I Signed The Most Useless Ability, And I Became The Strongest In The World?

Chapter 100 Inheritance Of The Nine Dragons Consortium!

In fact, it started as early as the moment Qin Ruoyu walked in with him.

Qin Jian should have discovered something.

Even earlier.

When Qin Ruoyu was investigating the five pure attribute materials.

Qin Jian had already vaguely guessed something.

That's why I saw Qin Ruoyu's slightly pale face.

Qin Jian has also guessed.

Qin Ruoyu has given Su Chen the fire attribute ability.

And before.

The entire Qin family can be said to rely on Qin Ruoyu.

After all, her abilities are really good.

And the Nine Dragons Consortium can be in the era of the rise of abilities.

Still making a lot of money.

The reason why the industry spreads all over the world.

It is precisely because of this.

The awakening of supernatural powers is definitely not possible without strength.

And Qin Ruoyu's strength is strong enough.

That's why the Qin family has developed so well.

But now Qin Ruoyu no longer has any special abilities.

He, Qin Jian, awakened a waste ability.

So now the Kowloon Consortium can only be handed over to Su Chen.

is the best choice.

And Qin Jian may also have his own ambitions.

Because the Kowloon Consortium has the gold-lettered signboard of Su Chen.

It must be able to develop extremely strong.

The volume is far more than countless times that of the previous Kowloon Consortium.

Even if it is to dominate the entire Blue Star.

It is also a matter of time to become the first blue star consortium.


Su Chen nodded slightly.

Then he signed his name on the document.

But then he pushed the document to Qin Ruoyu again.

Looking at the scene in front of him.

Both Qin Ruoyu and Qin Jian were taken aback.

Obviously did not understand what Su Chen meant.

"You and Ruoyu chose me."

"That's why it gave me such a large fortune."

"But I also chose Ruoyu, so I want to give him everything!"

Su Chen understands that the Kowloon Consortium needs its own golden brand to grow and develop.

But the Nine Dragons Consortium was formed by Qin Jian after all.

If you just hand it over to someone with a foreign surname.

Then he must have something to be reconciled to.

Although he doesn't show it now.

But I can't tell in the future.

And Su Chen didn't want this to be a gap in his relationship with Qin Ruoyu.

So the best choice is to give everything to Qin Ruoyu.

"I, let's get married right away!"

At this moment, Qin Ruoyu looked at Su Chen.

I couldn't help but shed tears of excitement.

She just realized it now.

Her position in Su Chen's mind.

It is as important as Su Chen's position in her heart.

For a woman, this is already extremely important.

Even at this moment she doesn't want anything anymore.

Just want Su Chen to be by her side all the time!

"Okay, yours."

And after Su Chen heard this sentence.

Also nodded with a smile.

Then he raised the sleeve of his clothes and wiped away the tears on Qin Ruoyu's face.

He knew that Qin Ruoyu had never cried.

And never cried for anyone.

But within a day.

Qin Ruoyu cried twice for him!

The first time was when his life was hanging by a thread.

At that time Su Chen was still in the gray ball.

But he could clearly hear Qin Ruoyu's sobs.

And the second cry is now.

It turned out that this woman was not as strong as he had seen.

She is actually very weak at heart.

It's just that this weakness has been well disguised by her.

Until I met Su Chen.

She doesn't need to pretend anymore.

"By the way, father-in-law, I have one more thing I want to trouble you with."

At this moment, Su Chen suddenly spoke.

It was already eight o'clock in the morning.

And at 8 o'clock in the evening in Beast Realm, the Ten Thousand Realms StarCraft Tournament will start.

The portal is about to open.

Blue Star has completely entered into a higher-level battle.

Su Chen naturally had to be fully prepared for this.


Hearing Su Chen's words, the expression on Qin Jian's face froze instantly.

Then he nodded happily in agreement.

Naturally, he was so happy not because Su Chen had a question to ask him.

It's the first two words of father-in-law in this sentence!

It's not like Qin Jian didn't have fantasies before.

Qin Ruoyu would suddenly bring a man to him.

Then he called his father-in-law loudly.

Countless times Qin Jian felt that he would be very resistant to that scene.

But now there is no trace of resistance in his heart.

All that fills the heart is happiness.

If you get a son-in-law like this, why would you ask for it!?

"What's the problem, just say it straight!?"

He nodded heavily.

Qin Jian asked directly.

...asking for flowers...

Now let's not say it's just a simple question.

Even if he is asked to go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire.

He doesn't even frown.

"Um, I just want to ask."

"Is there a way to enter the Dragon Nation's arsenal?"

Su Chen pondered for a moment.

Then he looked up at Qin Jian and said.

In fact, it was as early as when the eight super H weapons were hard to beat.

An idea suddenly appeared in Su Chen's mind.

This idea is naturally related to his copy ability.

Su Chen wanted to make use of this ability.

Naturally, it is necessary to copy something that can help him kill the enemy.

Su Chen didn't expect any good things to help him kill the enemy before.

But now he thought of it.

That is a modern weapon!


Modern weapons are still very lethal to supernatural beings.

Just like those eight super H weapons.

Even with Su Chen's strength, his life is almost hanging by a thread!

And that's only eight.

If Su Chen copies eighty of them.

Eight hundred!

Or even 8,000 pieces!?

Let alone ordinary supernatural beings.

Even the top supernatural beings might not be able to withstand Su Chen's range attack!?

But the Super H weapon is probably the most powerful weapon on Blue Star.

Naturally, Su Chen didn't want to magnify his moves as soon as he came up.

So he wanted to see if there were any other good things in the Dragon Kingdom's arsenal.

This is how to deal with the next Ten Thousand Worlds StarCraft Tournament.

Su Chen will naturally be full of confidence.

"Ah, you don't need to ask me that at all."

"I'm afraid that if you make any request now, the higher-ups will agree."

And Qin Jian was stunned for a moment.

He spoke directly.

Take Su Chen's current status in the hearts of Long Guo people.

Not to mention he just wanted to take a peek at the arsenal.

Even if he gave the arsenal directly to the past.

I am afraid that Longguo will directly agree.

Because for the current Dragon Kingdom.

The strongest weapon is Su Chen.

As long as there is Su Chen.

Even if Dragon Kingdom doesn't have much real strength now.

Other countries did not dare to have the slightest covetous intention towards the Dragon Kingdom.

This is the horror of a top combat power.

And over a long period of time.

Or forever!

It is impossible for Blue Star to have someone stronger than Su Chen again!.

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