play at this moment?

“Check out after the seven hills are full.”

Wu Heng rich and imposing returned to his seat after speaking.

“Cough.” You Zeming lightly coughed, stood up calmly, and came to the front of the map: “The old man and Divine Witch will be neighbors, these six hills…”

He pointed to the six hills left by the witches in the West who were trying to settle down.

This Old Patriarch has a very transparent heart. Since Divine Witch Clan has already come, the west side chosen by the witches must be a better terrain. Following the election of witches, it will never be Incorrect.


“Sorry, these six are gone.” Chen Ping looked at him seriously.


After all, You Zeming has been a Head of a Clan for many years. After getting stuck in the shell, his eyes stopped on Chen Ping, slightly smiled, and changed to The five hills on the east side closest to the east side said: “Let’s take these five.”

Qiu Lin is also interested and chose five hills on the east side.

When it was Heihulan’s turn, she stepped forward and looked at Chen Ping with gratitude: “Many thanks Chen Ping brother. Heihu’s plant samples will be sent to you by the younger sister later. These six The hills…”

“The rent is halved, the seedlings are free, and the land is not enough for you to tell me.”

Before she could speak, Chen Ping offered a lot of suggestions. Offers.

Not only is Heihulan a little unbelievable, the patriarchs of the other four races also looked at the two with weird eyes.

Although Heihulan has delicate and pretty eyebrows, her appearance is not so outstanding. It can only be said to be at the upper-middle level. Compared with the three girls around Chen Ping, she is not as good as Wu Hsiao. Beat her a lot.

It’s just that the calm temperament of her body and the identity blessing of Head of a Clan make her whole person extremely outstanding in temperament.

Is it possible that, this Chen Ping patriarch also fell in love with the black tiger orchid?

Not only others think so, even Heihulan is slightly red, wondering if Chen Ping has any wrong thoughts about her.

“You and I are still allies. Just stay here with peace of mind. If you need help, come to me at any time.”

Hei Hulan looked at Chen Ping and clarified. Then I realized that I was thinking too much.

She nodded and smiled: “That little girl will bother you.”

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