
After making a plan, Chen Ping and Su Qingyun set off with their backpacks.

Before leaving the village, Sun Wu saw that the two of them had packed their things, and showed one’s feelings in one’s speech, but he didn’t dare to say anything, and even sent someone to watch Xiao Sun Mei. I don’t want her to know about it.

The two Chen Ping didn’t care about this little detail either. They rode a motorcycle at the entrance of the village and set off on the road.

The battle was imminent, and the two did not speak much along the way.

Half a day passed by, seeing the outline of the Song Family episode from a distance. Chen Ping and Su Qingyun threw their motorcycle to the side of the road and walked over.

This walk allowed them to meet many returning people.

After asking, I realized that the Song Family episode was under martial law, and no entry was allowed.

Fortunately, the two did not plan to enter the city normally. At this moment, they left the Song Family set already not far. After discussing it, the two separated around here, one went to the west gate and the other went to the east gate.

After separating from Su Qingyun, Chen Ping walked outside the west gate not long after. Looking at the quiet grove outside the city and the buildings emerging from the grove, he knew where he was.

There are almost no idlers in this place, so Chen Ping’s appearance here is a bit abrupt.

The grove is leaning on the rice fields on both sides of the northwest, and about fifty-sixty meters away from the southeast. There is a half-person-high fence on each side of the fence. Two security personnel are patrolling back and forth on each side of the fence.

Seeing Chen Ping’s appearance, the two security guards on the southern fence stared at him closely. Although they were a little far away, it was inconvenient to interrogate, but the two security guards had their faintly discernable muzzles on their bodies. Pointing to Chen Ping, the warning is very strong.

Faced with such a situation, Chen Ping naturally had no hard feelings. He turned around and released four flying fireflies.

Such a small insect, in broad daylight, naturally did not attract attention.

After one minute, the four groups of fire suddenly appeared, and the four low and dull sounds that sounded at the same time did not attract any attention.

When Chen Ping turned back, there were only four small round holes on the ground.

He thought for a while, shaking his hand, dozens of fireflies flew into the grove.

After controlling dozens of fireflies evenly distributed in this small forest, Chen Ping finally climbed over the fence and prepared to walk towards the small forest.

At this moment, a strong sense of crisis rose in the mind, and Chen Ping subconsciously swooped to the left.

“DaDa.” Two gunshots sounded in the woods.

Two clouds of dust floated behind Chen Ping’s original location.

He didn’t stay any longer, one by one, he got up and took a serpentine walk, and quickly plunged into the woods.

In the traces of his passing, there is a series of bullets passing through.

“bang bang bang.”

At the same time, the security system of the entire laboratory was activated. Half of dozens of fully armed security personnel began to walk up to the top of the building to seize the commanding heights, and the other half rushed out of the gate.

A series of voices came from the intercom:

“The enemy has sneaked into the woods, the enemy has sneaked into the woods, Ye Xiao temporarily lost track of the other party. Each team must be on high alert!”

“The second group has occupied the commanding heights, and the second group has battled the commanding heights. Over.”

“One group has entered the Eastern Forest to search, and one group has entered the Eastern Forest…”

“Three groups found the enemy, three groups found the enemy! Nourish…”

The Huofeiying that Chen Ping put into the woods first played a big role. He didn’t expect that the security here is too strict to describe it, it is just a ready state of war!

I don’t know whether it was the story of Song Family episode yesterday, or it has always been like this.

But he has no time to consider these issues.

After entering the woods, he immediately wanted to pull the secret whistle out, but the opponent had a gun in his hand, so he didn’t dare to approach it indiscriminately.

At this moment, a group of five squad rushed in from outside the woods.

What’s the matter of politeness, Chen Ping directly directed the five nearest fireflies to pounce on it.

For Chen Ping, he is really not afraid of fighting a tough fight with the other party. He is afraid that the other party will not show his face and give him a sneer in a position where he can’t see. As long as he dares to show up in front of him, there is each one, no one Can withstand a firefly.

Even, none of the weapons in their hands can withstand a flying firefly, and no piece of armor remains wherever the flying fireflies pass.

“Three groups? Three groups?”

“…” There was silence on the intercom.

After waiting for a while, everyone knew that the three groups were gone.

“One group approached the third group. The second group took cover.”

“Received in one group.”

“The second group received.”

“Ye Xiao continues to look for traces of the enemy.”

“Ye Xiao received it.”

Although everyone is following the instructions, everyone is in the heart and can’t help but play some drums.

In a moment, all three teams were killed without a shot, and there was not even a trace of resistance.

This enemy is too tough!

It’s not the Raptors, but Jiang!

But everyone has also heard that the enemy used a Fireball method, but how the Fireball was thrown out and exploded again, no one can understand this.

The security leader Song Great Accomplishment, who was sitting in the laboratory, thought much more than these big soldiers.

When Ye Xiao reported the news that the four patrol security guards were burnt out without a trace when Fireball exploded, he thought that the dragon might come from City Lord Mansion.

Except for the City Lord Mansion, no laboratory should have the ability to research such a powerful and mysterious weapon.

Moreover, the City Lord Mansion has not seen such cases in the past. If a new weapon is produced, a small force that is not clean under its hand will be used to perform the operation and try the formidable power of the new weapon.

So, this time was the experiment done by Song Family and was known by City Lord Mansion?

The fact that the entire regiment of Song Chai was wiped out last night so that only three people fled back has not yet reached the laboratory.

After all, I haven’t even figured out who the other party is, so I don’t think it’s plausible that I’m jumping around everywhere.

So Song Great Accomplishment did not know that Liao Family Village, one of Song Family’s experimental sites, had been lifted.

Although he is a direct line of the Song Family, he really can’t think of this kind of thing that City Lord Mansion is staring at.

City Lord Mansion may not be shot once in ten or eight years, and sometimes it is so long that it is forgotten by the big guys, but once this huge monster moves, no force can be calm.

Wrestling with City Lord Mansion? nonexistent!

Don’t talk about a Song Family, even if it’s on the top nine, although everyone may not be so polite to the City Lord Mansion blue star guards when bragging, but one day I saw a group of blue star guards in my house. Do you see who is not shivering?

Song Great Accomplishment naturally understood the power of City Lord Mansion.

So when he learned that there was only one person, he had already begun to guess that the city was the focus of the enemy’s care.

He picked up the phone several times to ask about the situation in the city, but thinking of the rich assets in his laboratory, he had to start thinking about it. At this time, he was desperate to save the entire Song. Family? I still think of a way to save the bloodline for Song Family and transfer my small home as soon as possible.

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