
Chen Ping saw some of the vanguard troops of the East Third Department before they went far.

Among them, there are several familiar silhouettes.

Seeing the huge melon skin under Chen Ping, the people riding the rhinoceros recognized him at a glance, and came over to talk in two steps.

“Master Chen Ping? Why are you alone?”

It was Qiu Lin who spoke to Chen Ping, the patriarch of the Digging Department, a middle-aged woman with a good temperament. She was soaked by the rain and looked a little embarrassed.

You Zeming is beside her.

But the hairless brat of Qingfeng didn’t see the silhouette.

“Where is Qingfeng?”

Chen Ping ignored her question, glanced at the group of people, and saw that Qing Feng was not among the pioneers, and some worried that this kid had died in the tribe resident.

It’s not that he has a good impression of Qingfeng, but that he is worried that the Changhe Department will have trouble without this patriarch.

After all, it is also a tribe of more than two thousand people.

“Qingfeng patriarch is still behind.” You Zeming replied.

“We were worried that clansman ran around and ran into the east side department, so we were going to be a guide near your department first.” He explained.

As for whether the reason was true or to cover up the fact that they were afraid of death, Chen Ping didn’t care much.

He clicked nodded and said to You Zeming: “Then the two patriarchs should restrain the clansman.”

After finishing speaking, he didn’t explain why he was the only one, so he passed this tribe and headed east.

Watching him go away, Qiu Lin, who was ignorantly exposed by Chen Ping, was sneeered: “This Master Chen Ping is boldness of execution stems from superb skill.”

“Youngster, it’s right to have such a vigorous vigor.” You Zeming echoed.

“Hei Hulan said he has the ability of Divine Witch, do you believe it?” Qiu Lin turned to You Zeming and asked.

“At this time, it is natural to believe, can we live better if we don’t believe it?” You Zeming said with emotion.

“I don’t know if this guy can deal with the black monsters?” Thinking of the scenes she saw before, Qiu Lin had a lingering fear.

“Let’s go.” You Zeming kicked the rhinoceros underneath, and let the horse start to walk forward, saying as he walked: “I hope this one can clean up the black monsters.”

“Best, clean all together.” Qiulin whispered, followed along.


When Chen Ping walked halfway, he finally met the escaped group of three races.

The sparse crowd supported each other, struggling forward on the muddy road, and people slipped to the ground from time to time.

They were drenched all over, with mud lakes hanging on their lower body, and their faces couldn’t tell whether it was tears, sweat or acid rain. In short, everyone’s eyes were soaked red.

After a long journey of half a month from the fertile land of five races, I finally settled down in this hilly area.

I thought that this calamity was over, but before I had a few days of stability, I was hit by the evil again.

Can this life survive?

Human Race, why suffer so many disasters?

The eyes of these ordinary clansman tribes are blank and sad.

When they saw Chen Ping, most of them didn’t know each other. Out of fear of Gupi, they bypassed Chen Ping and passed by.

There are also some knowledgeable youngsters who saw Chen Ping riding Guapi and knew that a powerhouse was coming. He walked to him and begged him to save people.

Chen Ping has a much better attitude towards these ordinary persons.

In order not to compete with them, after dealing with some helpers, he let Guapi go a little farther from the right way and climb over the hill side.

This caused Chen Ping to delay a lot of time, and he didn’t see the end of the team until the evening.

The fugitives who walked at the end were weak, mostly old people and children, and some women and their families.

Behind them, Chen Ping finally saw the black corpse who was chased by the tail.




These frail people had already exhausted their energy in the rain. When they saw Chen Ping, they couldn’t shout a complete sentence, they could only make a ahhhh sound with their mouths open.

Others didn’t even have the energy to make these ahhhh sounds, but when they saw Chen Ping, they knew they were coming to rescue them, and they knelt on the ground at a distance and kowtow to Chen Ping.

Chen Ping ignored them and went straight to the two black corpses at the end of the team.

When he got closer, he could see that there were still a few people at the end of the team stubbornly resisting the two black corpses who were chasing after him.

These people are extremely flexible, especially they have a certain understanding of the attacking methods of the black corpses.

To put it plainly, the black corpse demon is particularly powerful. One is fast action, the other is good minions, the third is strong, and the fourth is impervious to sword and spear.

There are a lot of great places, but they also have a rule that is easy to find, that is, they like to jump high when they move.

This can certainly strengthen their attack power, but in fact, if it is one-to-one, it is difficult for them to kill a flexible hunter who only seeks to evade and does not insist on their attack.

Of course, this defect will only be exposed when they are ordered.

After all, such monsters are often a large group when they appear, no matter how flexible hunters, if they face the jump of more than three black corpses at the same time, it is almost impossible to escape.

And like Chen Ping in Divine Witch town, facing tens of thousands of black corpses jumping to kill him at the same time, no matter how fast he reacts, there is still the physique of the body tempering 4th layer, if not Gupi’s restraint can’t last for three seconds!

At this moment, there are a total of six guards of the three races in front of Chen Ping, and every three of them are spinning around a black corpse demon.

Whenever the black corpse attacked one of them, that person would evade, and the other two would attack it, attracting it.

And if it jumps out of the circle to chase the migrating team, the three of them will catch up and circle it again.

So back and forth, for a time, although the six of them could not make contributions, they also successfully dragged the two black corpses, and bought precious time for clansman to escape.

Chen Ping looked at the effect of the six people slashing the black corpse with their knives and knew that this was a four-crystal-level black corpse.

As for the more black corpses, I don’t know if they were killed by them or they didn’t chase them.

The four crystal-level black corpses have a high IQ, and they will also target weaker fugitives. Otherwise, the continuous harassment of these six people will make them feel tired. Children have been killed by them!

Even with the protection of these six people, Chen Ping could still see the corpses of fugitives lying down the road behind him, and the blood stretched on the endless road.

Human Race, in front of these monsters, it is too fragile!

“Hey, have you watched for so long? Have you seen enough? Can’t help?”

A voice came from among the six.

Chen Ping heard this voice, he knew that this person was called himself, and this voice sounded a little familiar.

Seeing that the six people did not show any crisis or defeat for the time being, he stepped forward with a smile from the corner of his mouth, and he saw that one of the teenagers was the boy patriarch from Changhe Department-Qingfeng!

This reckless kid seems to be pretty good.

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