
Su Qingyun was dumbfounded, and White Ape roar, who almost filled the door frame, threw in the door with a sound.

At this time, Su Qingyun, who saw the enemy’s true face, was not so scared. She reacted extremely quickly and jumped out directly along the window.

At the next moment, Big White Ape tore the wooden window to shreds and rushed out of the house.

On the other side, Chen Ping has beaten five little apes back several times, but these little apes are very strong, and soon after being kicked by Chen Ping, they pounced back as if nothing had happened.

Seeing a dangerous situation on Su Qingyun’s side, Chen Ping quickly broke through the five little apes and rushed out.

Before the two came together, countless bright eyes in the village looked over here.

“Run out!”

Chen Ping yelled Su Qingyun, a little White Ape who dodged his head sideways, elbowed him in the waist, and ran behind Su Qingyun to the outside of the village without seeing the result.

In fact, he knew that he could beat a Bounty Hunter to his back without leaving any injuries to the little White Ape.

The physical fitness of these White Ape is too strong!

Su Qingyun heard Chen Ping’s roar and hurriedly changed direction and ran outside the village.

The Liao Cheng’s family where they were located was originally on the edge of the village, and the five boys originally ran towards the village.

So, the scene now is that Su Qingyun runs in front of Chen Ping, chasing a big White Ape behind her.

Chen Ping is behind the big White Ape, and there are five small White Ape behind him.

In the distance, there are hundreds of White Ape who keep coming from the village.

Once the two are blocked or dragged, they will immediately be surrounded by apes and torn to pieces.

Fortunately, these White Ape are not faster than the two on flat ground.

Su Qingyun dodged a few times and distanced himself from the big White Ape.

Seeing that the big White Ape couldn’t catch Su Qingyun, he was a little annoyed. He stopped and looked around, then turned his head and rushed towards Chen Ping behind him.

In the face of the big White Ape who suddenly intercepted, Chen Ping did not panic. Instead, he attracted Su Qingyun’s opponent relaxed.

When the big White Ape pounced, Chen Ping went straight under the big White Ape with a sliding shovel.

Big White Ape suddenly collided with the three-headed little White Ape who was chasing behind him.

The other two small White Ape who were not affected continue to chase Chen Ping.

Su Qingyun had already left the village in front, and fled into the fields along a small road less than two meters wide.

Chen Ping quickly chased Su Qingyun’s silhouette and escaped from the village. He saw the forest at the end of the rice field. He was suddenly owned.

If this group of White Ape chased them into the forest, he and Su Qingyun would be impossible to run past this group of monkeys in the mountains!

Will White Ape keep chasing?

Running and running, Chen Ping’s question was answered, and none of the White Ape groups were outdated, all of them followed him.

Seeing that the field was about to run halfway, and the forest was in front of him, Chen Ping had to start thinking about how the forest would deal with these White Ape.

Su Qingyun was also aware of this problem, she slowed down and came to Chen Ping and asked: “Brother, there is a forest in front of us, what can we do when we enter the forest?”

Chen Ping looked left and right, the front is the mountain forest, the two sides are rice fields, no matter where they run, and then continue to escape, they are all impossible to run past this group of White Ape.

Fight in the rice fields? Chen Ping gave up this plan after thinking for two seconds.

The crystal ant was left in the village by him. He only carried a white queen with him. Even if there was water in the rice field, the white queen could not produce that many crystal ants in a short time.

But, uh…

Looking across the ridge in the rice field, Chen Ping suddenly felt his heart move, and said to Su Clear Sky Dao: “Sister, look at the roadside, follow the next ridge, and run into the field!”

Su Qingyun understood it as soon as he heard it.

The ridge in this rice field is the width of a foot. If those White Ape with low spiritual wisdom follow in, they will most likely step on the rice field and get stuck in the mud. Impossible can catch up with the two. .

She deliberately leaned to the side of the road, and after seeing the next field stalk, she quickly changed direction and cut in.

Chen Ping follow closely from behind.

This group of White Ape does not have any spiritual wisdom. Even if Chen Ping and Chen Ping did not enter the rice field, many of them have already strayed into the rice field.

At this moment, seeing the two change directions, they didn’t have any extra thoughts, so they just turned a corner and chased them in.

With this turn, they soon found that they were trapped in the quagmire, unable to run anymore, and even fell down a large area due to inertia.

While the White Ape running in the rear, some stepped on the White Ape in the front and jumped into the rice field.

Others ran over and found that Chen Ping was missing. They were dumbfounded for a while before they found Chen Ping who ran into the rice field. Then they started chasing again, but as soon as they ran, they found themselves and Others of the same kind were trapped in the rice fields.

In the end, only a few of the most clever White Ape still followed the two.

Chen Ping saw the effect and immediately became happy.

The remaining few White Ape can greet him even if he doesn’t run away.

He slowed down and started a conversation with Su Qingyun.

“Sister, why are there such strange things, how did these people become White Ape?”

Su Qingyun ran in silence for a while before explaining to Chen Ping: “I don’t know too well, but such a thing should be done by the scientific research group.

I heard that in the past, the scientific research school invented a medicine that can make people become stronger quickly. The side effect is that it will make people mutate some animal characteristics and make people lose their minds.

Due to the large defects of this medicine and its disadvantage to the continuation of Human Race, the research in this area was banned by the Parliament.

It is said that a lot of conflict broke out between the ancient martial arts school and the scientific research school at that time.

Several large laboratories on the scientific research side were destroyed. “

“Parliament?” Chen Ping heard another new word, he wondered: “Why does Blue Star City have no City Lord?”

“Well, there has never been a City Lord in Blue Star City. The Council is the highest authority in Blue Star City.”

“Why does Blue Star have no City Lord?” Chen Ping said curiously.

“The first article of Chapter One of the Blue Star Constitution stipulates that only the pure Blue Star bloodline can become the City Lord.”

Pure Blue Star bloodline?

Chen Ping startedled in his heart and suddenly stopped.

is it possible that refers to a transmigrator like yourself?

With some excitement, he asked Su Qingyun, who also stopped because he stopped, “Then how to determine this pure Blue Star bloodline?”

“In the Blue Star Government Office, there is a City Lord Mansion. There is a group of Blue Star Guards in the mansion. They have been selected into the mansion since childhood and received the best training. Blue Star Guards is brainwashed, and in this life he will only serve the City Lord who does not exist.

It is said that Blue Star Guards has a set of Blue Star Ten Questions, and those who can answer those questions are the pure Blue Star bloodline that they recognize. “

Seeing that Chen Ping asked so many questions about the pure Blue Star bloodline, Su Qingyun also asked him suspiciously: “Brother, you ask these questions, are you…”

“What is it? I’m just a little curious.”

Chen Ping interrupted Su Qingyun’s question alertly and looked to the rear. After several changes in direction, White Ape, who could catch up with the two of them, only had three left.

White Ape in the rear can only see some shadows faintly.

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